Dream 203 – Drinking from His Cup

Received Friday, May 20, 2016



I need You with all I have and all that I am. Father, You have done such incredible things with my life.  You have been kind, gracious, loving, trustworthy, faithful and ever present.  I cannot thank You enough.

I am now drinking from Jesus’ cup. I am in shock over the things said of me.  It has sent waves of sorrow over me as if I had died a thousand slow deaths.  Father, I shared my life openly according to Your instructions.

In the beginning, I overshared and You gently guided me back under Your mighty wings. You warned me to keep my eyes fixed on You because men use information both for good and evil.

Truth is a double-edged sword. We should only answer to truth spoken about us, as Jesus did.  We should not engage the enemy on their battlefield as they have an arsenal of weapons bent on destruction.  Instead, fix your eyes on Him and all things good, lovely, and fruitful.  These are words of counsel when I desire to defend myself against false accusations.

Father, please expose the schemes of the enemy. I have very few close friends.  Thank You for sending these.  I have shared my life with them.  They have been sent by You so we can pray together and believe for Your blessed miracles.

Father, if there be more in which I need repentance, then please reveal this to me. I became angry and then grieved about emails that were sent.  Then the accusations soon followed.

Lord, You revealed to me why the house that these dreams were in was not to remain the cover over them. You showed me evidence of things said of me in secret.  You systematically exposed the movements of the enemy until the day You had me confront the trouble.

You showed me why we were never seeing the healing miracles, the deliverance miracles and the breaking of chains of the opposite of the fruits of the spirit. It was painfully hard to address as I avoided it several times over the years.

You began to push me out from under the cover as the structure was crumbling. I witnessed all kinds of enemy attacks there, but I remained set apart helplessly watching that which I did not control.

You first had me step out of the boat at my mom’s memorial when I revealed the dreams, the miracles and the books to family and friends. Some of my family did not react well to the dreams and became distant towards me, my husband and the children.  They were happy about my marriage, but were not happy at all about the miracle of my visits with The Lord.

Then, just seven months later, You said, “Now, it is time.” Then You had me place something into one of the dreams knowing that it would expose the person You showed me doing things out of the wrong heart with the wrong intentions.

Then I witnessed what cursed things were thought of me when, Lord, You had warned me about this when I was concerned about revealing my marriage. You told me, “As your family embraced your marriage and cursed your ministry, your ministry will embrace your dreams and gifts and curse your marriage.

“This I have allowed as your race is almost finished Erin. Many will run the final portion of the race, your race, with encouraging words and with hearts of gratitude, yet many will be behind you whispering ‘you took a wrong turn, Erin’ and ‘You left people angry; come back fix this’.

“Yet I instead fixed your eyes on Me. At the end of your race, and even up in the place I’ve prepared for you in Heaven, there will be a massive celebration with great joy, so do not worry about the rabble.

“They (the rabble) prefer you remain sickly, injured, poor and without hope as they do not believe in the very prayers for miracles they prayed over you from the beginning.

“Here, I heard their prayers. I answered their cries.  I did this, as I have blessed you and answered, for when two or more gather in My Name, there I am with them.  Erin, do not worry.”

So, Father, I have clung to these Words during this horrible storm. Everything You said would happen has happened exactly as You have said it would.  Very few remain now.  I realize now that I had few faithful friends.  Maybe You should have kept me in the desert; alone, injured and, eventually, my children taken from me for lack of any provision.

Father, forgive me; in my heart, I know this thought was from the enemy as I only have to see the joy of my children, the love of close friends and family and the sound of the birds and stream outside of my devotional room window to know You are good, Father.

You have answered my prayers and blessed me and my children. Though I have not seen all the miracles You have planned, I know they are coming for all of us.  Thank You for giving us hope and even a small portion of what is waiting for all those whom love You.

Jesus: “Erin, come up.”

I am in my running clothes again. I am in the same spot I was when I was here last.  In front of me, I saw green forest.  Next to me, along the path, was grey ash, sticks, briar bushes and small patches of thorn bushes.

As I looked forward a few feet, I could see small blades of green grass springing up through the ash toward the sunshine. I turned to look behind me and there was the charred remains of the former things.  It looked as if a wall of fire and wind swept over the entire place.  It was uninhabitable.  I knew this piece of the race.

Me: “Lord, why allow this?  I am being called the person responsible for burning this down.”  I heard God’s voice.

God: “Erin, what is ahead of you?”

I turned to see light coming from the path ahead of me.

Me: “Yes, Father, I will continue on my race.”

I turned away and began to sprint down this road. As I ran down this less-traveled road, I dodged rocks, I broke sticks and I scraped my legs a bit from debris.  It felt fantastic though.  I ran and praised God at the same time.

The forest was becoming thick and beautiful again. I saw meadows, flowers and abundant life in the growth apart from the fire and its effects.  The air was clear and full of life.  It was wonderful!

The road meandered a short while and then I could see the trees forming an archway into a sunlit clearing. It seemed to take me from the forest into the light-filled meadow clearing.  I became thirsty.  I smiled as the Lord knew in advance of my need.

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There in front of me was a sign pointing off to the right. At first it read:


Then it changed to:


As I got closer, then it changed to:


As I neared it, then the sign shook. I laughed.

Me: “Thank You, Father.  Yes, I am thirsty!”

I began to run down the road towards the direction of the signs. There was one sign physically, but many signs reinforcing the one sign.  I smiled at God’s infinite wisdom.  Up ahead, in the distance, I saw a massive fruit tree with good fruit.

As I approached the tree, I saw the beautiful river and Jesus waiting for me at the bank. His arms were open and I sprinted over to Him.  I put my head on His chest and cried.

Jesus:  “I know these have been difficult days for you, Erin.  Come, you are thirsty.”

He smiled and walked to the beautiful river. He motioned for me to kneel beside Him.  He reached down into the water with His cupped hands and offered me a drink.  I smiled.  He raised His hand up and poured water into my mouth.  I drank and drank.

Jesus:  “How is it?”

Me: “Wonderful, thank You.”

Jesus reached down and scooped another cup of water and gave it to me. He smiled.

Jesus:  “How is it?”

Me: I was a bit bewildered by the repeated question. “Wonderful water!”

Jesus reached down and scooped another cup with His hands and offered it to me. Again I willingly drank from His hands.

Jesus:  “How is it drinking from My cup?”

I was laughing when I finally understood what He was saying. Then my laughter turned to sorrow and I began to cry.

Me: “Lord, I don’t like Your cup of affliction.  Can I just have a drink of water and forget all the suffering stuff, if You don’t mind?”

He was smiling.

Jesus:  “Wait, Erin, you volunteered to take this race detour.  You can’t go back to that portion of the race and change your mind.  Life doesn’t work like this.  I thought you understood this.”

He smiled. He knew I understood what He was saying.

Me: “I know, Lord, I just don’t enjoy this.  So, so many people I thought were my friends were not.”

Jesus:  “Do you need another drink from My cup?”

He began to put His hands into the water.

Me: “Lord, the cup I’m drinking from I drink because I’m thirsty for more of You, but my heart grieves.  It quenches my thirst for You; the water You give refreshes, but there is a price to pay for this.  I have no idea if, one day, I would even suffer as You have.

“However, I know Christians all over the world are persecuted because they love You and thirst after You. No matter what this involves, I have signed up for this race.”  I put my head down.  “I just don’t like what people say about me.  I have only done what You have told me to do.”

Jesus:  “It is because the process of obedience can be painful.  You trust in Me.  You have seen your place here, but you wonder what you will need to endure for My sake, correct?”

Me: “Yes.”

Jesus:  “It is difficult to see the bigger scheme of what I have prepared for you because, right now, you feel as if your ship has been grounded against rocks during the storm and it seems your boat and crew are getting hammered by the rough seas.  You will be fine.  This was necessary.  What happened during this time which distressed you?  Those who jumped ship and said cursed words to you?”

I thought a moment….

Me: “Yes, Lord, I felt I dedicated my life and that of my family to spread good news, but it seemed very few people were reached.  At first, I had lost all hope of the dreams continuing as I began to engage the enemy and respond to harsh critics.

“It was painful to see. I felt helpless as You instructed me to only respond as You did; to truth.  You taught me there is no wisdom in responding to lies as this is a snare and trap the enemy uses.  When I respond to only truth, I am set free.  I was just unable to meet people’s demands, but there was more to this and it hurts.”

Jesus:  “You have learned that, even with evidence to support your position, many would prefer you disappear and hand over all I have given you for their purposes.  Erin, I did not send them.  They act on their power, not from Me.

“No weapons formed against you will prosper. Those very weapons shaped to destroy you will be turned back against them.  I have given these to you as I direct them.  If they had only read the Words, they would see.  I did not remove this gift from you and give it to another.

“Everyone who is for you I have sent and those against you were not sent by Me to destroy you. I removed you because kind words were not said of you.

“You were unaware of things done in secret. Those claiming to be your friends were deceivers.  Now they unite and bring curses upon themselves by their tongues; a double-edged sword.

“Now, forget about your former things; do not dwell on the past.” He smiled and looked me in the eyes.  His eyes were so beautiful!  “See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  The animals honor Me.”

He pointed back and to his right. There I saw His beautiful white horse eating some fruit at the tree.  Just then, I saw a small white foal come from behind His horse.  I laughed.  It was a beautiful little horse!  Jesus smiled again.

Jesus: “The jackals and the owls even.”

He then pointed to a beautiful furry-looking fox or dog and some jackal puppies? They were so cute.  Then my eyes went to a tree branch.  There I saw an owl and some babies.  I smiled.  They were out in daylight staring at Jesus.

Jesus: “Because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland…”  Then He looked back at me.  “…to give drink to My people; My chosen!”

He smiled at me.

Me: “Lord, that is from Isaiah 43. I recognize that.”

Jesus: “Well then, very good. What is written after this?”

Me: “Sorry, Lord, I will look this up.”

Jesus: “Before you do, know this; Erin, I have chosen you and those with you. What the blacksmith has and is doing to you, well, I will restore what the enemy has stolen from you.  Do not worry or be afraid as you are one of My servants and messengers.”

I went to the Bible and Isaiah 44. I got tears in my eyes.  Not only did the Lord encourage me with this chapter about who I am to Him and my friends, but who my enemies are and what He will do to shape them.

Me: “Thank You, Lord.”

Jesus: “Did you go farther? There is more to this.  It is like one of those television commercials.”

He laughed. I was laughing so hard.

Me: “I see the…Okay, so if I purchase the chapter Isaiah 44, You will now throw in 45 as a bonus?” We were both laughing.

Jesus: “Yes, act now and you will have the bonus of a foal from My horse!”

Me: “Really, really!” I jumped up off the banks of the river.  “I’m signing up!”

He stood up and was shaking His head laughing, His arms crossed in an overlapped position.

Jesus: “Yes, I told you this a long time ago. Come!”

He held out His hand to walk me over to the horses. Even though they were feeding, Jesus’ horse and the foal instinctively knew to stop everything and walk to Jesus.

We began to pet the horse’s silky hair. I noticed they both smelled wonderful.  They didn’t smell like a barn stable.

Me: “Lord, I really will have this foal?”

Jesus: “Yes! Erin, I will even cover all costs associated.”

He was referring to worldly costs. I walked over to the foal and, instinctively, it walked to me and nuzzled into my arms.  I reached in to hug it.

It was beautiful; all white with braids of silver in its tiny mane and tail. Its hooves looked almost like metal-burnished silver.  It was a tiny version of Jesus’ horse; a fine, fine horse.

Me: “Thank You, Lord. The fur is like metallic white pearl.  It’s so beautiful.  I can’t thank You enough!  I feel undeserving of such a gift.”

Jesus: “You asked for this a long time ago; a treasure for you stored up in Heaven. Those I delight in, I also give good gifts.

“During My trials on Earth, I focused on doing what My Father does. I waited on Him.  Although I asked for this cup I was given to pass from Me if it be His will, but it was not.

“Now, stay on your course, Erin. You stand amazed how these horses need no bit to lead them.  This is because they know Who I am concerning them.  I will not harm them as I created them.  They are peaceful here and have no need to worry about predators.”

Me: “Lord, You taught me about horses and leading once before. I can’t recall when, but…”

Jesus: “Well, right now you are dealing with those who speak with unbridled tongues. He who does this with no leading then also deceives his heart.  This is a heart condition (James 1:26).  The heart steers the tongue and yet the tongue deceives.

“You must not be a hearer of their words. Erin, do not receive these.  They have no knowledge of Me nor do they delight in keeping My statutes.  Now give Me your yoke.”

Just then, Jesus brushed my back from shoulder to shoulder. I felt a weight lift off of me.

Me: “Thank You, Lord.”

Jesus: “Remember to eat good fruit. Do not eat that which the world offers.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.  Those who operate from a crumbling foundation partake in eating the fruit of the world.  Now, as I have given you water to drink and good fruit to eat, keep your focus on those things.”

Me: “I try, Lord, but, at times, I take a bad bite. I’m not always loving, joyful, at peace, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle or maintain self-control.  The Holy Spirit immediately convicts me when I’m not and I repent.”

Jesus: He was smiling and agreeing. “Erin, it is okay.  I did not command you to be perfect in an imperfect world, but I do ask for a bridled tongue and an upright heart.  Pray for those who curse you and forgive trespasses against you.  Love covers a multitude of sins.

“After you have brought your enemies before Me, then leave them for Me to handle. You were not sent on a peaceful mission here, yet I am asking you to dust off your sandals, turn and go to the next town when the Good News is not received.  Then let Me handle your enemies, understand?”

Me: “Yes, Lord. It’s difficult when I can’t see You working. I want to vindicate myself.”

Jesus: He was laughing.  “What is better; you vindicating yourself or allowing Me to work everything together for the good of all parties to My glory?”

Me: “I know it is better for You to shed light on truth. It’s just sometimes difficult watching from the water.”

Jesus: “It is better for you to look toward Me. If you go back, you will be tempted to engage in conversation with those who prefer things as they were.  Many lend themselves to gossip, jealousy, anger, lies and all bad fruit.

“In fact, once they have taken one bite, they desire more and more. They consume hate and they become that which they digest.  Now focus on Me.  I have some things to share with you.”

Me: “Lord, I have a question about a recent dream. I fell asleep for only a short time frame.  While I was asleep, I was in my yard at summer time.  There was a swift wind coming in from the south.

“A large amount of dandelion seeds flew over my head as I ducked to avoid them. When they passed over me, I looked to see and then I noticed something attached to each one.

”I saw striped mosquitoes clinging to the dandelion seeds! They flew over our home and then they were gone!”

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Jesus: “Then take note to this very time you are in.”

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I looked into His eyes. I saw clouds move quickly over blue skies.  I saw a massive storm come from the south up the East Coast to Washington D.C.  I saw another circle in the Gulf of Mexico.  I saw pounding storms, rain and record heat.

There were rolling blackouts in major cities. I saw a calendar page turn to June 1st and then, in the night sky, I saw an upside down dragon in the stars over us.

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After the hurricane hit the East Coast, I saw an airplane fly from east to west in the sky. Then, on the West Coast, I saw epic heat and fires.  I saw an angel near San Diego pick up the corner of the Baja Peninsula and wave it as if it were a dirty rug being shaken.

The angel picked it up and dropped it three times. People were terrified.  Then I saw the land rest for a short time and then trouble came from the east and the north.  I then saw the movie reel in Jesus eyes disappear as I stood stunned at what I just saw.

Me: “Lord, the land is being pounded. My kids travel again this summer.  It is summer, right?”

Jesus: “The land is being battered. The time is now.  Do not be afraid.  Remember, God’s Clock would move faster and faster.”

Me: “Lord, but the Ring of Fire is my gauge.”

Jesus:  He pointed to His chest and smiled. “Oh, I was hoping I would be your gauge, not the Ring of Fire. You still have time.  Remember the Words I have given you!”

Me: “You mean Psalm 45 or Psalm 46.”

He rested His elbow on His arms and touched His chin as if He were studying my question. Then He smiled.

Jesus: “How about both?”

Me: “You’re funny, Lord. Okay, but could you give my children safe travels?”

Jesus: “Well, are you giving Me your children or are you taking on their well-being.”

Me: I was laughing.  “Okay, I will give them to You!  I trust You, Lord.”

Jesus: “Hmm; there is a ‘but’ there.”

Me: “I’m sorry, but I was hoping they could stay here with me this summer. Please, please, please.”

Jesus: “I receive your petition. I will make you a proposition.  I will take your children and do My will with them and, in turn, I give you up to half My Kingdom!”

Me: “Hmm, that is more responsibility than I’m capable aside from You. If I can’t manage teenagers…”

Jesus: “You are capable. Just trust Me in all things.”

He reached over to hug me. I held Him for some time.  I began to cry.

Me: “Thank You, Lord, for all You do for Me. Even when I don’t think I will like where You take me; it always turns out much better than I could ever imagine or try to execute on my own.

“Everything You plan for us is so much better. It might start out a bit slow, then comes upon us suddenly; all the while You prepare us in advance.

“Thank You also for the foal. I can’t wait to be here with her.”

Jesus: Laughing and smiling. “Erin, I have so much planned for those who love Me.”

Me: “I love You!”

Jesus: “I love you!

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-204/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-202/

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