Dream 302 – God and working in the presence of good and evil
Received on Friday, September 21, 2018
Dear Father,
Thank You for Your instructions and divine grace…really, Your mercy! You are merciful to me even though I do not deserve it. The day after Yom Kippur, Wednesday, September 19th, 2018, which is yesterday, Thursday, September 20th, 2018, marked the day the bitterness left my mouth, so thank You for this!
This had been a bitterness that had been there since late August 4th / early August 5th, 2018. For the very first time, I ate real food and kept it down. I ate rice, pot stickers and coconut shrimp last night. It was delightful and I was not repulsed by what I ate. It did not make me ill! Thank You for this gift.
This unplanned divine fast was a big wakeup call directed at me for this very period of time. I did not understand it as it did not make sense from a natural point of view. However, in the supernatural, this all made perfect sense.
Thank You, Lord, for my last several dreams. These dreams have all had instructional themes and consisted of You bringing us forward. You have showed me that there were things buried that were no longer to be buried. These things were like dust bunnies in the corners. These form if we do not sweep these bunnies up.
Sometimes this dust appears when there is movement or light directed into an area. Most of the time, we simply do not see this dust at all. God, You, using Your ‘power of suction’, vacuum up these dust bunnies to help us draw them out and remove them.
Years ago, I needed to be purged of my own ambitions. My plans at that time were not in line with God’s plans for me. God’s course for my life had no need for my personal accomplishments, accolades, awards, recognition, riches and glories in the eyes of my peers. Well, you get the idea…I was ‘self’-focused.
God had a plan for me which could not be carried out without the persecution and humiliation of removing my self out of the picture. The bottom line is that I needed a ‘reduction’. This reduction would involve years and years of tearing down the bricks and stones that I had built for myself. Humiliation, loss, grief, pain, misery and anxiety, all of it, comes from this process of ‘reduction’, our ‘refining’.
During this time, I became angry as I watched ‘my’ plans slipping away. However, this is where the problem lies. ‘My’ plans were never to be my plans to begin with. It was only when I realized that these were supernatural events that I removed ‘my’ self to watch God work to get me to where He desired me to be. He desired me to be under His care, by His altar and beneath His wings. This is all for His glory, not mine.
It has been painful! It has been a long and hard race. There have been lots of twists, turns, dead ends, desert places, mountains, valleys and detours. However, once I finally let myself go somewhere, somewhere over one of those bridges, I let go. It was only then that the ‘why me?’ changed into ‘why not me?’ Well, only if it is my Father’s Will, of course.
Right before this fast finished, dust bunnies came out. While I saw them a few times, I was just too tired to deal with them. I am not sure why, but perhaps I was still holding on. I do know that the last day of my fast on Yom Kippur was a very odd day. I started my journal entry with joy. However, as the day grew longer, my joy left.
I became bitter. The bitter taste in my mouth then went into my body. I became upset at everything. I became anxious and discouraged. I cried while I was watching the news and wept ‘please do not let these children and infants die.’ I was upset at the agonizing lies I was witnessing being said about the ‘land’s leader’.
I then had an incident at a drive through where the teller had accidentally given me $20 extra back. I did not notice it at first, but I did once I pulled away. My first thoughts were to keep the $20 in order to teach the teller a lesson on the consequences of being sloppy. Almost immediately, I felt convicted and decided to give the money back at the second drive through window.
While no one knew my faulty thought process on this, I did and I was humiliated. How could I have even thought about keeping the $20 after all the Lord has done for us. I could not believe how quickly this came upon me. Even though I ‘made it right’, I knew that I had a heart issue, even if it was but a brief one. My oldest son saw what had happened as he heard me speaking as I handed it back.
Son: “Wow, mom, you almost had that $20 for free.”
Me: “Actually, nothing from this would have been free. I would have been in chains from the enemy and he would have legal rights. My guilt would have been for the worse in the long run. I would have gained so little from this $20, but would have had to give away so much of myself to keep it. God would not have been happy with me no matter how I could have rationalized this.”
Oh Father, bring out that vacuum and remove the dirt. Please skim the black, impure dross which boils up to the surface. Please remove my bitterness. I am sorry, Father, if I took this holy day to You and turned it into a day not fitting for a child of the most high God and loving Bride of Jesus. Please forgive me!
Jesus: “Erin, come up.”
I was sitting in a meadow from the beginning of my walk with Jesus. The following is a reminder of that particular dream…
Past dream reminder begins…
I was picnicking with my children by a port with a seemingly safe harbor. Demons soon came to devour us and the peaceful day instantly turned dark. My children and I ran to a banquet hall. When we saw the food, we realized we were hungry. However, we soon saw the mold growing there and not one of us ate the food there. We realized this was a trap and that we needed to leave immediately.
After we exited, we kept walking until nightfall came. We then came up to a rushing river that was in the flooding stages. Jesus then met us there and carried all of us across. There were now so very few of us left from the harbor. He then spoke tenderly to us and instructed us. He gave us shelter, food and water.
Past dream reminder over…
Me: Letting out a huge sigh. “Well, Father, here I am at this same place yet again. Where are You, Lord?”
Just then, I heard the Voice of God all around me and over me.
God: “I do not require perfection from you. Where is this written?”
Me: “Oh Father, I am sorry. I was upset with myself for my recent bad thinking.”
God: “Stop thinking about this. You are ‘mis-thinking’ and placing perimeters on My grace and mercy. Erin, let those who condemn be condemners. I did not call them to be My voice. Even though a man condemns another man, I can then save them both by showing mercy for the condemner and grace for the condemned man. In your case, you are condemning yourself. Stop this.
“Now, Erin, just because I have not unfolded all of my promises at ‘your appointed time’, this does not mean I have removed My favor. Am I the God Who brings a pregnancy to term and then does not deliver? Erin, repent for thinking of Me as ‘the punisher’. Once before Me, a criminal gets a fair trial. He will then know his guilt and that the verdict is deserved.
“Erin, I am judge over all, both on Earth as it is in Heaven. While it seems that justice in the land turns a blind eye to the guilty, I tell you the truth…I have eyes to see and I do not turn from the wicked and their deeds. While the wicked might enjoy a short moment of freedom to do evil on Earth as they are children of the father of lies, once here, all is confessed.
“Because I am merciful and I understand the increase of evil in these times, I will send My army upon the land to make jealous those who believe themselves chosen by Me by their rituals and accomplishments. Erin, I send out those whom the world would disqualify as My chosen. These are My special army, My sharp arrows from My quiver.
“Just the presence of My elect will make the wicked confess. With their lips, they will accuse those whom I send. While they will kick, scream and recite their reasons for being bitter about those I have chosen, it will be because their very lips that claimed to praise Me had never connected to their hearts of stone. Did they really believe that I could not see their true heart condition?
“Even though I created them, they believe in another father and worship the gods of this world, not me. Erin, you have been broken and crushed in front of Me. Even though you have not yet seen the promises I have given to you present themselves, you are still here. Even though you try to disqualify yourself at times, it is not Me that is calling you to do so.
“Now, Erin, surrender the very last bit of yourself that the enemy fights for you to hold onto. While you were born into this world, you are Mine and you reside here with Me. There you are a foreigner who was once lost. However, I created you in your mother’s womb. From your conception, you were conceived for My purposes. You have given Me your heart for My purposes. Erin, are My plans not better than that which you could conceive?”
Me: “Yes, Father. You love me. While my life has been full of failures, You have never failed me. Please forgive me for wondering if You had deserted me. I am so sorry.”
God: “You are forgiven. Erin, it is now time. The time has come. Put the rest of your imperfections far from your memories. Bring these to Me.”
Me: “Father, I had a dream last night…
Sub-dream 1 begins…
I was in the process of packing up my belongings that I had in two separate office buildings. I decided to take a break in order to retrieve my mail. Similar to my belongings, half of my mail was in one box and the other half of my mail was in a distant box. I knew that I would need help with the first box as I was too short to reach it. A man saw me struggling and came over to help.
While he had retrieved my mail, I soon noticed that he had accidentally retrieved mail from the box next to mine. I decided not to tell him about his mistake as I did not want him to feel bad about helping me. After sorting through the mail, I went to the postmaster to have him put back the portion that was not mine.
After this, I went back to the first office with my belongings. After I finished packing up, I realized I had put it all into one large box. However, there was no way that I would be strong enough to carry this box out. Once again, someone saw me struggling and came over to move the box for me.
Before I could show him where to take it, he moved it outside of the building. Because he had put this box next to the curb for me to pick up, someone else thought it was put out for someone to take, like a couch or something similar, and it was gone. When I questioned the man that had ‘helped me’, he told me that he took no responsibility.
Sub-dream 1 over…
Me: “Father, this entire dream seemed to take place in California. What did all of this mean?”
God: “For you as a child, this was a cursed land and your memories there were not fond ones. Though you search, there will not your heart be. It was a time period, a bridge of disorder, when much was stolen from you there.”
Me: “Our home was robbed several times. Many things were stolen from us. It was horrible as we had no insurance and things would take months to be replaced.”
God: “This was a place of abandonment for you. You protected your heart from those who hurt you. You had deep wounds there. This part of the land will soon be where much trouble will come from and it will be as if I opened the gates of the bowels of the Earth there. The anger and stench will be horrific.
“When I send you to this part of the land, it will be in numbers, but for a later time. Right now, you are to witness to those who long to know Me. These people will be those who are like you once were wherein you had one foot in the world and one foot out.”
Me: Laughing. “I remember those times. I could go either way if it benefitted me. I remembered that I did not like many of the Christians that I had met back then.”
God: “Many of these will have the same thoughts. However, they will like you because they will see Me operating through you. They will see Me as I am and you will proclaim ‘The Year of My Favor’ across the divided lands. I will send you where you could never have imagined going. You will allow Me to heal and display awesome deeds. They, in turn, will testify to the miracles of the Kingdom of Heaven. Now rejoice, Erin, rejoice, as your time has come!”
Me: “Oh Father, the people that I have dealt with have been extremely cold and aloof.”
God: “Do not worry as it will not take long for all of that to change. Do not worry as I have not forgotten you. I will surround you with the help of angels. Nothing will succeed against you. As this will not be easy, you will also need to retreat in prayer for the lost and come into My shelter. I will comfort and strengthen you there.”
Me: “Father, I felt something yesterday. I was taking my girls to school and was at a traffic stop. I suddenly felt a wave of something hit me coming from my right. It scared me. I looked up and saw a car in the right lane. I then recognized someone in this car who had been sent by the enemy a few years ago to cause trouble. When we turned off of the road, the wave of dizziness disappeared.”
God: “In My Word, remember the woman who had bled that had touched the robe of My Son. When this happened, He had felt something leave Him. This is like a vessel full of healing, life giving water for those who thirst. When those who need healing receives this, this will be as if something portioned out for them from the vessel will leave.
“I knew when someone was in need and I answered. I poured out healing water. If I send you as a vessel to go out and healing waters pours from you as I fill you, you will know it. You will sometimes then ask which one received the healing. You will then recognize those that I had sent.
“You will also feel when evil is present. You will feel the presence of evil as it will hit you as a wave sent to disorient and confuse you. This will be different than when I send you to someone that needs healing. I made it this way so that you will be able to understand the difference. There will be a difference when I complete My purposes in you.
“Now, be encouraged and have joy. Do not worry about provision as I will send you help. I love you, Erin, and I will give you peace. You are a worker, My worker, and I will provide for you. However, please do not ask Me how as, when I do this, you will never doubt Me again. Now enjoy this day. Rest and delight in Me. You are greatly loved.”
Me: “I love You, Father! Thank You!”
God: I heard Him laugh. “You are welcome. Now rest!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-301/
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