Dream 317 – Jesus and a Choice between Two Prize Boxes

Finished on Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Received Friday, December 21, 2018


Dear Father,

Thank You for the Greatest Gift anyone could ever have…You!  You found me because You already knew me.  You designed me exactly as I am.  I then cried out to You, but You were already there.  I love You, God.  I love You so much.  Thank You for the words of praise from my lips and the song of exaltation from my heart.  I could search all eternity long and find no one like You and Your Son!  I had a dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “A City in Thick Black Smoke” description begins…

I was in a distant city and something like thick black smoke ran down the sides of a hill with homes on it.  The day was beautiful and sunny, a day that started like any other day.  Then the trouble came!

Sub-dream 1 description over…

Father, I am not certain where this was, but it was very real.  Here we are, about to be moved from this area, yet, in this season, You have brought several people to me.  You have then had them share their stories of illness and great trials to me.  These are people of little significance, not remarkable and not accomplished according to the world’s standards, yet the opposite in Your eyes.

You have led them to me and then kept them on my heart.  This is not just a ‘fleeting thought’, but a very heavy feeling on my heart.  Yesterday, I stopped off at two charity thrift stores and another place that said ‘garage sale’.  We do not have much right now, but my younger son loves certain collectibles and does not care if they are used, meaning that they are affordable to us.

The first of three people I met was at the garage sale, a man by the name of Doug…

I noticed an elderly man who had delivered our dining table to us a couple of years back.  He came right up to me.

Doug:  “Hey, I know you!”

Me:  “I know you too.  I am Erin and you delivered our dining room table to us.  So, are you still delivering for the company?”

Doug:  “No.  I injured my ankle not long after I delivered your table.  While at the hospital being treated, the doctors discovered that I had prostrate cancer.  I have been retired ever since.  By the way, my name is Doug.”

I felt led to share a bit of my story and struggles with him.  After I finished, he asked if he could give me a hug.  Since there were people around and I could tell he was not going to be inappropriate, I accepted his hug.  It was a brotherly hug.

Doug:  “You take care now.  I have to wait on another customer now.”

Me:  “Okay, no problem, Doug.  I will pray for you.  I just know I will be back another day.”

I had an overwhelming feeling that I would see him again soon.  I had just learned about an hour before seeing him that I had a type of unusual hernia.  God had told me that I did in advance, so it really was not much of a surprise.  Once in my car, I prayed for Doug’s healing.  I felt in my heart that this would soon be granted.

The second of three people I met was at a type of value village, a woman by the name of Marissa…

People going to this store are incredibly competitive.  When the employees wheel out the cart with new stuff, they literally get bowled over by these shoppers.  It is just the oddest thing to witness.  There are as many people shopping at this store than at TJ Maxx or similar stores.  It is busy despite few things of real value there.

This day, I was on a hunt for ‘baby seals’ or ‘seals’ for my husband’s daughter.  She just loves seals.  There, right in front of me, was a seal family carved in soapstone for only $2.  I put it in my cart.  I next found a beautiful porcelain figurine from West Germany of two blue jays on a branch, also for $2.

I put this in my cart too as I knew that it was worth many times more than what it was selling for.  I was quite shocked that not one of the competitive shoppers had seen these bargains.  I thanked God for my treasures and decided that my shopping hunt here was over.

I went into line to pay.  The cashier was a sweet soft-spoken girl of about 18 years old.  She had glasses on and a beaming smile.  She was so polite to the customers.  It was now my turn.  She greeted me with a friendly smile.  After chatting for a while, I asked her a personal question.

Me:  “So, are you attending high school or college?”

Marissa:  “No, I am not.”

Me:  “Well, I have to tell you that you are the best wrapper I have ever seen.”

She had been carefully wrapping up each of my items.  While she smiled at me, I could see pain in her eyes.

Marissa:  “I will probably be here for the rest of my life.”

Me:  Trying to make her smile.  “Oh, do you like it here that much?”  I knew she didn’t.  She smiled and laughed.  I continued… “Well, I think something much better is waiting for you.  By the way, what is your name?”

She lit up.  I somehow knew that no one had asked her for her name before.

Marissa:  “Marissa.  My name is Marissa.”

Me:  “Well, I am Erin.  Thank you and I will see you again soon.”

I smiled at her when she waved as I left the store.  My heart was breaking for her.  I imagined my two sons and how difficult things would be for them if we were not there to help them.  The world is cruel and the cost of living in it is high.  Groceries are so high priced now.  I remember as a teen that my mom would complain that each grocery bag of food was about $10 to $15.  Well, it now seems to be $35 to $50 per bag.

Anyway, first Doug, and now Marissa, was on my heart.  I next stopped at a newly opened discount store for a couple of items.  I found what I was looking for and for way less than I could have imagined.  I went to the counter and there I met the third of three people, a woman by the name of Houston…

Me:  “Hello.  I recognize you from one of my son’s classes.”  I looked at her name tag.  “Your name is Houston.  I just love that name.  Are you from Houston?”

Houston:  “No, I am from around here.”

We continued to have a conversation as there was no one else in line.  However, that didn’t last long and it was time for me to say goodbye.  As I left, I felt that the Lord wanted me to remember her and keep her in my prayers.

The whole day was kind of like this.  It was a difficult day as I felt that everyone had been sent by You, Father, and that these were ‘God Appointments’.  I felt strongly that I would see each one of these people again soon.  Well, Father, I now pray that our divine healing is before Christmas as what a Christmas present this would be.

Meeting all of these people was humbling, so much so that I was no longer worried about yet another pending surgery.  I decided I would try to be joyful in spite of the way I was feeling.  I was hoping for a soon miracle.  You had told me to be thankful despite all of these tests confirming my health issues, so I did my best to do just that.

I now realize, Father, that Christmas is not about the timing of Jesus’ birthday, but rather about the timing of His day of conception.  Therefore, Father, for Christmas this year, how about conceiving a new thing yet again.  Conceive something amazing that only You could do.  I will take Your Heavenly Conception any day against the world’s deception.

The world needs You, Father, and there are still hearts to capture for the Kingdom.  If there still remains things I need to repent of, then I repent.  I know this is a ‘blanket repentance’, but truly I know my thoughts have been ‘judgy’ before I knew a person’s story.  Please forgive me.  Please forgive me for being judge over lukewarm Christians.  I get it.  I really do.  I was once like them.

It is hard to knock down the barriers of the heart which satan keeps a lock on.  Once that cold heart is taken over by the pliable vulnerable raw clay, then, Father, You, ‘The Potter’, can shape us!  It is just that the attacks are great and over so many of us that it is just ridiculous.  We are all getting hammered right now.  Everything is a ‘push pull’ and I can literally see in the Spirit a massive tug of war.

This tug of war is between Heaven and hell and is a battle for souls.  It is happening in the world right now as we speak.  The tide of the battle flip flops back and forth.  Now there is this storm coming from the south and everything here has been cancelled today based on the rain and the ice.  I pray for those traveling.  Remember us, Father, as we love You with all of our hearts.

Received Sunday, December 23, 2018


Dear Father,

Thank You!  I am overwhelmed by Your greatness.  Your love, patience and mercy with us is only something that You are capable of.  You have so much to offer the world, but the world has begun…well, really, is farther along than this…to turn completely away from You.

It has become so dark that darkness overshadows the light here.  To those sitting in the dark, it is a place of comfort.  Father, You sent Your Son, Jesus, so people could bask in the light of Your salvation, not sit in the darkness of death.  I polished an old bashed up trophy from 1904 today.  It had not been polished perhaps since the person had won the great victory.

It is a small trophy.  I tried so hard to get this thing cleaned, but it wouldn’t.  I then became determined to at least find some of the beautiful original polished silver.  As hard as I tried, along with a very black polishing cloth as evidence of my labor, it was becoming apparent to me that the little trophy would not polish.

While I found one area polished, that was it.  I soon realized why my attempt to polish this trophy was futile.  It turns out that someone, at some point, had lacquered the trophy when it was tarnished so that it would stay dark.  I shook my head as I rinsed the trophy off with warm water and softly dried it off.  It was a thrift store find and a bargain, but, to me, it was still beautiful.

I smiled when I realized that the inside of this trophy had not been lacquered and was polished perfectly.  It was a glistening polished silver as if 114 years had not gone by.  It looked brand new inside.  I then suddenly realized that this was a great analogy to my life.  The world had greatly tarnished my life, my exterior, and my outer body now shows great age.  That is, until You grant a Divine Miracle from Your Throne.

Quite simply, I am here and my exterior simply will not polish up on its own.  In fact, according to the insurance company and some insurance tables, I am no longer worth the investment of surgeries and life.  In fact, I am not even worthy of shelf-life as a trophy.  I am small and my tarnish has been lacquered to stay around.  This means I am one of no significance as no one of the world looks inside a trophy to see how it looks.

Only You look inside of us, Father!  Only You and You alone!  To continue the analogy, I set this trophy next to a few others I own that are dented, chipped and damaged.  They look like an earthly debacle, but, to You, Father, they are an ‘army of worthiness’ inside.  So, Father, I come to You today as a broken, damaged vessel from the outside, a misfit and disqualified for Your use according to what other Christian’s would think.

I even asked my husband just yesterday, “If this is my last Christmas as I am, or even here on Earth, do you think that I have done anything that has worth?  Did my old stories of record really matter?  Did my dreams truly show Heaven well enough?  Did I do Heaven justice when I described the Kingdom of Heaven?”  My husband’s reply was simple…“Erin, all that matters is that you matter to God.  You do.”  It was enough.

It has been a difficult last several days.  I have had a strong feeling that we would soon be going from one state of being to a new state of being.  This means that I feel a ‘wrapping up’ of our current state of being, the closing of a chapter and a very painful one at that.  Once one state closes, another one will begin.

I now have the need for three surgeries and each one is ominous to me.  If I have them, each could come at a potentially great price.  There are great risks with all three should I move ahead with them.  I can still mull two of these surgeries over as I am not in dire urgency, but the third one has to be taken care of quickly.  Doctors need to see which organ is herniated in my back before something ruptures.

Oh Father, I do not want any more surgeries.  As such, I will come to You daily to ‘bother You’ until You grow tired of me and turn and heal me.  If You just healed me of these three problems then I can be active again.  I would be so joyful if I could work, run, walk and play again.  How great would aging gracefully be if I could just enjoy the body that You have given me?

What makes this all so hard is that my children do not understand why You continue to not heal us as so many would be witnesses to this miracle.  There are so many Scriptures in Your Word where illness is contrary to ‘a life abundant’.  So, because You love us, I believe You are waiting for the perfect time to heal us and call us into Your service.  You have tucked us away.  You have hidden us in plain sight.

I was told by a woman yesterday that my mantel was one of joy and peace.  It was an odd thing for a stranger to say in the midst of a conversation.  After all, who uses the term ‘mantle’ unless speaking about a fireplace?  Father, please consider all of us for a miracle soon.  There was a day when Christmas meant something.  However, there is now a massive push, really a war, on Christmas now.

While I now realize that Christmas was the approximate time of Your conception, not Your birth, so many could care less about either.  There is a massive push to remove You from this holiday altogether.  The Jewish people ignore it.  Others have emphasized their own holiday to compete with this.  The Catholics tend to focus more on the Virgin Mary.

The rest tend to only use Christmas as an excuse to party.  They view this as a time of gifts, debt, drinking, eating and Santa Claus.  In so many ways now, You have been completely removed.  Oh Father, though most of the world has now forgotten about You, please do not forget about us.  Please take our vessels and use us for Your glory.

Please do not leave us sitting on the shelf, polished on the inside but tarnished on the outside.  We may be old, tarnished and dusty from the world’s point of view, but we are on fire for You and love You so much.  We pursue You, Father!  We will continue to pursue You.  I love You, Father!  We love You!

Received Sunday, December 30, 2018


Dear Father,

I cannot thank You enough for yet another day here.  My pain has been so great that even small things seem like huge tasks.  It seems so long since I have been here with You.  I want You to know just how much I love You and that I am thankful for all that we have been granted by You.

We live like kings.  Even though it is easy to compare what we have against those who have more when we struggle, there are so many with so much less.  With the holidays, I had let my devotional area become my little ‘she-cave’.  It was my Christmas Wrapping Center as well and the paperwork area became a bit cluttered.

For Christmas, my husband purchased a lovely worktable/bench for me to work on.  However, I would really like to use it to help me in my painting.  Once we put the table in, the room required some rearranging.  In doing so, I yet again discovered a box of photographs.  Like old songs that stir up old emotions and memories, these old photos did the same.

These photos took me back.  It was like a broken record of painful memories.  They came back to the surface yet again.  Time is a brutal host.  No matter what happens, time never stops.  Someone could die and time still continues.  Time stops for no man.  God is the Timekeeper and, thankfully, He has compassion on us.

I found a box of photos in an unlikely spot.  Not only that, but the photos were mixed in with other photos in a haphazard way.  The photos were from several different years…1985, 1987, 1990, 1997, 2000, 2003 and 2006.  This was an odd grouping and brought so many tears again.  In a way, each photo froze me in a moment of past time.

However, all of the photos seemed to have a common thread.  They were photos of me in perfect health and joyful.  My children, even my boys, seemed so full of life and as if they were completely normal.  Perhaps they were back then.  I was the one behind the lens taking photos of my kids most of the time.  This was more often than not because I would go on driving trips with just me and the kids.

There were so many trips.  We went for the day to Canon Beach, a beautiful little town on the Oregon Coast.  Our other trips took us to the Oregon Garden, the High Desert Museum and the Oregon Aquarium at Newport Beach, along with many other destinations.  We were all happy and laughing.  We had cares, but we could put these worries aside and enjoy the time we had.  We lived in the moment.

This all changed when I became sick and my finances became much tighter.  We were confined to parks and activities within walking distance to our home.  We would still go though as I loved going places with my kids.  It was a way of life and I embraced it.  These moments of fun were a welcome break from the stress and heartache.

Father, You set up these moments of fun and then had me take a photo to solidify their place in our history.  Despite my dire circumstances, there was still hope and dreaming.  We imagined great things and still laughed together all of the time.  With You, Father, there are no accidents.  I believe that You do everything for the good of those who love You.  If only I could once again be like I used to be.

Oh, the energy I used to have, along with the seemingly perfect health.  Well, I cannot go back, but at least I can still remember my children’s laughter from when they were little.  I remember so many great things before the trouble came up.  Sigh…time was soon to no longer be my friend, Father, but was it really ever my friend?  I now think not.

However, things have now changed and we are safe.  Each day is another day and each day offers more time.  Another day is today and I am thankful to You for this day.  All of my children are here with me and we are all safe.  Yes, we are all older now, but we are still together.  The childlike laughter we once had has faded.  The children have grown and are now beginning their natural separation from me.

Oh Father, I feel robbed of time today.  I lost so many of my ‘good years’.  I lost my strength and my ability to have ‘normal’.  Instead, the years have become jostled together.  My circumstances from the past, my ‘punishing blows’, means time lost.  The hammering from the blacksmith has been brutal on all of us.

Father, please heal us from the inside out.  My heart is still broken.  When I see old photos, especially surprise ones, my heart shatters again.  Sometimes these distant memories are like they just happened yesterday.  I then remember minute details that place me right there.  I remember!  I remember so many things and it hurts.

I remember times with my children.  I remember the time of day.  I remember the temperature that day.  I remember what we did later that day.  Still, I am thankful, so thankful, to You for this being on my heart today.  I thank You for everyone here at our home and for our great friends on the Nest.  What a great blessing this has been.

I am sorry if I have ever failed to give You enough time.  Time is Yours and all I do is borrow the time You give us here on Earth.  I do not want to waste a moment or let time slip.  I love You and know that all of eternity comes one day at a time.  Seasons change and time is like a great chisel upon our body, but not to perfect it.  Quite the opposite.  Yet we must embrace even this as this is how You have created it.

I have gladness on my heart and joy everlasting whenever I think of You and Your Ways.  I look forward to my forever in Heaven with You when we can say goodbye to this planet that continually robs from us.  Thank You, Father, for Your promises of a future time physically walking with You.  Oh, what joy this will be when we walk with You face to face.

I had a couple of dreams last night.  In my first dream, I was not afraid.  However, I also knew that this had deep significance of something soon to come…

Sub-dream 2 “Crushing many spiders” description begins…

While I was in a room I did not recognize, I somehow knew that this was my bedroom.  The room was dimly lit and had a beautiful Bukhara rug in deep reds, golds and blacks.  As I looked at the rug, I saw something move.  I quickly realized that it was a large spider that was bound up.  It was way too large to leave alive in the house.

I believe that this spider was quite smart as it seemed to know that I was coming for it.  Despite being bound, I lost it momentarily in the rug pattern.  As I scanned the rug, I noticed a flash of a very thick web strand it was attached to in the light.  Instead of finding the spider, I decided to track it using its web.

I grabbed onto the web and it was surprisingly strong.  It felt like a guitar string and I knew it would not snap.  As I lifted the web strand, I noticed the spider as it lifted with it.  The spider tried to move to the floor again, but I kept it suspended in the air just above the rug.  I finally allowed it to descend.  I anticipated its speed of descent and crushed the spider as soon as it landed.

Just then, I noticed another spider of a different variety.  It was going into a small Bonsai like tree.  The spider was clever and was able to blend in to look like one of the leaves.  Something distracted me momentarily and I turned away.  When I looked back, it was gone.  I looked carefully, but was unable to see this spider.

Two other spiders then suddenly appeared.  I quickly and easily squished both of them.  However, I was still bothered by the one that was missing, so I went back to my search for it.  Just then, two of my children entered into the room.

One of them:  “Mom, there is a spider on your shoulder.”

Well, there it was, perched right there on my left shoulder.  Since I was wearing a white blouse, I did not want to smash it there as I would then have to change my shirt.  I instead picked the spider up with my left hand and pinched it in between my fingers.  While this would usually gross me out, I was somehow fine doing this in my dream.

After this spider was squished, the light in the room became brighter.  I could now see well enough to finish cleaning it all up.

Sub-dream 2 description over…

Sub-dream 3 “An Internment Camp in the USA” description begins…

I was observing an internment camp somewhere in the USA.  The only form of payment was to barter.  You needed to trade something valuable in order to eat and survive.  The conditions were horrible.  The entire situation was horrible.

Sub-dream 3 description over…

Received Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for the fresh heavy snow that began to fall shortly after midnight.  Every branch is covered with powdery snow.  It is beautiful!  Father, I must admit that I am very thankful that the year 2018 is finally over.  It was in my top five of the very worst years of my life and I have had many bad years.

This last year was filled with so many troubles.  When I think of all of the troubles, I truly just tear up.  I cannot look back for long as it was horrible.  I had so much bad news followed by even more bad news.  It never seemed to let up.  This last year, I was forced to face the reality of loss.

When I say loss, I mean the loss of things as we know them to be.  There is the loss of physical ability, including the imminent possible loss of my eyesight.  However, and more than anything else, all around us, there is the troubling loss of innocence and the rise of the wicked.  It hurts my heart just thinking about all of this.

While I know that, for most, last night, at midnight, one calendar year ended and a new one began, with us, the old year has not really left.  It is just an illusion.  This month marks my husband’s last paycheck.  I have no idea what will happen next.  Only You do, Lord!

While we have done everything humanly possible to find a position for him, the very fact that not one thing has arisen means that this is being supernaturally held back.  Father, You are allowing all of this.  In an instant, we both know You could change everything and there would be too many opportunities for my husband to even count.

Since this is clearly the case as there are very few as qualified as he is in his line of work and there are several hundred positions he is qualified for that has not been filled in months of the jobs being posted, this is clearly and supernaturally You!  As a door needs to be opened, he continues to send resumes off to these many companies.

Some companies will later say they are still considering him, but others have already closed the door on him.  While this is where I would normally rise up and come up with some way for me to earn a decent income, I can clearly not do this in the physical condition I am in.  There are looming expenses that I just have to give to You.

Well, Father, today marks the first fresh day of a brand-new calendar year.  Today is the ‘first day’ of the year.  However, until You make it a new day, a changed and Transformed day, then it is not truly new.  I thought about all of the things You have shown me in Heaven and I cannot help but well up with tear.  Oh Father, please send some of Your provisions for us in Heaven down to us here on Earth!

In terms of what I have seen in Heaven, I cannot believe all of the contradicting things Christians think about this wonderful place compared to reality.  For example, they claim that there is no food or water in Heaven as there is no need.  Well, that could not be any further from the truth.  While it is true that we don’t ‘need’ anything in Heaven as all is provided, there is plenty of food and water.  It is perfect and we love it all.

Seriously, how could we not?  After all, all of the food and beverages there are prepared by the best chefs and bakers in history.  In turn, they use the best and most perfect crops, grains, milk, honey and on and on.  The fruits are void of any imperfections as there are no pests, infestations, molds or mildews in Heaven.  Imagine bread rising by God’s leaven instead of rising by ‘the yeast of the Pharisees’.

Bread and other baked goods rise by the command of the Ultimate Baker, the fullness of God.  God also loves the smell of roasting meat on Earth, so surely there are ‘barbeques’ taking place in Heaven too.  I know there is barbequed meat in Heaven as I have smelled its delicious aroma in the air.  Now, the critics will then claim ‘how can this be if there is no death in Heaven?’

Well, the answer to that is…’EASY’!  Since God spoke life into being, why could He not create meat to eat with no death, without the need to prepare a dead carcass?  This is a silly question as of course He can!  He can create the joy of fishing without death.  I know this as I have seen this too.  He does this because He can.  He can do all things because there is no one like God.  He is not limited in anything that He does.

What about when God sent Jesus down to us?  When He did this, He did so with planning and precision of execution, all in His love for us.  He did not need to do this as He is God and all-powerful, but He did.  He loves us so much that He chose to pursue us by first becoming like us so He could have a relationship with us.  He also did this in a humble way.  Jesus came to us first as a baby!

Think about that.  He came to us, not as an adult, but first as a baby!  This was a miracle, a virgin birth no less!  Later, Jesus would speak of a Paradise prepared by His Father for those who loved Him and believed in Him.  This means that a perfect place, free from the pain of this world, has been prepared for us.  These are not paradises like those on Earth though.  Earthly paradises still contain many hidden dangers.

In Heaven, His Paradise contains not one single danger, hidden or not.  I cannot think of a single place here on Earth where there is truly a protected paradise like the Paradise in Heaven.  Why?  Quite simply, none exist.  In Heaven, there are no sunburns, stingrays, jellyfish, sharks, corals, sneaker waves, bears or cougars.  There are no thieves who prey on tourists, no rapists or murderers.

There are also no poisonous snakes or scorpions.  There are no threats of a sudden storm.  The list of dangers truly goes on and on and on.  Absolutely everything we do on Earth comes with the threat of something coming against us.  This just doesn’t happen once in a while…it happens day in and day out.

In Heaven, there are no threats.  Just think…there is no need for even a single lock in Heaven as there are no thieves, no enemies, in Heaven.  Jesus Himself said to the thief…’Today, you will join Me in Paradise!’  Why would Jesus lie?  Well, of course He wouldn’t.  Heaven is Paradise and not the paradise from Sheol.  The Paradise of Heaven is one that awaits us and is one that God has prepared for those who love Him.

Father, I know that You love those of us who chase You, adore You and long to be with You forever.  As You see firsthand our daily struggles we endure here…the loss, the pain, the sickness, the poverty and the deep sorrow…I just know that You long to make everything right for us.

You long to heal us.  You long to wipe our tears.  You long to remove us from the chains of affliction.  You long to remove us from our prison cells and give us a new set of garments.  You long to grant us a seat at Your table, the table of the King.  There, You will speak kindly to us and give us a seat of honor in full view of those who imprisoned us to begin with.

Oh Father, I just know in my heart that You are not finished with us!  I just know in my heart that the Year of the Lord’s Favor has not yet begun.  Oh Lord, the Year of the Lord’s Favor has not begun yet, right?  If it has, where is it?  If 2018 was the start of this greatly anticipated year, I am not sure if I can take much more of this in 2019.  Please, Father, where is this?  We need You now more than ever!  Please help us!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up.”

I found myself in a beautiful meadow, a familiar clearing.  I was up on a slope overlooking a beautiful crystal-clear lake.  While it was like an alpine lake, it was warm and surrounded by meadows with pine trees.  The meadows were full of flowers as well.  They were so fragrant and beautiful.

While I had seen this place in a vision before, I could not place when or where this was.  I was wearing a white linen gown and I could hear birds singing.  I closed my eyes for a moment as tears streamed down my cheeks.  At times, I really have no other response to God’s beauty except for grateful tears.  I sighed…

I opened my eyes suddenly when I felt refreshingly cool snowflakes falling on my face.  The snow was not freezing like snow on Earth.  I looked around and there was now snow on the landscape. The snow added to the beauty.

Me:  “Lord, is this spring or winter?”

Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder.  It was Jesus.  He sat next to me.  I reached over and hugged Him.  Tears were streaming down my cheeks.  Jesus looked me in the eyes and smiled.

Jesus:  “Do not worry.  Oh Erin, please do not worry!”

Me:  “Oh Lord, my worry must mean that I lack faith.  If I lack faith, will I lose Your blessings?”

Jesus:  “Well then, if that were the case, there would be virtually no one here with Me.  Now, when you say that you struggle with your faith, what do you mean?”

Me:  “When I wake up in pain, I wonder if I have somehow lacked faith in Your promises and therefore missed opportunities.  With each passing day, this ‘Eighth Bridge’ of my life has been a difficult one.  I wonder if I accidentally ‘lost You’ somewhere.  Did I fall out of favor?  Did I miss out on faith ‘like a mustard seed’?  Did You grow tired of me?  It is a New Year and things You told me would happen have either not happened yet or have happened in a way that I did not expect.”

The whole time I spoke, Jesus was nodding His head in understanding for the way I was feeling.  His empathy far surpassed anything I have ever felt on Earth.

Jesus:  Smiling.  “Well, how have I done so far?  Have I fell short of your expectations or did I exceed them?”

Me:  “Well, over all, You have exceeded them.  You have done way more than I even asked for and in a far better way.”

While I was referring to more distant events, such as first starting these dreams and later on meeting my husband, He then downloaded several things even from this horrible year that could only be from God.  I began to cry for not being more grateful.

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord.  Please forgive my ignorance.”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, I know that you are tired and in great pain.  I know that you do not understand why I wait on your healing and that of your children.  So, based on all you have come to know about Me, would you like My ‘Very Best Plan’ that I have for you that is soon to come or would you prefer ‘Plan B’, My ‘Second Best Plan’ for you, that can come immediately?  The first plan is very special, while the other…well, here, I will show you…”

Just then, I could see a familiar game show stage.  It was similar to ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ combined with ‘The Price is Right’.  He then pointed to two boxes.  We both laughed as He had made this quite comical.  One box was small and the other box was very large.  He turned and handed me two keys.  One key was small and the other key was very large.

Jesus:  “I will give you a clear hint.  Let Me label them…”

First the small box, and then the small key, were both labeled ‘Erin’s Plan’.  Then the larger box and the larger key were both labeled ‘Jesus’ Way via God’s Plan for Erin’.

Me:  I started to cry.  “Oh Lord, I am sorry!”

Jesus:  Smiling.  “Why?  I am giving you a choice here, Erin.  Both boxes are still good.  However, I labeled them so that you do not feel deceived here.  I will even show you the ‘contents’ of the first box…”

I looked into the smaller box.  I saw myself healed, but not Transformed.  While I looked my current age, I was now active.  I saw myself working on various things in modest surroundings.  Our house seemed more like a cottage.  While we had an older car, it seemed to have been made new.

While my children were also healed, they were also not Transformed.  They had now left our home to seek their own lives.  I saw Snigglet, but not Zoey.  I somehow knew that Zoey was no longer around.  My husband was at work.  I had a small garden.  It was a good life, but I could tell I was missing some important things.

Me:  “Lord, do I no longer have You?  Where is my other dog, Zoey?  Why am I old?”

Jesus:  “You were healed of your current ailments, but your current age continued.  Zoey was growing old too.  You still have Me.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord, but something else is missing.  Your promises are missing.”

Jesus:  Smiling.  “Hmm, so are you then choosing the other box, the larger box?  I must say that it is better.  Still, the choice is yours.”

Me:  “Oh yes, Lord!  Of course, I choose the ‘God’s Will’ Box!  I am so sorry that I doubted and then hesitated.  It is just so hard to keep waiting.”

Jesus:  “Erin, I did not say that you would never go through periods of doubt.  You have never cast Me aside for the world even with all you know now.  While you are discouraged, you are also ready for your dreams to come true.  You are ready for the things I have placed on your heart to become reality.  You are still waiting for ‘The Year of My Favor’ to commence.

“You have been in My service since September 2012.  At times, you have struggled because people have been cruel.  However, you have seen the supernatural and have experienced the fruits of your labor and faith.  I know that you have had a difficult last year, but this time for you is coming to a close.  Now, can you continue to trust Me with your life, you and your household?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “I promise you this…what I have planned, that which awaits you, is something that has never been seen since the Earth was created nor will ever be seen again.  All that you have been through…all your troubles, all your schooling…will never have prepared you for what I am about to do.  Still, all will come together and make perfect sense.  Now, you were disappointed with your dream last night.  Please explain.”

Me:  “Yes, I was.  I was hoping for an epic New Year’s dream about something wonderful.  Instead…”

Jesus:  “Hmm, go on…”

Me:  Sighing.  “Okay, here it goes…”

Sub-dream 4 “Designing for a young celebrity couple” description begins…

I was designing a home for a well-known young celebrity and her new husband, who was also a well-known young celebrity.  This couple had sought me out based on a referral someone had given them.  They were impressed that I was not star struck by them.  While I would have been star struck in the past, I have now moved on from all of that.

Their home was in or near either Malibu or Orange County.  While I was Transformed and therefore young in appearance, I was still ‘old’ in experience.  I somehow had the ability to wave my hands and supernaturally design a space in minutes.  The job was therefore extremely easy for me to complete.  I was done in record time.

Sub-dream 4 description over…

Jesus:  “Now, there is something that you must understand.  Am I to send you to only specific groups of people that you prefer or are you here to witness to all of the lost that I send you to?  Who are the lost then, Erin?  Are they not those who have bought into the illusion that Heaven on Earth is apart from Me?  They now worship the material instead.  As children, I knew many of them.  However, many of them also no longer see or hear Me and do not want to.  Therefore, I send who I send to minister.  Are you up to the challenge or shall I send another?”

Me:  Crying.  “I am so sorry, Lord.  I am so sorry!  Of course, I will do as You ask.  However, I just do not like those type of people that much.  I am sorry, Jesus, but I want to come to You in truth.”

Jesus:  Smiling at me in a comforting way.  “Oh Erin, are you now left picking and choosing?  Are you Jonah?”  He nudged me good-naturedly as He pointed towards a beautiful lake in the distance.  “Hmm, where is that whale?”  We both laughed.

Me:  Still laughing.  “I am sorry.  I will try harder.”

Jesus:  Smiling.  “Oh Erin, please stop saying you are sorry.  You are in pain and emotional.  I see it in your eyes.  Now, are you able to wait for My Plan and My Will?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  Yes, I will wait!”

Jesus:  “Alright, then trust Me.  While sometimes you will doubt this, I will show you that I am with you.  When this door then opens and you are changed, you will go wherever I send you.  You will never doubt Me again.  Now, rejoice, Erin, rejoice!  I love you!”

He seemed excited for me and gave me a big hug.

Jesus:  “Oh yes…remember that, here in Heaven, there can be two seasons together.  Flowers can blossom in the snow!”  He smiled again.  “Erin, I have you.  Do not worry.  While you have experienced the fulfillment of some of your promises, the ones that will leave you speechless have not happened yet.  Those who are with you in this season will experience this too and will witness it also.

“You will never doubt that the door, the ‘Large Box’…”  He pointed to the large box.  “…you waited for was the right one.  Now, rejoice, rejoice!  Do not be afraid, Erin.  You who are highly precious (Daniel 10:19).  Now, peace be with you as your name means peace.  Be strong and of good courage.  Soon you will be strengthened.

“Do not worry for I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if I told you.”  He smiled and laughed.  “I love you!”  He kissed the top of my head.  “Oh yes, one more thing…do not worry even though your medical reports will not be encouraging.  I have you!  All is not lost!  You chose My Way, God’s Will, and, for this, I will bless you all the days of your life.  You are loved by the King!”  He smiled.

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-317b/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-316/

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