Dream 412 – Our preparations will include extraordinary training

Received on Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for Your love.  Thank You for sustaining us.  Thank You for my family.  Thank You for our Nest friends!  Thank You for these dreams.  The dream I had last night was incredibly clear.  What is unusual is that the Lord wants me to start writing this dream down immediately.  This is so unusual, I already feel that this will be a dream that will really stand out.  Well, here it goes…

Massive dream about our preparations begins…

There were eight of us at a Base Camp at the foot of a massive Mountain.  The Base Camp was in an area consisting of red dirt.  Even though it seemed to be a high-desert type region, there were very few trees.  The Base Camp consisted of a structure that was similar to a salt-box type dwelling with wood walls and a metal roof.  While it seemed warm outside, inside the dwelling itself was cool.

Due to the warm weather outside, we were all dressed accordingly in lighter clothing.  The Base Camp had an Instructor.  He was training us to climb this massive Mountain.  The Mountain was where we would see God.  The preparations began on the evening of a certain Friday.  Instructions were then completed in eight days plus a final day.  In other words, this went from Friday evening to the evening of the second Sunday.

We would go a bit further in our training each day.  We were all younger in health and strength.  It seemed as if all of us were very new to this, so we were all at the same level or skillset.  On the first full day, we prayed and offered up all that we had brought with us.  Some brought more than others in preparation for what they thought was next.  Our Instructor was not of our Earth, but was in human form.

Our Instructor was clearly an angel in God’s Army.  In our group, we had five young men and three young women.  Our Instructor had us place all that we had brought with us to the center of the room.  We had all brought items we were certain we would need for the journey.  We all brought items for climbing the massive Mountain before us.

We had backpacks with matts, canteens, food, flashlights and other practical items.  Some of the things I saw others bring brought a smile to my face.  I then wondered why I hadn’t thought of bringing that.  The pile was now about seven feet long and about five feet high for the eight of us.  The Instructor seemed happy with us.

Instructor:  “Congratulations on your preparedness and thoughtfulness.  Please close your eyes now.”  We did as instructed.  “Father, please remove anything contrary to what You would require of Your recruits.”  Even though our eyes were closed, we all saw a flash of light.  “Okay, you may now open your eyes.”

When we opened our eyes, the pile of our stuff was completely gone.  It had vanished.  We looked at each other in bewilderment.  The Instructor smiled at our reaction.

Instructor:  “God has spoken.  You are to take nothing on the journey up on His Mountain.  Your loads to carry will be light.  I will take you further each day and then we will return here to rest.  You are to follow my instructions.  God has appointed me to your group.”

I looked around the base of the Mountain and was in shock at what I saw.  Around this mountain, there were thousands of training camps, each consisting of eight people plus two heavenly instructors.  Someone in our group of eight looked worried about not having enough provision and the angel Instructor became very serious.

Instructor:  “Do not worry!  What you bring with you is all that you will need.”

Our Instructor was not someone anyone would want to go against.  Take the top 100 military leaders of all time and combine them into one and you would still not match this leader.  His face was chiseled.  Though he had strong features, his eyes were green and so kind.  His skin was medium olive in tone and his hair was dark and shoulder length.  His structure was rock solid in muscular strength.  There was zero fat on him.

He also stood over us by at least two or three feet in height.  When he smiled, his teeth were perfect.  While an earthly instructor could have treated us as if we were foolish over all the stuff we had brought, he was kind about it instead.  Perhaps I would have been too as we were way off-base on what supplies God would require of us for the climb.  He didn’t mock us or belittle us at all.  He had clearly been expertly trained by God Himself to train us and have compassion on our lack.

On the first full day, our Instructor took us through the red dirt.  He taught us about removing our fear of the things we see in front of us.  He told us that these fears would all come to nothing.  We then came against threats common to the desert terrain.  These included scorpions, snakes, spiders and other poisonous things.  He taught us about strength over fear.

He taught us why God had created these things on Earth which seemed to do no good.  The angel taught us that God allowed us to be afraid in order to understand fear and to then ask for the tools to stand against these.  These things are to be either crushed and removed or handled for God’s purposes under Heaven.  He showed us how to pick them up and handle them without threat of what they could do to us.

These were definitely not something I would have ever imagined us doing.  This was our first day of training.  We then returned to Base Camp.  There was an amazing meal waiting for us, as well as music.  There was a type of television screen there in which we could see the other thousands gathered at the base of God’s Mountain.

We all dined and worshipped God together.  When it was time to sleep, the most amazing beds were already prepared for us.  We fell asleep under what must have been the metal roof now turned into glass.  I say this because we could now see billions of stars in the Heavens.  We could see it with such clarity that we were all amazed.

The next morning, the angel woke us up to pray, worship and have breakfast.  It was now the next full day of training.  I was so excited that I blurted out a question for our angel Instructor.

Me:  “Are these Base Camps closer?  We are going closer and closer to the Mountain of God, yet there doesn’t seem…”

Instructor:  Smiling as he interrupted.  “We will always return during training to our Base Camp.  Don’t worry as this will become much easier, yet more difficult, as we go.  This will all become clearer each day.”

None of us really fully understood what he was talking about.  We somehow knew that we soon would.  While the next several days of training were packed with awesome lessons, I was only allowed by God to only recall a few items.  Some of things we were taught that I could recall included the following:

  • How to stand against a lion and a bear
  • How to control anger, giving it over to God
  • How to wait for God and His instruction even when we saw injustices in various forms, not doing it as we see it, but waiting for His plan and timing
  • How to wait for His instructions like the angels in Heaven, in God’s Army, does
  • How to stand against torturous things and then, later on, how to allow God to wield us as weapons against the enemy
  • How to give comfort and words of life to those who needed to hear them
  • How to die to our ‘self’ completely

The training was interesting because I noticed that some things were very easy for some of us and more difficult for others.  The main purpose of all of this instruction was to yield to God and His Will completely. What was particularly interesting was that those who were more skilled and educated in a worldly sense were more difficult for the angel to train than for those who were less skilled and educated.

As I said, the days all seemed to be ‘jumbled’, on purpose though, except I had more recollection about the training we received on the Thursday than the other days.  We were training against extreme conditions, different environmental storms.  We were also to be instructed on the use of these for God’s purposes under His instructions.

To our surprise, one of the things we were taught to do was call down snow from His storehouses in Heaven.  This was not just a bit of snow lightly falling either, it was a full-blown blizzard.  I looked down at my feet and started to snicker as I was wearing inappropriate footwear.  I was wearing bright yellow canvas boots with heals and a white rubber sole.  The Instructor smiled at me as I raised my hand to ask a question.

Me:  “How can I do anything in a blizzard with these on?”

Everyone started laughing with me on this question as each of us seemed to be wearing impractical footwear.

Instructor:  “Good question.  Sometimes you appear completely out of place for the conditions, yet you are not as far as God is concerned.  You will blend in at times and stand out in others.  God will not give you something you are unable to function, whether this is a storm, wind, rain, a chaotic scene or even a battle with the enemy.  No matter what you wear or your abilities or what you think are inabilities, God will use all of this for His purposes.”

Me:  “Thanks for explaining this to us!”

Instructor:  Laughing.  “You will not be easily forgotten when appearing before a crowd to stand against them while calling down snow from Heaven.  You will also not be forgotten when you are able to crush rocks with your hands.  No matter what the circumstances, God will equip you.”

Me:  “What about when we are in foreign lands or talking with some with a foreign tongue?”

Instructor:  “The timing of your question is perfect.  By tomorrow morning, you will know all of the languages of man. Each one here will know the language of the land no matter where you are called.  You will also understand all technologies.  You will be able to know the thoughts of the wicked.  However, you will also be instructed on how to turn off these thoughts as led by God so that you will be able to rest properly.  You will only understand or have understanding as revealed by God.”

Me:  “Are we unique at all or are we all the same?”

Instructor:  “You have only to look around you to see that you are not clones.  You are a unique handprint from God Himself and each one of you will also have specialties.  Some will be called for different assignments.  However, in all things, all will know that you are a child of God and special for His purposes.”

At this point, one of our members had to leave, but just for the rest of this day.  He waved to us and then was gone.  The Instructor waved back and then continued.

Instructor:  “There will be nothing able to come against you with any success.  You will be a great frustration to the enemy.  You will be a banner of God’s hope to those who seek Him and those God has called.  You will see and experience many difficult things.  You will work six days and rest on the seventh day.  On this day of rest, God will whisper to you mysteries and you will dream of things to come in the next week.

“You will heal and display awesome deeds.  Never has there been a time and times like these on Earth and never will there be again.  Now, take courage.  You are here because you are zealous for God.  You have an aversion to evil and repulsion against the wicked schemes of man.  When you are present, lying tongues will confess to their deeds and their vile plans will be on full display for all to see.

“You will be both hated and revered as all will confess that you are part of God’s Army.  Although the enemy will create an allusion of grandeur as he has some knowledge or memory of Heaven, he will do nothing but accuse God day and night in his attempt to elevate himself above God in Heaven.  Unfortunately for him, he will instead be exposed by God’s Remnant.

“Though he will desperately want to, he will be unable to come against you.  He will often somewhat shelter in place as a result in the hopes that you will think him no threat, like a sleeping tiger.  However, this too will be unsuccessful as God knows all things.  There will continue to be an epic war in the Heavens.  While we battle the enemy, the dragon and his princes, you will be able to witness these battles and see what areas are strongholds of the enemy.

“God will strategically send you to the providences in these strongholds.  You will then heal the sick and bind up the broken.  You will then give Living Water to those who thirst.  You will then give comfort to those who mourn.  Now, we have much to do.  It is time to harness the wind and call down hail.  You will even…”  He stopped and smiled.  “…well, you will see!  Let’s go!”

While more was taught on just this day, the only Thursday, it was like this every day.  Each of us had the supernatural ability to learn more than we could ever learn on our own.  This was not exhausting, but instead energized us to greater heights.  We were not exhausted after facing our fears, standing against them and even crushing these strongholds.

If anything, we were more alive, more strengthened and stronger in God’s Armor.  Under His Holy Care and His angels, we were perfectly led.  We could breathe easily.  We were strong.  We had no pain.  We could scale walls and leap over the Base Camp’s building.  We could jump extremely high.  We could mount a horse running in a full sprint.  We could clear paths in forests.

We could cause a wellspring of water to come from a rock.  We could have anything called to us in need.  We could even have food multiplied in order to feed those who needed it.  It was all God!  God did so many incredible deeds through us!  He did so many different miracles through us that I don’t have enough pages to write everything down.  All I can say is this…

“God loves His people.  He loves an upright heart, not perfect, but a desire, a longing, something contrary to anything that would do harm.  A heart which always runs to evil is not able to sprout a root of love.  A heart which always desires love and peace and has a root which longs for God and the Kingdom of Heaven is what God looks for in His people, the elect, in which He has called His.

“We are His Wine, a New Wine, a Special Reserve of God.  This New Wine will be poured and contained in fresh wineskins, strong ones reserved for the purposes of God.  Father, we have been refined in the fire of affliction.  We have been trodden and crushed by the world and our enemies.  We have experienced injustice, iniquity and deceit, all weapons the enemy, the blacksmith, has wielded against each of us.

“However, during our tests, trials and afflictions, You have called us to love You through them.  We love You, Father.  Our hearts are our living sacrifices to You for Your purposes.  Who is like You, Father?  There is none!  Who is like Jesus?  There is none like Our Beloved.  So, Father, I pray for Your Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, for I long for the Mountain of God.  I long…we long…for the King of Glory!  Look, He is at our Gates!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-413/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-411/

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