Dream 426 – The Third Temple will soon be built by God

Received on Sunday, August 9, 2020


Dear Father,

I am struggling today.  Well, I have actually been struggling the last week.  My husband and I prayed for a great dream last night before we went to sleep and You did not disappoint.  Here it is…

Sub-dream 1 “the evil world leader rises in power” begins…

God’s Army had now been raised up and we were prospering the land supernaturally.  We were restoring broken cities and communities.  While this seemed to be around the same time as the great restoration of God’s Church, I was uncertain of the exact order or timing.  You showed me a great healing and restoration across the world unlike anything the world has ever seen before.

I saw ruined cities restored.  I saw displaced people in homes in their homelands.  I saw evil no longer able to do their will.  I saw the enemy and his army being furious at this turn of events.  I saw them bound in secret, kept from their plots of destruction against the lands.  While this destruction was to be allowed again in the future, it was not to be allowed during our time.

While this was all hopeful, I still did not know the exact timeframe for this.  This includes what I then saw…something truly incredible.  The Holy Temple of God in Jerusalem was being fully built and restored by God in an incredibly brief three-day period…

  • On the first day, the land was completely cleared to make way for the Third Temple. More specifically, the unclean buildings already there were completely removed.  The land was then supernaturally purified of all evil.  The land was then fully made ceremonially clean prior to construction.
  • On the second day, the Temple of Stone was completely built and restored to its original splendor, yet somehow made modern for today at the same time. I needed to take a second here to let this sink in!  The Holy Third Temple of God was just built by God in a single day!  In comparison, it took many years to construct both the First Temple and the Second Temple.
  • On the third day, all of the elements were set up in the Third Temple so that the sacrifices were once again performed.

In the meantime, the enemies of Israel remained in barren lands under their cursed lips as Israel prospered.  However, many saw the works of God and turned their hearts to Him.  While most there were amazed, some remained skeptical and still did not believe.

The Two Witnesses then came…Enoch and Elijah!  Many became enraged when they began testifying about God, Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven.

While most of us were in various lands outside of Israel restoring and healing, some of us were working the harvest in Jerusalem and in the surrounding areas of Israel.  However, once the Two Witnesses had arrived, these workers were reassigned to other areas of the world.  In other words, only the Two Witnesses then remained in Jerusalem / Israel to testify to the Kingdom of Heaven.  They also continued to perform mighty deeds there.

After the first few sacrifices, a prominent world leader asked to see ‘the great works of God in this Temple’.  This is when the troubles began.  A great assembly of Jewish leaders had put rules into place to limit the exposure of the Temple area to the outside world.  However, after this leader’s request, a select group of Jewish leaders decided that a select group of world leaders would be allowed to inspect the new Temple of God, all for public relations purposes.

This select group of Jewish leaders felt pressured to allow this as there were false rumors circulating that Muslims and others had been harmed during the building of the Third Temple.  When this group of world leaders entered the Temple site, there were several small earthquakes.  These were limited in nature and did not harm the Temple structure.  The only place the world leaders were forbidden to go was the Holy of Holies.

The Holy of Holies was concealed behind a beautiful embroidered curtain.  However, one of the world leaders, the prominent one, insisted to see it, going so far as to accuse the Jewish leaders of hiding evidence of a possible massacre in this sacred area.  The Jewish leaders then reluctantly let this world leader go into the holy area.

Once the leader was in position in the sacred area of God, God struck the unclean rebellious leader with an object.  This object knocked him unconscious.  False reports then went out that Jewish leaders had him struck in order to keep him from uncovering the evidence of foul play.  The lies were rampant.  However, this was magnified exponentially when the news media started to claim this world leader had been killed.

After this, riots broke out in many areas of the city and the rest of the world.  I should note that this all took place after God had already restored the lands.  While the Two Witnesses testified against this leader and condemned the violence, the news media completely ignored covering them.  When the Two Witnesses then displayed incredible miracles, it was credited by the media to the leader who had been struck down.

It was not long before the world leader who had been struck down was now being called the messiah.  Along with the miracles now being attributed to this world leader, this increased even more when his ‘fatal’ head wound was ‘miraculously’ healed.

The leader then made a preposterous claim!  He claimed that he had died and that God then showed him he was the messiah who would bring peace to the world.  He stated that this message was given to him by God Himself while he was ‘still dead’.

Of course, this world leader knew the truth that this was all a lie.  He knew that it was God that had sent Elijah and Enoch.  The world leader then plotted against them.  No matter what amazing things the Two Witnesses did, all was now being attributed to this wicked leader.  This was not hard for him to manipulate as he controlled the media.

Out of fear, many of the Jewish people then turned to follow this false messiah.  Before long, the world leader declared that the Third Temple was his.  While attacks continued against the Two Witnesses, they were completely protected by God.  However, the news continued to paint a different picture.  While Enoch and Elijah testified about the Kingdom of Heaven day and night, this never made the news.

The lands then became more and more sick and violent each day.  The evil world leader then again did something preposterous!  He ordered all of those who attended to his head wound be murdered immediately so that his story and timeline of events could be completely controlled without contradiction by this medical staff. This murder of many people was then painted by the compliant media as ‘a tragic and unfortunate accident’.

God then removed His people and His elect in the Rapture!  Because of this, and in great fury, this world leader then greatly accelerated his evil against all those who remained…

The evil world leader started off by creating a mass control system.  This was basically an evil census dividing those who would follow him from those who would not follow him.  He then sought out anyone who might speak against him.  Using phone apps at first, tracking systems were then set in place.  Later on, censors were embedded inside the bodies of the individuals.  This was passed off as a type of immunity vaccine chip.

This chip was stated as being required for safety reasons in order to allow a person to be in public markets and squares and to do business of any kind.  This embedded chip also required that each individual receive a blood draw to ‘check for trace elements of pathogens’.  Of course, this was all false pretenses.  This was completely about full control of where people could or couldn’t go or what they could or couldn’t do.

In order for people to enter a public building, they all needed to have their immunity chip scanned to enter.  While disguised as a ‘safety measure’, it was instead being used as a tracking and activity device.  This device was specifically being used to weed out those who remained, those they planned would later be saints.

Thankfully, God had different plans for some of them.  God uniquely sheltered some of those who would later turn to Him fully.  These people who were to be called to God were to be protected by being covered in a type of veil or membrane.  This veil / membrane was then able to confuse the enemy.

Although this select group of people were being divinely protected, they would not come to know about this protection until they later turned fully to God and were ‘formally saved’.  Still, this was frightening at all times for them though as the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, was absent from the Earth after the Rapture.

I also saw something else that was amazing.  While I am not sure how often we will do this, I saw that we sporadically continued to work as God’s Army during this time.  However, since this was after the Rapture, we were now completely residents of Heaven and lived there fulltime.  While the evil world leader desperately wanted to track us too, God protected us from ever having this happen.  As should be expected, thanks to God, His Army was always two steps ahead of all of the schemes of the enemy.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “released prisoners start taking over properties” begins…

I saw different gangs rise up to establish rules in various areas.  They did this by creating ‘loyalty checkpoints’.  At these checkpoints, people would need to give them their belongings in return for their ‘protection’.  If any of them had nothing of value or did not declare allegiance, they would then be killed or hurt severely.

Many of these gangs had come to power because the prisons had been opened.  Out of fear, corrupt leaders then declared that prisoners would have immunity from illegal activity and could occupy any abandoned properties.  Due to this measure, wealthy people abandoned their homes, cars and valuables.  They did this for their safety as they would otherwise be killed for ‘being there in a home when the gangs wanted it’.

These occupiers were then able to stake their claims over large tracks of properties.  Many of the original owners then left for wilderness areas.  In general, they did this as properties in the wilderness areas were mostly ignored by gangs and ‘former prisoners’.  There were essentially no laws in place anymore.  Any laws in place were no longer being enforced.  All good had now been removed.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, I am struggling because I see the enemy laying the foundations for all of this right now before our very eyes.  Please rise up and spread healing, restoration and peace across the lands.  We have been under extreme attacks.  Troubles in the world in a given month seem to be multiplying with every month that passes.  The news is clearly showing all of this now!

In terms of just our recent ‘local’ troubles, my daughter went to the members of the Board of a non-profit place she works.  She then revealed the evil plots of her manager.  While it went well for my daughter, the Board members were in shock that they had been so greatly deceived.  When we later parked our car in front of where her manager was, our front end had an odd explosion.  It rendered our car inoperable.

While waiting for the tow truck to come, my two sons with Asperger started having an epic fight.  I had not encountered this level of hostility towards each other for many years.  My husband and I then later took a drive to get me to take a breath, but then ran into two animals by accident…a squirrel and a rabbit.  This made me sad again.

Father, You then showed us, once again, that You are in total control.  The Board decided to put the manager under a strict watch, with a high probability of later removal should she still be disobedient.  The car was looked over by the dealership and it was decided that it will mostly be under warranty.  My two sons are now basically back on speaking terms.  The two animals are now up in Heaven having a great time.

Still, all of this made for a lot of angst and sadness.  We are only human and these things affect us.  However, it is not just us either.  Many of our close friends, especially those who absolutely adore You, are going through stressful times right now.  Oh Father, please protect us!  I must admit that I am still concerned!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up.”

I was on a beautiful path in the Garden of God.  God’s door was straight ahead of me.  The pond was to my right.  I went up to God’s door to knock on it.  Just as I was about to put up my hand to begin knocking, I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around and there was Uriel with his horse.  He was in full battle gear.

Uriel:  “Erin, do not be afraid.  Write down all you are being shown.  Remember, the Great Harvest of God has not come to pass yet.  When this does, it will be unlike anything the world has ever seen throughout history as this will not be like anything even imagined.  Erin, this is not an imagination of man nor will it be.  God has sent me to tell you that you are not imagining good things to come because of your distress.

“This will instead be a time and times of the Great Power of God.  Remember also the things that God hates…seven of which are an abomination to Him and will not be tolerated.  Rebellion, lies and unholy actions will soon be removed just long enough for joy to return, along with Divine Miracles from the displays of His Saints and Elect and by His hand.

“Joy and comfort from the manifestation of Heaven on Earth will not be counterfeited by the enemy.  Fear will be far removed.  After the world has witnessed His power and love, God will then declare that His harvest is complete.  A Great Shaking will then occur and His love and favor, along with all of those He has called, will be collected from the Earth.

“The wheat, the barley, the grape and the rest, along with the Harvesters, will all be called Home at this time.  The Witnesses and Workers will then stand in obedience to God while the angels then carry out afflictions upon the lands.  Erin, the Workers will be both on Earth and in Heaven as called to witness as God calls.

“While the Workers will then continue to see many things, they will no longer be a citizen there on Earth, but rather now fully here in Heaven.  They will then still be part of the late harvest and in full service to God.  Erin, you will also be a part of all of this.”

Me:  “Uriel, as I am now, I can do nothing.  As I am now, I make a poor witness to God’s miracles.”

Uriel:  Smiling.  “Do not worry, Erin, as God is about to do something in your days you would not believe even if you were told.  Those God will call will have the appearance like Heaven, but visible on Earth.  You will be strengthened and healed.  God’s face will shine upon you in all you do.  You will be like a beacon in the storm.  As God is in you, you will display awesome deeds.  In all you do, the Lord is upon you.

“Heaven will be visible there on Earth.  However, this will not be as scholars expect.  It will instead be through God’s Kingdom Revelation of Miracles, Signs and Wonders.  You will restore all that is burned and broken.  You will make the poor wealthy and heal the sick.  You will build and restore structures and fortify hope.  All will know this is God.

“While there is even more to all of this, I must go now.  There is an epic battle in the heavenlies.  Take courage, Erin.  In just a little while, all is about to change.”

He turned toward his horse and was gone in an instant.

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-427/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-425/

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