Dream 503 – It is time for us to winterize
Received on Sunday, July 11, 2021
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day here! Thank You for my children, my husband and our friends. Thank You for this beautiful place You have built for us. Please bless all we have, Father, as we give all things to You. There is nothing on our own power we have done that glorifies You. If anything, all we have ever done apart from You is completely useless. I look around me and I am in awe of You, Father.
I want to especially thank You for my daughter, my special gift from You. We went through 19 years of difficulties together, often against all odds. We drew even closer during the lockdowns as we saw her final milestones of high school graduation and her first year of college. Even though I had concerns at times that she would drift away from You, she never did. Quite the opposite! Sigh… she only has 11 days left here.
Even though I have experienced troubles of every kind, I know that Your promises are true. You give, take and restore. You reconcile our hearts. I am so sorry that I am struggling so much with my sorrows. You are calling us out of the wilderness. We have grown accustomed to our lives here, waiting on Your promises and callings in our lives. While we have prepared for this day, we now need Your help more than ever.
You know our needs before we ask it. Had we just continued with our existence here, our children would surely have left us one-by-one. Well, it happened sooner than I had expected. You have now used my daughter to call us out. While everyone in our house has peace about her decision, I am still not at peace. While I trust You, I still have questions. I was hoping that You would have mercy on me by now via miracles.
While I had lost everything, including my health, You then spared my life and even returned my sons. While you moved us many times, this has been the only place we have been truly set apart from my enemies. When I have obeyed Your calls, I have absolutely succeeded. When I have run away from Your calls, I have been swallowed by whales. Even so, You then have mercy on me and bring me back on track. You are so awesome and worthy of all of our praises!
Jesus: “Erin, come up.”
Jesus was knocking at the door of our home. I opened the door and He was smiling.
Me: “Please come in!”
Jesus: “You called, Erin?”
Me: Reaching over to hug Him. “Lord, all that matters is my family and our friends. All of this means nothing if I were to lose my husband, children or friends. I couldn’t imagine it. I am attached to nothing. Things hold memories like markers or measures of time. They are reminders of great hopes and dreams. Lord, You are calling us to go into the land of the giants. These giants scare me and I need You to go before me.
“I have been tricked before because I never thought my enemy was as evil as he proved to be. I was taken advantage of in Bend OR. It was there that the enemy picked off my supposed strengths one after another. We were made vulnerable. We were like sitting ducks on a calm pond that never saw the hunters in the tall grass. Things compounded from there. Clients turned on me.
“Clients came after me for the very things they had done to me. They did this out of the fear that they would need to pay me what they truly owed me. My employer, who was also my good friend (or so I thought), took advantage of my situation and purchased my very best items at a fraction of their value. My heart literally hurt. Not wanting to claim victimization and personal defeat, I was drawn out of my cave.
“Lord, my heart hurts thinking of all of this. It was horrible and it became even worse. I have some of my fondest memories in Bend OR, but also some of my worst.”
Jesus: Hugging me. “I know, Erin. It is difficult when people falsely accuse you of wrong doing. I understand all of this as I was with you. I was also falsely accused of many things, even by those very same people who had witnessed My miracles. They then labeled My miracles as witchcraft. You were not with Me when I withered the fig tree or toppled the Temple. Contrary to what the enemy would say, I am not a weak, passive or frail God.”
Me: Laughing. “Absolutely NOT! You are actually quite muscular!”
Jesus: Laughing. “Good! We have then established this. While I do become angry, here is the difference… I am in control over it. I am not subject to anger. Emotions like anger are subject to Me, understand? This is the difference between you and Me. You struggle to control emotions even though you were taught that emotions are a sign of loss of control. Erin, what I have taught you in your journey here is to remain truthful.
“Stand on a firm foundation. My Word is a lamp unto your feet on a dark and, at times, crooked path, with many peaks and valleys. What I am saying is this… a fool allows emotions to control them and lies to coverup. Wisdom is embracing truth. When you come to Me in tears, these are real and true. This is a sign of joy, relief, love, worry, pain, brokenness and on and on. I know your pain, Erin.
“I know it has been a difficult road for you. At times, you have allowed Me to carry you. At times, you tried to do it on your own. When you did, it did not go well for you. Regardless, I was always there to help you. Erin, I have never deserted you. You searched for Me and here I can be found by you. You are tired and afraid right now. Your sense of loss is equal to losing someone to the grave. However, do not think of these things.”
Me: “But, Lord… my daughter’s fish, named Heaven, is dying no matter what we do. It feels like a sign. My jasmine tree is also now dying and for no good reason. Not only that, but the animals and birds do not seem connected to me. Zoey is not moving around very well either. Lord, You called us Your Arrows. These should be strong and sharp, but the years have made the tips dull and our pinions dormant.
“Still, I know that You are here with me. You have done so much for me. You have been kind to me even when others weren’t. You sat in the vacant chair next to me in church. Lord, please remain with me now. Please don’t leave me even for a moment. Without You, I am nothing. Without the laughter of our children, these rooms will echo with silence. Please hear my petitions…
“Lord, give me all You have promised so that my children can see all they have hoped for. Lord, am I going back there (Bend OR) as I am now just to see giants and realize how small I am? Lord, would You consider healing us before we leave? The landscape has changed. Your people cry out day and night. Will You not consider performing a great miracle for us?”
Jesus: Reaching over to hug me. “I have you, Erin. You are with Me. All will soon be reconciled. I have shown you Heaven and the Home I built for you there. Heaven is without pain and without illness. Heaven is without poverty and pestilence. Heaven is free from fear of the unknown, the hidden enemy. Erin, it is I Who establishes a man’s days. It is I Who calls a child Home in My arms. This is because their life has been giving to Me for My purposes. Erin, all are born and all must die. However, there is still something else…”
Me: “Yes, Lord… Enoch and Elijah did not suffer death!”
Jesus: “Yes, Erin. I am the God of the dead and the living. While death seems final, it is not final for those who call upon My Name.”
Me: Now crying. “Lord, why are we speaking of death?”
Jesus: “Because you fear this… not for yourself, but for your loved ones. Erin, I didn’t call you to plan funerals here. You are allowing emotions to govern you. You are to remember that My promises are true instead. The floodgates of your worries are breaking through the dam of your faith in Me.”
Me: “I am sorry, Lord. It’s just that I am at my worst physically. I am ill-equipped to handle what comes aside from You. I love You. I just thought all of this would look different than it has turned out to be. Time keeps going.”
Jesus: “Then give all of this to Me. You worry about many things. The storm from the south never harmed you here. Come!”
He reached for my hand and walked me to our stream. It was now raging from the rain from the storm. Jesus pointed to the little crude bridge my husband had built. The raging water had broken the little bridge into two pieces.
Me: “It was not properly anchored on the sides and it was too low to handle the rush of water.”
Jesus: “Who built it?”
Me: I laughed as I knew that He already knew. “Well, it was me pointing and my husband placing. It was makeshift from leftover wood.”
Jesus: “Remember that I am your bridge. Remember this in all that you do. Large or small, remember to dedicate all of this to Me. I will be with you in these things. Remember… winds come, rains fall, threats rage… but, Erin, I am with you. I calm the wind, stop the flood and cure the crisis. It is I who says ‘Erin, this is the way… walk in it.’ I have you, your daughters, your sons, your husband and your friends. Nothing will be impossible for you. We are just beginning. I have a great plan in place. Now, do not fear. Be strong and take courage. I am with you, understand?”
Me: He looked me in the eyes as I wept. “Yes, Lord.”
Jesus: Smiling. “Remember that all your eyes see is Mine. It is I who gave it to you. No power of hell nor scheme of man could ever take you from My hands, understand? Now, I need you to believe Me. Believe in My promises. Look what I have done so far. Was this on your own strength? Do you write? Do you determine dreams in your sleeping hours or visions as you sit with eyes wide open? No, this is impossible.
“I have given you these dreams and visions. I have kept you from the Fowler’s Snare. Death’s grip was unable to overcome you. My Bride will be strengthened like Enoch and Elijah, but also in meekness and stature like Esther. Since I will be with you, fear will grip your enemies. They will also know that I am in you. Now rejoice, My Arrow…” He smiled. “…I love you.”
Me: “I love You, Lord.”
Jesus: “Now, continue to pray and do not worry. Rebuild your bridge. Spend these days in prayer with your daughter. You have a few tasks here left.”
Me: “What does this mean?”
Jesus: “You are securing your house and preparing to leave.”
Me: “When, Lord? For how long?”
Jesus: “You will go out to survey the land that I have called you to. You will then come back and prepare for what I have next. Do not worry. I am not calling you or your children to sleep. I am instead calling for you to… oh, what is that term…” He smiled and nudged me. “…oh yes… winterize.”
Me: “What should winterize mean to us?”
Jesus: “Pray and I will instruct you. Trust in Me. I will provide all things, understand?”
Me: “Yes, Lord.”
Jesus: Reaching over to hug me. “Good!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-502/
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