Dream 504 – I am the Potter and the Good Shepherd

Received on Thursday, July 15, 2021


Dear Father,

I am struggling and I mean really struggling!  I am thankful that I am alive.  I am thankful for my husband, our children and our home.  I am thankful for our Nest family.  It has meant so much to us, especially with my husband not having work over these last 40 months.  It has given him the opportunity to serve you and follow his own spiritual journey of chasing You.

Father, I have only six full days left with my daughter.  It is so difficult to watch her pack up and be so excited to go.  Still, I am happy for her to begin a new chapter, her own journey.  I just pray it will lead her near where I am one day.  I pray she will be kept safe in Your arms.  Oh Father, may not one hair on her head be harmed.

I pray she meets a special helpmate where she is going, someone who will be a mighty man of God.  I pray that You will be with her wherever she goes.  When I was born from my mother’s womb, my daughter’s egg was already in me.  You were already knitting her in my mother’s womb as You were already knitting me.

For the last few days, I have been packing away memory souvenirs that have served as markers of time.  My devotional room is filled with past hopes and future dream relics.  There are so many things that make me smile.  Some are inspirational treasures.  As I looked around, something hit me.  This was advanced because of my daughter’s soon departure.

It is time to let go of what will never be here.  It is time to move ahead from dreams to living out my purpose.  If I had just stayed in this room the way it was, my heart would be filled with such emptiness.  My hopes and dreams never came true in the way I had envisioned that they would.

I held onto my golf clubs that my mom had bought me.  They are Titleist DT irons that were perfectly designed for me.  I could even spin my ball backwards on the green.  Sigh…  my accident removed my ability to play again.  However, it never stole my dreams that You would restore this ability someday.

On my shelves near my devotional chair, I have some small antique porcelain ballerinas.  They are all flawed.  There are chips and broken ballet skirts.  They are just like how I was as a dancer and they make me laugh.  They still symbolize a promise You made to me.  Father, You promised that, one day soon, I would dance here as I do in Heaven.  I am holding tightly to this great promise.

I also have a collection of porcelain birds.  There are many varieties, all symbolizing the birds in our yard or nearby.  I have some old vessels also.  Some were gifts.  Hmm, actually, almost everything around me are gifts from all over the world and from different periods of time.

Father, I pray that my journey delights You.  I have spent all of these years in a body that is broken.  On days like today when the atmosphere is so heavy, every joint in my body hurts.  I spent most of my children’s lives being injured.  I had hoped that I could be an active mom.  Well, now my daughter will be with her relatives who are active.  It will be better for her.  I am happy for her.

To further crush my spirit, the threat to close my medical case has begun again.  The independent medical doctors, who are actually not independent at all, have decided that all of my injuries were caused prior to my fall.  They are now arguing that they have no responsibility to continue my care.  If this is the case, this means I will then lose our income.  It was the first time in seven years where my lawyer sounded worried.

Oh Father, they ignore all of the major evidence.  I want to be free of this wicked institution and I have wanted this for a very long time.  However, I still want a victory for what is right and true.  They make it seem as if there is deception, but I am truly injured.  I hurt every day, some days more than others, but every day nonetheless.

How do I navigate this part of my journey when my heart feels so empty?  I am afraid.  I have been praying.  I feel like I have sinned because I am not resting on Your promises.  I fight You sometimes.  I have been watching helplessly as You are allowing me to be stripped of the things that brought me comfort and joy.  Father, have mercy on me.  Please have mercy on my foolishness.  I had a dream two nights ago…

Sub-dream 1 “Dead soldiers floating in the water” begins…

I was walking on a boardwalk through a swamp.  It was evening and I could hear sounds of tropical birds and night creatures.  I stopped quickly as the boardwalk abruptly ended.  It looked as if it had been destroyed.  I could see moonlight on the water.  The water appeared to be black.  To my horror, I was looking across a coastal inlet only to see thousands of dead soldiers floating in the water.  I awoke suddenly.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I then had a dream that made me snicker…

Sub-dream 2 “Putin invites me to his hunting lodge” begins…

Russian leader Vladimir Putin had invited me to his hunting lodge as a guest.  He had many servants.  After a few days, he called me into his study room to meet with me and ask me questions about God and Heaven.  He was on the phone when I arrived.  It gave me a chance to check out the ceiling.  I was in awe at the detailed craftmanship.  When he finished his phone call, he had me sit across from him at a desk.  Even though he asked me questions in Russian, I was able to fully understand.

Putin:  “I would like to first apologize for meeting you in a secret location.”  Then in a joking tone.  “I had to do it this way or we would both be cancelled if the media knew I was meeting you about God.”  He then became more serious.  “So, Erin, what does God think of me?”  He then looked at me with an intense stare.

Me:  “Let me first ask you why God’s opinion matters to you.”

Sub-dream 2 over…

Jesus:  “Erin, come up.”

Jesus was knocking at my front door.

Me:  “Please come in, Lord.”  I was struggling to walk today.  I was crying.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here.”  He smiled.  I reached my arms out to Him.  He hugged me.  “Allow Me to carry you, Erin.  I have you.  I am with you.  Although you call yourself unworthy, I find you beautiful.  Now, come!”

He took my hand and saw that I was walking with great difficulty.  In an instant, I was able to walk without pain.  While I leapt with joy, I was soon crying again.

Me:  “Oh Lord, I am healed in my dreams and visions, but You don’t heal me in the natural.  Please help me.  Please let me run, dance, leap and not be like this anymore.  Make it so that I am here on Earth as I am in Heaven.  Please turn and answer my prayers.  Please consider using me for the miraculous.  Please use me as an ambassador to the Kingdom of Heaven and to Your Heart, Jesus!

“Please don’t forget me.  When I have a child say ‘no one knows when God will fulfill His promises’ or ‘what if nothing is like what we thought’, what can I say in return?  You are a Great Mystery.  You are Awesome.  Everything about You is amazing.  However, we are limited in our ability to understand Your ways apart from You.  My Vessel is empty until You fill it.  I pour out in my journal until I am empty and then You fill me again.

“The cycle then continues.  Since all of Your promises are true, will You not consider opening some doors where it seems so many are closed?  In my current condition, I can’t imagine doing anything on my own.  I am able to do all things through You because I believe.  However, Lord, I need You to heal and strengthen me.  I just cannot do any of this on my own strength.”

He took me to the stream.  Our bridge was still in two pieces because the waters were still too swift to retrieve the pieces.

Jesus:  “This is the place where Heaven meets Earth… Beulah.  This is the place where you are married to Me, but not just you, all of you.  Still, this doesn’t look like what you imaged right now as even your bridge is broken.  Just know that I am with you in all things.  It is I who is the repairer of broken bridges and dreams.  Not one of the Words I have given you, along with My Promises, have ever returned void.

“You yourself have even been to My Potter’s Studio.  Who is the Potter?  I am creative and not just in pottery.”  He laughed.  “Your life has been My Masterpiece.”  He smiled.  “While I am sure the current culture would not allow My Words, they do not control God.  My sheep are My children, NOT My slaves.”  He looked at me.  “Even though you have had many troubles in this life, you still look at Me as your Savior.

“You know that My Recompense is with Me.  You know that I have overcome them all.  So then, Erin, why are you then surprised when evil men do wicked things against you?  It is because I am with you.  These are the same people who came against Me.  Still, you can rest in My promises for you.  However, not just you, but your children, your husband and his children and your friends who I have also called and their children.

“Now, are all deserving?  No!  According to the world, not one.  However, I am who I say I am.  I am God, Erin.  My Father, God, is in Heaven and sees all things.  He has given Me the authority over all things.  He has done this so you need not be afraid.  While the enemy can threaten, it is I who determines a man’s way.”

Me:  Crying.  “Lord, I am not sure that I fully savored each moment of my children’s lives.  All my photos of our adventures together are all that I have.  I have prayed for each of them.  What if my daughter never comes home?”

Jesus:  “You worry about many things.  Erin, it is I who is the Conductor of the Orchestra.  I am the Potter.  Now let Me work.  Trust Me.”

Me:  “Lord, I am sorry.  I know so much loss that it is hard to let go.”

Jesus:  “Well, to be of use to Me, you must.  I will help you do this.  I know that your personal dreams have never been realized.  Do you remember when you prayed for Me to give you just one child after the doctors said you would never conceive?  Well, did I not end up giving you three children?  I then increased this to five children when you married your husband.

“You then prayed that all of your children would have a relationship with Me.  Well, they do.  Although you do not always see it, I am there engraved on their hearts.  Their names are written on My hands.  Even though this is rare, Erin, there is so much more.  You did not ask for a husband, but I sent one to you.  You did not ask for a ministry in a way such as this, but I gave you this.

“I delight in you and your Nest.  The Nest is a place near My Altar.  The Nest is a place where you are fed by My hand.  Now, I have not forgotten you.  Continue to pray.  Continue to prepare your house.  I have a great plan.  This plan is an impossible plan as far as you can see it.  However, it is not impossible for Me.  Nothing ever is!”

Me:  “Oh Lord, since You can speak all things into being, then nothing is impossible for You.  I am sorry that I am so worried despite Your assurances.  I wish I was better.”

Jesus:  “I am made perfect in your weakness.  In a little while, all will change, but for your good, understand?  Erin, continue to pray for those I call you to pray for.  I am the Potter.  I am the Good Shepherd.”  He smiled as He hugged me.  “I love you.”  He then kissed me on the top of my head.

Me:  “I love You, Lord!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-505/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-503/

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