Dream 545 – A Great Surprise is Soon to Come

Received on Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for family and friends.  Not only do we have a quiver full of sons and daughters, we also have a massive flock of Nest Sparrow Friends!  We are blessed.  Father, if You had told me where I would be now back in 2012, I would not have believed it.  I probably would have laughed like Sarah when she was told that she would be pregnant with a son within a year.  Truly remarkable.

Still, my life is really like so many others.  While I was born with great individual potential, I did not have much in the way of opportunity or support at home.  As such, I struck out on my own way.  In doing so, I had to ignore the curses, all of the ‘you will never…’, ‘you have no clue about…’ and ‘you are dreaming if…’.  In some ways, they were partially right.  I had no clue that God would use me as a dreamer and a scribe.  Again, truly remarkable.

When I spend time doing God’s work, I am no longer constrained by limitations.  When I work on my own or for others, I experience problems.  This makes sense as I have a ridiculous list of disabilities.  Still, I don’t feel sorry for myself.  However, I do get discouraged at being accused of things I have not done.  Washington L&I concocted such a toxic brew of lies that they stopped my time loss.  They are the epitome of evil.

Sometimes I become so upset.  The Lord then says ‘Erin, I have you… you are better in My care than theirs’.  He is right… as per usual.  So many people are hurting all over the world right now and facing impossible situations.

Me:  “Oh Lord, this Covid stuff never seems to end.  It is horrible.  The restrictions seem to becoming worse.  Help!  Lord, please help us!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, is My Word not being fulfilled now.  Do not worry.  I have taken care of you your whole life and I have no intention of stopping now.  I have blessed those who bless you and cursed those who curse you.  Now, you are not to worry.  Instead of going out in fear, go out in bold joy.  Great is a joyful heart against such oppression.

“I will instruct you in the ways you should go.  Remember to prepare for events as you would normally, yet expect the unexpected from Me at the same time.  Delight yourself in preparations for the possibility of normal traditional gatherings, yet understand that the enemy has longed for war against Christmas.”

Me:  “Should we celebrate Christmas?  Is this not pagan, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Do you give thanks, find joy, gather with loved ones and celebrate the birth of your Savior during this time?”

Me:  “Yes.”

Jesus:  “Then this is good.  You always know when God’s favor is upon a practice when the enemy fights to destroy it.  Why else would the enemy declare war on Christmas?”

Me:  “It is like removing the word Christ from the word Christmas and using X instead (Xmas).  They are always pushing Santa and other distractions from the true Christmas message… all things You.”

Jesus:  “Yes, the big cancelling X.  Same enemy, different battlefront.  He never changes.  I don’t either.  Still, I can do a new thing.  Now, why does God allow Christmas?  Well, it is because you see the heart of a man at its best and also at its worst during this time.  Christmas is a good measure of someone’s heart.”

Me:  “I am afraid about having my daughter travel during Christmas.”

Jesus:  “I understand as these are dangerous times.  However, you serve the God over all things, even time and space.  Your daughter also serves Me.  Her faith is great.  I promise to protect her in all she does.  There are many parents and grandparents in fear for their children right now.  This is because a wave of fear has swept over the nations.

“Remember that news outlets only report on the bad news.  When people watch something bad happening to a youth, many then assume that hundreds of millions of youths, including their youths, will all befall the same trouble.  However, these fears are based on faulty statistics.  Now, if you saw a young person or child in distress that was not your own, would you help?”

Me:  “Of course I would help.  I wouldn’t even think twice.”

Jesus:  “Since I am in you, so I will also aid in the situation.  You are to again understand that you have raised children with My Spirit in them.  With this, along with your prayers and petitions, who can then come against them?  Please do not worry as this does not add to your days.

“I realize it is difficult to wait on My Great Plan, My Great Move.  It is made even more difficult with worry.  Yesterday, you were distressed about the storms.  Today, you have taken up the mantle of other worries.  How can I help you?”

Me:  “Well, I will start off by giving You my mantle.  I surrender my worry to You.  I will keep myself busy with joyful tasks.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but the tasks you are looking at bring you heaviness and a measure of avoidance.”

Me:  “You are right, Lord.  They are overwhelming.  They are like the Red Sea.”

Jesus:  “You are funny!  Then part it down the middle.  When you crossover, do as I instruct.  Your joy will then be complete as there will be no further burdens for you.  It is possible for you to find joy.  While your faith in Me is great, you do not always trust your abilities.”

Me:  “Oh Lord…”  I let out a deep sigh.  “…I need healing.  I need to know that everything will be okay again and my children safe.”

Jesus:  “Ah ha!  Erin, you must trust Me.  I have not brought you this far only to now destroy your hope in Me… your dreams.”

Me:  “I love You, Lord.  I know that You will get us through everything.  I just don’t want anymore trials.  I want to be healed, changed and in service.  I love You.  You are the God over all things.  You are worthy of all of our love and praise.  You are so good.  I just need a miracle.  All of us here on the Nest need Your miracles, Lord!”

Jesus:  “I love you too, Erin.  I hear you.  I see you.  I know your heart is good.  I know you are tired and weary.  I will do as I promised.”

Me:  “I repent, Lord.  I am sorry.  It is just that the world is so horrible now.  If all this can happen to one, it can also happen to many.  Lord, strengthen my faith.  Lord, strengthen me.  I love You.  Please bless my husband, my children, my Nest friends and their families.  We all love You so much!”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, I am with you.  I will never leave you.  Many arrows can come at you, but all will fall short of you.  No attacks from the enemy will prevail.  I am in you.  Now rejoice today.  I will strengthen your faith.  I have a great surprise for you that is soon to come.  Your prayers have been answered.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-546/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-544/

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