Dream 551 – We will Rescue the Victimized

Received on Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You!  There are so many things to be thankful for in the midst of troubles of all kinds.  Your Words never fail, Lord.  In Lamentations 3:23: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end.  They are new every morning.  Great is Your Faithfulness!”  How can it be that Your Word is made new each day?

Over the years, I have taken thousands of photos.  These are records of the passing seasons around us.  This records different animals and birds, as well as sunsets and sunrises.  Each day brings a new thing.  Something new begins each morning.  I remember a prayer from when I was a child:  “Lord, if I die before I wake, I pray my soul is Yours to take.”

When I would then awake, I was thankful for a new day.  I had dreams back then, but now I have dreams from You.  The Lord instructs me as I sleep.  I have no control over these dreams.  Each night brings a movie script that I can then write in my journal.  Even a photo cannot capture what God does in a single day.  While we write on paper or on a tablet, God writes on the tablets of our hearts.

God often grants me signs through nature.  Usually, it is at a moment when I am unsure about everything around us.  We then use these as little confidence boosters to remind us that the Lord is taking care of us.  We then realize that when we self-determine our path, we fail pretty well every time.  When I finally let go and let God, a peace envelopes me that is completely supernatural.  It is then that I finally trust that God has this.  Just recently when I did this, Jesus spoke to me…

Voice of the Lord:  “Erin, I am your strength.  I will make your feet like that of a deer.  You will be able to tread upon high places with great speed.  Nothing will pursue you except for Me.”

Yes, He takes care of us and allows us to do things supernaturally that we wouldn’t usually be able to do on our own.  When an eagle flew over our car while we were driving, my husband and I agreed on something… that God is in control and we can do nothing on our own.  I had a very intense dream two nights ago…

Sub-dream 1 “Rescuing the Victimized” begins…

I saw a property on the ocean.  It was on a peninsula with a road between the property and the cliffs overlooking the ocean.  The area looked like the Pebble Beach / Carmel area in California.  The property had a large house on it.  It was in the style of a Mediterranean house.  The grounds were well kept.  I was with my husband when we received instructions from the Lord…

Voice of the Lord:  “You are to let yourself into this house.”

My husband and I walked over to the front door.  The front door was slightly ajar.  The house appeared to have been abandoned for quite some time.  I yelled into the house…

Me:  Loudly.  “Hello?  Is there anyone here?  Hello?”

We opened the door to peek inside.  We were immediately greeted by a lamb with a cowbell on their collar.  The lamb was so cute as she ran up to greet us.  Not far behind the lamb were two little boys.  The older of the two boys looked scared…

Me:  “What is your name and how old are you?”

Johnny:  “My name is Johnny and I am eight-years-old.”

Me:  “How about your brother?”

Johnny:  “My brother’s name is Jared and he is five-years-old.  My parents will be coming home soon.  Please don’t hurt us.”

Me:  “We won’t hurt you.  Do not worry.  We are here to help.”

The Lord then told us that the parents were forced to leave their house, belongings, pets and children behind.  It was very clear that their children had been there alone for at least a month.  The house also had no electricity.

My husband:  Praying to God with a smile in a way that the kids could see and hear.  “Say, Jesus, we sure could use some light about now.”

Just then, the electricity came on, along with the lights.

Johnny:  “How did you make the lights come on?  It has been cold at night and scary too.  We have been crying a lot.  Someone comes at night to stay with us.  They would play beautiful music until we fell asleep.  When we woke up in the mornings, we noticed that they had left breakfast for us to eat.  Even though the power has been off, our refrigerator has kept everything nice and cold.  The milk still tastes fresh and the carton is always full.”

Me:  Smiling.  “That is because God has been taking care of you.  He sent us to take you to our home in order for you both to be extra safe.  There are some big storms approaching here and the Lord wants you to be safe.”

Johnny:  Starting to cry.  “But when my parents come back, we won’t be here.  They won’t be able to find us.”

Me:  “Do not worry.  When your parents return, God will send someone to let them know He has taken you to a safe place.  We will take you, Jared and all of your pet animals to our home.  You will both have as much food as you will need and comfy beds to sleep in.”

Johnny went up to me and Jared went over to my husband.  They wanted us to hug them.  My husband picked up little Jared and the little boy wrapped his arms around my husband’s neck.  I picked up Johnny and he did the same.

Johnny:  “Can I show you around?  There might be things we can use.”

I could tell that Johnny was worried about their things.  He took us to their rooms.  It was obvious that they had been alone for a very long time as everything was in disarray.

Johnny:  “See, I make our beds every day.”

This little boy trying to still keep a routine tugged at my ‘heartstrings’.  The smell of the beds was awful as they were both soiled.

Me:  “We sure could use some help with these rooms.”

In an instant, the house was clean and organized.  It now smelled wonderful.

Johnny:  “How did you do that?”

Jared:  “Angels?  Was it angels who cleaned our house?”

Me:  “It was Jesus.”

Johnny:  “Wow, I like Jesus!”

Me:  “We are going to take you to our home soon.  Let’s look around and you can pick out what you want to come with you.”

Since the property was in a gated community, I felt that the boys had not been in danger from thieves.  Still, they were completely abandoned.  I just knew that something must have happened as who would leave these adorable children?  We could tell their parents had left suddenly.

We then found some tax collection notices and some foreclosure notices.  We then found a document showing that the parents had owned the home free and clear.  When we looked at the notices again, we gathered that they were tripped up by an unfair tax load.  Still, we were not sure, so we asked Jesus what happened.

Voice of the Lord:  “The parents could not pay their debt.  An unfair deadline was responsible for this.  The government then took the mother into custody, claiming that she resisted arrest.  While they tried to make it look accidental, the father was murdered.  Government representatives knew that these children were by themselves and had no issue with leaving them to die.”

Me:  “So, the parents never left the children voluntarily.  It was the government that had left them to die.”

Voice of the Lord:  “Yes.  Now, take them to your home and I will then send you to their mother.  You will also bring her to your home until I provide a new home for her and her children.  She has been praying non-stop, even refusing to eat any food.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, this is difficult.  I am so upset.”

Voice of the Lord:  “You must go to where I call you.  I will then give you instructions.  Sometimes it is better to not know all the details until I reveal them.  These children were never abandoned by their parents.  Now, gather them up into your arms and take them away from here.”

We did exactly as God had just instructed us.  We laughed when we arrived home as God had already placed an addition on our home for the mother, her boys and their cute animal friends.  They even had their own small fenced yard and a beautiful little barn for their animals to stay.  There was a little fountain and plenty of food.

The boys were now able to go and visit their animal friends through their own patio door to their own ‘animal yard.  The boys had a shared room with comfortable beds and a bathroom.  There was a separate room ready for when their mother arrived.  They had some belongings from their home to make it feel like their own.  Our children played with the two boys and they had so much joy and laughter.

God then called my husband and me back to the boys’ home to learn more.  He didn’t want to do this with us while the children were around.  When we walked through the home, we saw that all of the valuable items had been plundered.  There was an open safe and various small boxes.  All of the jewelry and coins within the boxes were long gone.  What we saw next really infuriated us.

We saw two small loaded guns.  One was tagged Jared and the other one was tagged Johnny.  We knew that this was set up by the government to trick them into killing themselves.  Once we had seen enough, we asked the Lord to take us to their mom.  We were instantly in a solitary confinement cell.  There was a very thin woman sitting in squalor.  We prayed for the Lord to strengthen her and bathe her.  Jesus addressed us.

Voice of the Lord:  “Her name is Julia.  Take her hand and tell her that I have heard her prayers.  Tell her that Jared and Johnny are safe and well.  Tell her that her boys have been in My Father’s hands.  Tell her that I will now take her to where her children are.”

I reached over and took the woman’s frail boney hand.  She had no energy.  She looked up at me.  I could tell that she didn’t even have the energy to crack a smile.

Me:  “Julia?”

Julia:  “Yes.”

Me:  “Jesus has heard your prayers.  Both Jared and Johnny are safe and well.  Your boys have been looked after by God the Father Himself.  It is time to see your children.”

In a flash of light, God instantly took the three of us back to our home.  During our ‘one-second-journey’, God had already healed and strengthened Julia.  We took her to her sons and they all cried as they embraced.  Julia then looked over at us.

Julia:  “Who are you?  Thank you.  Thank you!”

Me:  “We are servants of the Lord.  He called us to rescue your sons.  Jesus heard your prayers and sent us to gather them.  He sent us to set you free.”

Julia:  “Could we speak in private?  I don’t want my boys to hear this.”

Me:  “Of course.”

My husband and I led her to a private room.  Julia immediately started to cry.

Julia:  “You won’t even believe all that they did to us.  They seized all of our money before we could pay a new tax that had come out of nowhere.  The tax didn’t make any sense at all.  They purposely made it so that we could not pay this tax.  Even though we had the means to pay our debts, they took it all instead.  They then killed my husband.”

Me:  “Do not worry about your husband as he is waiting for you in Heaven.  The Lord met him as he was dying and you will see him again.”

Julia:  “They left my children.  They abandoned them.  There are many more families than just us that they have done this to.  They have done this to many others.”

My husband:  “Well then, the Lord will expand our land to accommodate more.  As He leads, so shall we follow.”

Julia:  “Please help them.  Some of our neighbors had newborns.”

My husband:  “Don’t worry.  God will not let them suffer.  He was there with your children and so too will He be with the others.  By the way, how many are we talking?”

Julia:  “They seized the assets of the wealthy.  They froze our accounts.  They cut off our power.  They then came for us.  It was all about money and power.  Even Silicone Valley was a target.  If you weren’t considered individually useful, they would then…”

My husband:  “You need to rest now.  Do not worry.  God is the Great Restorer.  They will not succeed.  Now, Erin and I must go.”

Julia:  Nodding in agreement.  “Yes, thank you.”

Me:  “Thank Jesus as He did all of this.”

The Lord continued to instruct us.  We gathered up more children and their animals.  We let out a few parents from solitary confinement.  Many had been killed.  The stories were all similar to Julia’s story.  The Lord then gave us another solemn task.  We then went to the evil people responsible for all of this.

They had gathered in a building and were conferencing with others remotely.  While they were celebrating their victories, the Lord made the ground shake.  The building then collapsed upon the evil men.  An angel of the Lord then appeared to all those who were in the remote locations.  The angel then gave each of them a solemn message…

Angel:  “God has placed you on notice.”

Note:  The men working remotely then disappeared.  It seems they had not been killed as the other men had been because they had some type of future role for after the Rapture had occurred.  I could tell that these men were both upset and scared.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I then had another dream last night…

Sub-dream 2 “A Loaf of Bread for a Rembrandt” begins…

I was attending an auction.  The items up for auction would have been priceless under normal conditions.  As it was now, these priceless items had little value.  The auction house had no electricity.  This meant they could not take any external bids.  Flashlights were used to highlight the items.  I went up to one of the proctors…

Me:  “Who do these items belong to?”

Proctor:  “The dead.  We can’t keep up either.  There are more goods than buyers because we can’t take payments electronically.”

Me:  “Who has cash?”

Proctor:  “Someone who decided to forego that loaf of bread for a Renoir or a Degas.”

Me:  “What?  A loaf of bread?  Those are priceless paintings!”

Proctor:  “Yes, but demand is low for paintings.  They seized everyone’s homes and called in the full notes.  No one has a home.  Now, do you have cash?”

Me:  “Yes.”

Proctor:  “How much?”

Me:  “Enough.  I don’t eat much.”

Proctor:  “Then you can bid.  Good luck.”  She handed me a flashlight.  “I will need this back upon exit.”

Me:  “Will do.”

Sub-dream 2 over…

Me:  “Lord, there seems to be a common theme of no power.  These dreams can be so depressing.  I liked my dream of Train 222 from a couple of days ago much better.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “You are dreaming about the plans of the wicked.  However, My plans are greater.  The enemy uses the same playbook because he is void of divine inspiration.  Societies who need to steal secrets in advancements of this age is because they are void of My blessings.  They give no credit to Me, so I give no blessing to them.  In order to achieve their goals, they steal.  However, they still struggle.

“Remember that the same order of the enemy is now at work.  He dehumanizes his enemies.  He demoralizes them by disheartening them.  He brings them low.  He divides them.  He cuts off their supplies and provisions.  He closes the churches unless he is given greater honor than God.  He is a liar.  He is a thief.  He edifies himself.  He weaponizes all things against his opponents.

“Now, electricity will be cut off, but later.  Right now, the stage is being set for My Glory to light up this dark place.  There is a reason I tell you to store yourselves treasures in Heaven.  This is because all things there on Earth are without value when looked upon with an eternal perspective.  Material goods will mean nothing.”

Me:  “Can You give me more exciting and hopeful dreams?  These are brutal.”

Jesus:  “Erin, when do people look for a Savior to save them?  Do they look when they are having a great time and great joy or when they are in troubles of many kinds?”

Me:  “Troubles, of course.”

Jesus:  “Well, Erin, just be glad that I will be sending help.  I am about to send an army of revivalists.  You will heal the sick, set free the captives and cause tongues to confess.  You will restore broken dreams and even broken cities.  So many will then give their hearts to Me.  This will happen until I remove those I love, those whose hearts are Mine (in the Rapture).  Now take heart and do not worry.  I have you and I have called you for a time such as this.  Rejoice as you are loved.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-552/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-550/

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