Dream 552 – Writing the Dreams to Living the Dreams

Received on Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for Your Grace and Mercy.  Your unconditional love is beyond even that for my own children.  I am so thankful.  I have even become thankful for my sons being kept by You in the form of Asperger’s (which is on the Autism spectrum).  I know being thankful for this makes no sense as I fully realize that I have been praying for their healing for many years now.

Still, what makes this syndrome ‘special’ is that it preserves their innocence in a harsh world.  I see Your brilliance in what You have done here.  In addition to my sons, You have also kept a whole army of warriors hidden in plain sight.  It is an unconventional, but brilliant, model.  As for my sons, there are several traits they both share that actually bring me a surprising amount of joy as their mother…

  1. They keep a schedule.
  2. They change course only for good reason.
  3. They stay on task and do not stop.
  4. They are loyal and focus on following the lead of those they respect.
  5. They shun evil and abusive people and will dig in against them.
  6. They are consistent, meaning there are very few, if any, surprises.
  7. They are steadfast in their believe that God’s promises for them are true.
  8. Even if they try, they just cannot lie.
  9. They do not steal. Their items are important to them.  They also monitor other people’s items to make sure no one hurts them.
  10. They are easy to take advantage of by their bosses. This is because they do as they are told no matter what.
  11. They never miss a day.
  12. One always says goodnight to us before bedtime.
  13. They watch outside at night to see what the wild animals are up to.
  14. They are quick to sound the alarm.
  15. They are unchangeable and stubborn.
  16. They become agitated when transitioning from one scenario to another.
  17. When people are cruel to them, they remember, but are quick to believe a good reason for their behavior. This means they can be easily manipulated by evil people until You open their eyes.
  18. They can be very giving without even a second thought.
  19. They have taught me patience as I have come to realize that they don’t need to change, I do. My husband has learned this as well.

Well, I could go on and on.  God has kept my sons until the day He calls them for His service.  I am so thankful for this.  I slept in this morning until 10:00am.  This is well beyond my normal wakeup time.  Between this morning and last night, I had a series of dreams, dreams that had a common them of good vs evil…

Sub-dream 1 “A Youthful Rebel becomes a Youthful Preacher” begins…

I was living in a four-story house.  We were at the end of a cul-de-sac in a major city with high crime.  Almost the entire base floor of this house was a massive Olympic-sized swimming pool.  The swimming pool was entirely indoors and was surrounded by walls covered in glass.  There was no privacy.  This was my worst nightmare as the swimming pool was very visible to anyone passing by.

One night, a group of rebellious youths from around this crime ridden area came to our house.  They were demanding to be let into our pool as they wanted a pool party.  They were angry at us as we would not let them come in.  They then decided to let themselves in by breaking one of the glass walls surrounding the pool.  No matter how hard they tried, they could not break in.  They were even injuring themselves.

They even tried to drive a vehicle through the glass, but the glass stayed intact and the car broke into pieces and then disappeared.  The crowd was discouraged, but was still not giving up.  I watched as the crowd began to gather in order to plot what to do next.    I decided to go outside wearing dark sweats and a hooded black coat.  By being disguised, I was able to get close enough to hear what they were plotting.

I did this because I knew both the glass and I were being supernaturally protected by Jesus.  I sat on a snow berm and listened to them plot.  One of the plotters looked over at me and decided to come over and sit down.  He looked exhausted as he was tired from throwing so many objects at our glass.  His eyes widened when he suddenly realized I was the owner of the house.

Young man:  “We are never going to get into that pool are we?”

Me:  “Well, not like this.  That pool isn’t for partying or even swimming.”

Young man:  “Then why have it?”

Me:  “It is a healing pool.”

Young man:  Clearly high on drugs.  “Yep, I want to party in that pool and get me some healing.  Will I still be healed if I force my way in?”

Me:  “You will never find out with that attitude.  God will just keep keeping you out.”

Another youth came up to him and offered him a pill.  The drugs looked just like a colorful licorice candy.  Just then, a paramedic came to give the young man a blood pressure reading.  While doing so, yet another youth gave the young man a pill.

Young man:  Addressing the other youth.  “Thanks, man.”  Addressing the paramedic as he pointed at me.  “It is her fault that I probably broke some bones.”

Paramedic:  “Stop taking those pills.  They are affecting my readings.”

The paramedic looked frustrated.  He must have given up as he walked away.

Me:  “God can use me to heal you if it is His Will and you want to be healed.”

Young man:  “Yeah, right.  How would that even be possible?  Okay, sure, heal me.”

God told me it was His Will for me to touch his arm.  In an instant, he was healed.

Young man:  “What?  What?  Seriously, what?  Thank you!  Thank God!”

His eyes were opened.  He was suddenly aware of all of the evil that was happening around him.  He then became a type of preacher.  I saw him standing on the snow berm for days calling for all of his friends to repent.  They must have gotten sick of him as one of his ‘friends’ went over and shot him.  I walked outside while he was dying.  The Lord had me hold my hand over his gaping wound.  He was instantly healed good as new.

He stood up on the now blood-stained snow berm and continued preaching, barely missing a beat.  His friends left the area out of fear for what they just saw.  Once they left, God opened a door to the pool and said it was time.  The young man started calling out loud to all that would hear to come for healing.  My family then baptized at least 10,000 people, all giving their lives to Jesus.  All those baptized were then also healed.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “Mass Manipulation using Falsified Covid Tests” begins…

The false prophet, the USA’s ‘doctor to the world’, was standing at a podium.  He was declaring that the people will only have to isolate if they test positive on a Covid test.  If you test positive, people are to isolate until they receive a negative test.  This isolation could last up to thirty days.

As for those who test negative on a Covid test, they were able to continue working, go shopping and were able to attend various venues.  However, there was a scary catch.  For anyone, vaccinated or not, that comes into contact with someone testing positive, they must isolate until they are tested.  It was scary because there was now a severe shortage of tests and the waits could be lengthy.

There was a hidden agenda to all of this.  Tests were given out to selected people.  This meant they were then at the mercy of the people running the tests.  I saw a well-known opponent of the ‘world’s doctor’ taking this test, along with his family.

While their test results showed that they didn’t have Covid, they falsified the results to make it seem like they tested positive.  They kept them from testing again and locked them down for the 30 days.  This was just the tip of the iceberg.

I then saw the same happening for certain sports teams against certain other teams.  Star players were given false positive tests.  They did this to make the stars unable to play.  The motivation was that the resulting sports betting were fixed to those in the know.  A bet made before the information became public was quite valuable.

I then saw whole churches shutdown in the same manner.  All congregants were then forced to isolate and wait for tests that never came.  This felt so current, almost as if this was ready to be put into place right now.  I then overheard two people that worked for the doctor…

Woman:  “Well, no one speaks against him now.  He stands for all science.”

Man:  “So, I get it now.  Those opposed will be unable to vote.  People don’t even see how brilliant and flawless all of this is.”

Woman:  “Shut up.  You can’t say this out loud.  This is the game changer.  This is the final nail in the coffin.  Game over!”

Sub-dream 2 over…

Me:  “Oh Father, please let Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Please, Father.  This is truly evil.  They do it with smiles on their faces.  They are calm and in control.  This is so frustrating.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here.  There are many plots in place.  The people are becoming less and less compliant.  They amplified the severity of this other plague as they get mileage from fear and control.  They silenced the doctors who first sounded the alarm by giving them no platform to spread the good news that this variant is not as bad.

“Evil stands to gain more by controlling a continued narrative of fear.  With people becoming angry and questioning these narratives, they are now moving toward weapons of diagnosing those they seek to destroy.  However, I see all of it.  I see the wicked and their schemes.  They seek greater control as they hold on tighter to the lies.

“They seek to solidify the ballots to forever give them power.  This would solidify their power forever and cause a great uprising.  Do not worry about these things as I have continued to keep you on your course.  Now, you had one more dream.  Why did you not write this one down?”

Me:  “Oh Lord, this dream just left me so sad…

Note:  This is highly unusual.  The Lord speaks with me back and forth as I speak about Sub-dream 3 under His Guidance.  As this is all about Sub-dream 3, I am going to put all of the resulting dialogue between Jesus and me into Sub-dream 3.

Sub-dream 3 “An Empty Chair… A Job Well Done…” begins…

Me:  “I was looking at my devotional chair where I write these dreams in my journal.  I had obviously been away for awhile as my chair and ottoman had now been overgrown with jasmine vines.  While the vines had plenty of sun, they would have had no water.  I then went to grab the nearest vessel to fill it with water.

“Before I finished fully watering the vines, my canvas vessel had a tear in the bottom.  I was discouraged because a great deal of water had just spilled out.  Still, despite my long absence, the vines were still blooming even with the lack of water.”

Jesus:  “And this is bad news?  When you interpret your dreams, you often look for My rebuke or you fear that you will fall out of favor.  Now, pretend that this is not your chair and ottoman which was overgrown.  Try to interpret this dream as if it was for another person.  Erin, what would your observations be?”

Me:  “Well, this person spent a lot of time there conversing with the Lord and writing down what she was told in her journals.  She struggled with this jasmine tree in the room and brought it back to life several times, often also trimming its long shoots.  The person who sat there often cried and was in pain.

“For some reason, she was called away for a few years.  She was gone long enough for the vines to take over her chair and ottoman.  When she returned, she discovered that the vines had overcome her chair.  She knew that the jasmine tree needed water.

“She grabbed a round canvas bag that was wax coated inside and strong enough to hold water.  She discovered she had lost some water because of a tear in the canvas.  Upon closer examination of the vines, she saw that they were blossoming 100 times more than ever.  God had taken care of the jasmine tree during her absence.”

Jesus:  “So then, what would you give for an interpretation?”

Me:  “This area was, and is, important to her and holds a special place in her heart.  However, she must now venture out for a while and leave this former way.  She must first be healed to do this though.  She does not die during her absence or she wouldn’t be able to return.  Her times of writing had stopped and she will one day return.”

Jesus:  “Yes, Erin, this is true.  While your writings through Me have been a job well done, I am not finished with you.  The time and times of excitement are still to begin.”

Sub-dream 3 over…

Jesus:  “However, do not be afraid.  Do not be sad as you will be busy with Me.  In turn, I will watch over your house during your absence.”

Me:  “Lord, these dreams, Your Words, in these journals, have become part of me.  You are not mad at me, right?”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, no, I am not mad at you.  I am with you.  It is the time of Great Miracles, the time and times you have waited for, dreamed about and prayed for.  Erin, there will now be a shift from one state of understanding to a new and greater change.  You didn’t expect to just sit here in your chair forever, right?  Do not all of your dreams and visions show you away from this chair?”

Me:  Crying… well, really sobbing and weeping.  “Yes, Lord.  However, I will miss this so much.  My time with You has been so special here.  I had avoided writing about this dream because I didn’t want to write this dream down at all.”

Jesus:  “I know, Erin, I know.  I have readied your heart for all of these years.  You have gone through great adventures with Me.  However, I am now in you.  We will go out and do a new thing together.  Do not be afraid even though I know that you are.  Oh Erin, do you not see what I have done here from the beginning to the end with you?  I am preparing you for something the world has never seen.  Now rejoice, Erin, and do not be afraid.  I am with you.  I love you.”

Note:  The Lord never told me that the dreams have ended.  However, I felt that their time will soon come to a close.  What does this mean to God though?  Are there no more dreams left… ten more dreams left… something in between… even more?  I certainly hope these will soon come to a close as that will surely mean it is now our time to fly!  Praying that His definition of ‘soon’ will now match our definition of ‘Right Now!!!!’

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-553/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-551/

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