Dream 586 – We are ready for our very large Wedding

Received on Monday, March 14, 2022


Dear Father,

Thank You for one more day here!  Thank You for all the small things You do for us every day.  Thank You for Your love and great affection.  Father, leaders are important to You.  You raise them up to shape the course of the ways of the world.  You do this to fulfill prophecy and to bring in Your order of business.  The nations enjoy peace when You allow it and our kings go to war because You allow hearts to be stirred to battle.

There are so many factors You weigh when determining if a nation or nations are good.  However, You also do not entertain fools and eventually all of their wicked plots and schemes are exposed.  Not long ago, leaders and kings, often in spring, led their troops, armies, battalions and brigades out onto the battlefields.  They were there to fight and lead, but now wars are fought differently.

Right now, we are seeing wars being fought in ways unlike any prior wars.  It is WWIII because many nations have come against one nation (the Bear) and all of its people, even the innocent ones.  It is sad because many mothers and fathers have now lost their sons and even daughters.  Many children have lost their parents.  We are watching as lines are drawn by the nations in the sand.

One nation has gathered many enemies of the nations and now I believe that there are now ‘wars and rumors of wars’ (Matthew 24:6).  The leaders of our nation seem to be similar to that which You describe in Habakkuk 2.  However, I would like to believe that Habakkuk’s prayer is soon about to be fulfilled as in Chapter 3.  This is about Your power and might being on full display throughout the lands.  When You come to revive us, this will be a mighty revival unlike anything the world has seen in history.

Sub-Dream 1 “Prepare for the coming King” begins…

I saw ten mighty angels move across the Earth at the sound of Your command.  The angels lifted the lands by their corners like they were picking up a floor rug.  I saw a commanding angel make a declaration…

Angel:  “This season removing the unclean remnant.  Shaking the dust and all residue which remains.  Preparing the lands for God’s Holy Army, 7 days.”

I saw a great shaking as the angels prepared the way for the Lord.  I saw a magnificent red carpet being laid out for our coming King!

Sub-Dream 1 over…

Me:  “Lord, Your immense power in my dreams seems too fantastical to imagine.  I know that You have this and that nothing is impossible for You.  You are preparing the lands for what is coming.  But when?  Is this for the New Earth or is this for now?  Please help us, Lord.  Please come immediately as we need You more than ever.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “I am here with you.  Erin, think of this in terms of hearts, not just physical nations.  This is not about real estate and deeds related to ownership as God owns it all.  Since God has created all of this, He can remove it, declare it good or keep it as it is and work from there.  All of it is His and, by His authority, no being, whether angel, demon or scheme of man, can remove all God has established.

“So, what does the enemy do next when he knows that I am about the heart?  He works to corrupt it.  By doing so by corrupt works, he makes the land unclean.  However, the enemy is never in control as I am always in control.  The nations are being exposed and shaken by God.  There are many layers of filth.  There is debris gathering in the corners and festering.

“While sin usually resides in darkness, you now see it residing in full view.  There is no longer any shame.  There is no fear of God in these treacherous leaders.  All that you see with your eyes is focused on one thing.  This happens even as the enemy works all things together for the ‘good of evil’.  However, you are always to remember that the enemy is not a house divided, understand?

“I have sent angels to confound them.  By confusing their actions, their evil works shall be exposed.  This will happen even through confessions.  While the undiscerning world does not see it, the enemy has one governing body and it is united.  They are united despite operating in the opposite of the fruits of the spirit.  Do not worry though as I am exposing the plots of the wicked.

“Those with pride will still not turn from their evil.  They will instead proclaim their own personal righteousness when there is none.  The governments of many nations are corrupt.  Their compromise is like a foolish youth with no leading, someone who appeals to a prostitute for advice.  They go to the prostitute for advice instead of someone who fears God and loves My Laws.

“Once a leader is compromised and the very decrees under God has been forgotten or My Words expelled as hateful, this is when the foundation of that nation crumbles.  This is due to sheer neglect.  They even declare the records of history false and destroy the records room of evidence of God’s favor in battles and land acquisitions.  While God could destroy all of this as it is His right, the Father’s love is even greater.

“He sent Me when the land and the people were under punishing occupation and taxation.  More so, their hearts had been far from Me.  They were looking for their Redeemer and King, but many missed Me because the thought of God in flesh as the least of these and not as a King repulsed them.  As the leaders and arbiters of the Law of Moses were repulsed by Me, so too did I die in a repulsive state.

“They failed to see that God, in His great wisdom and love, sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.  They failed to see the magnificent gift of mercy that My Father sent.  The land was then shaken and graves opened.  The temple curtains were torn in two.  The sun went dark.  Romans fell to their knees, brave men, and declared ‘surely this was the Son of God!’

“I then rose.  As My Father is the God of the Impossible, death did not hold Me.  Erin, death did not keep Me.  I was given the keys and I still have them and I always will.  Well, flash forward two thousand years later and here we are.  Once again, leaders seem to have severe amnesia.  However, to say this, one would have to claim that their mind was actually clear at some point of time in the past.

“While this may be true for some, it is not true for others.  They have died spiritually as they have been given over to the powers of darkness.  Their minds are cloaked like in a fog on visible display.  Now, tell Me about your discovery this morning.”

Me:  “While I am not sure why, in nature, some animals are smarter than other animals.  For example, the red squirrels around our house.  I threw a nut just inches away from a baby red squirrel four times, but it did not see it, hear it or do anything to recognize it.  It was literally right in front of its head and he could not see it.  They are so clever in some areas, but not so bright in other areas.”

Jesus:  “These red squirrels are young and still learning to be aware of their surroundings.  Still, this was a good example of not seeing the obvious signs and warnings.  This can mean that they are easily susceptible to prey.  The youth in the lands are often like this and usually have little leading.

“Now, you are witnessing what you believe is the general stupidity of many leaders.  However, you are to think of it this way instead.  Remember what I told you about seeing things with your spiritual eyes.  I have called My angel armies into battle over the princes and their strongholds over the territories.  You will continue to see powers diminished as these authorities of darkness are cutdown and removed.

“You will witness confusion.  You will see admissions of guilt and participation.  You will see the demonic strongholds in individuals changed or removed.  Some of these strongholds will then boil to the surface.  This will be due to their actions of thrusting them into the light.  In fear, they will then run for the cover of darkness.  You will witness an unusual tide coming across the lands.  Along with this, a gravitational pull will call up that which is drawn to the Father in Heaven.”

Me:  “Hmm, amplified behaviors like this seem similar to a mental hospital during the full moon.  My friend was a nurse at one of them and said they had to put more staff on the floor during the full moon as their patients became noticeably more irritable.”

Jesus:  “Interesting analogy.  In this case, the full moon is the Bride.  The gravitational pull from the Bride will cause the impurities of the enemy below the surface to be brought forth into the light.  As for My Bride, all the purities, all that is good in the Kingdom of Heaven and on Earth, will be brought forth.  My Bride is without stain or blemish.  I have now called upon My Bride to prepare for the Great Celebration.  Those who recognize My Bride can then choose to attend the celebration or run away from it.”

Me:  “But I thought that God had already been preparing for all of this and was very close to being completely finished.”

Jesus:  “Yes, Erin, but this is a very large and elaborate wedding.  There has never been such a grand event.  The Bride even helped to prepare the guest list here on Earth.  This list has now been completed.  Heaven has now been prepared.”

Me:  “Lord, You are a Divine Mystery!  You are so incredible.  I am amazed at how many of us are having the same words, signs and wonders from You.  We are all in awe.  We are in both scary times and exciting times.  All that You have promised is coming to pass.  Your Bride is a church like no other.  All of our hope is in You, Lord.  I am excited that the angels are rolling out the Red Carpet for You as we speak.”

Jesus:  “Now watch and see this as good.  The angels are still preparing by shaking out the dust of the Earth.  Rejoice, Erin, and prepare for what is coming.  Your heart is ready!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-587/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-585/

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