Dream 616 – A Lesson on the Enemy’s War Tactics

Received on Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Dear Father,

You are awesome, Father.  You are so very good.  You love us unconditionally.  You love us so much.  You enjoy communion and fellowship with us.  We run after You in all things.  You love us in a healthy and life-giving awe-inspiring way.  The more time we spend honoring our commitment to You and searching for You, the more we can be found by You.

The world competes with You, Father.  The enemies of the children of God hate all that is good, lovely and holy.  You call out to us in hundreds of ways every day.  I love You, Father.  You are so good.  I have been stressed lately though as my dreams have been very dark.  Upon waking, the news around us in various events are even becoming more and more like my darker dreams.

Ten years ago, all these current event dreams and different scenarios that You showed me all seemed Post-Rapture.  Now though my dreams have become a reality and it is scary.  Conspiracy theories are no longer conspiracies as this massive war rages on.  There is a hidden war fought on battlefields unfamiliar to us and by unknown assailants.

What is scary is that our statutes formed under God are being destroyed and stripped away.  We are under siege.  The weapons of mass destruction are so numerous against us, how do we know what is right and true?  It is hard to watch these horrors unfold.  Lies are very difficult to hear over and over, so we turn it off.  We no longer trust anything that the world offers.  How can we be certain of anything of this world?

Me:  “Oh Father, I had another troubling dream last night.  Please help us.  Father, please rescue us.  We love You!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “I am here!  Erin, I am with you.  Go above what you see here and I am over all of it.  I am jealous for My people.  I am jealous for My Bride.  I see the injustice and public displays meant to cause confusion.  How can there be a trial with no defense, no lawyer to plead a case and no unbiased jury?

“Justice is balanced on the scales of truth.  Justice balanced on false testimonies and lies or even withholding evidence is not justice.  I see.  I am over all things.  The enemy wants you to be afraid and base all your decisions on fear.”

Me:  “But, Lord, this really is getting scary.”

Jesus:  “You are afraid of many things.  As I am in you, I already know this.  Remember that the increase in attacks come because this is an effective tool against My Bride.  Think of it this way… the Bride has diligently waited a long time for her Groom to come.  She keeps oil in her lamp and her wick trimmed.  She readies her position.  She keeps watch, along with her maidens, through the night and does not fall asleep.

“While waiting, she still sweeps and cleans.  She eats and drinks.  More importantly, she dreams and thinks of her love day and night.  In all that she does, she praises her Groom.  She loves Him so much, she would never consider leaving her watch post to venture into town.  Even when others have gone away and, in drunkenness, call out to her to come, the Bride remains faithful and diligent.  She remains alert.  She sings and remains in joy while she waits for Him.”

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord, as my heart is growing sick.  I long for the day that the sounds of the mockers are drowned out by the Wedding Party of the Groom, the day You come for us.  All my hope is in this.  We just want to be pleasing to You as Your Bride.”

Jesus:  “I love you.  You are Mine.  No one can take you from My hand.  You have been faithful.  You have trusted Me.  You took up a pen years ago and tracked it to paper by My command.  You did not write with pencil which can be erased, but of ink.  You allowed Me to speak by pouring out ink into these books.  While you did not understand what I was doing, I spoke to you of mysteries through your dreams and visions.

“I chose you because you are not what the world would expect.  Instead, you are what I created.  It is written in these pages.  This is the story I have written on the heart of My Bride.  Each day, you never know what I will show you or where you will go.  However, you then trust Me for the revelation, not yourself.  I know the plans I have for My Remnant.  You have all been called to Me for such a great time as this.

“You are all as gold to Me.  You have been refined in the fires of affliction until all the residue that remains has been skimmed from the top.  The black dross has been skimmed off.  Now, I have called you to a higher level of service, a purpose that is higher for My Glory.  Many now have lamps that are growing dim.  However, to those I have called, you know I am about to move in a way the world is unprepared for.

“Many of My people have fallen asleep to My call because they only see the kingdom of the wicked against all that was good and now wonder if God sees or cares.  However, to those who are close to Me, who are watchmen on My walls, who are attendants with the Bride, they continue their assignments as I have called them day in and day out.

“Now, the enemy suspects, based on their advances being seemingly left unchecked by God and His people, that something is soon to occur.  The angel armies are fighting in the heavens over territories and strongholds over you and all you see around you.  Much good news is removed.  Since the demonic realm knows the times and has prepared in advance, he attacks the children of God.

“So much is now being attacked by the wicked.  The children.  The holy union of man and wife.  The churches or any affiliation with honoring Me in spirit and in truth.  You have seen the speed in which evil armies are advancing.  They travel with such speed and intensity that you fail to see what is over all of this.  Well, I see and I am here.  I am God and I do not change.

“Listen to Me.  Remain in Me and I will remain in you.  I am planning events with unprecedented power and might.  I will come and will not delay.  While I know this is confusing to you, there is an appointed time.  There are patterns in history like these times now, but never has there been a time quite like this.

“Now, can you stay focused on Me?  Remain in Me.  I am here.  If more troubles come your way, know that I will deliver you from them all as I have done, am doing and will continue to do.  One day very soon… yes, very soon… there will be a shaking unlike that which the world has ever seen nor will ever see again.  The children of God are in position.  So many things will delight My Bride…

  • Children will be brought home
  • Families will be brought together
  • Hearts will be healed
  • Cities will be restored
  • Lies and darkness will be removed
  • Reputations will be restored

The Great Harvest will include great miracles, signs and wonders.  There will be great joy and peace.  Even the dead will be raised.  Secrets buried will be uncovered.  There will be no stealing.  There will be no invasions of foreigners as they will be content and reconciled to their own lands as healing and restoration is for the nations, not just for one or two nations.  Evil leaders will confess and go into exile until the time they gather again to do evil.

“Now, I am here.  I will bless your fasts, your worship, your rest and your gifts.  As you honor Me, I will bless you.  Do not worry about what the enemy is going to do as he is predictable.  I will instruct you as you dream and in your waking hours.  The last few dreams you have had show you to be careful of the clever traps of the wicked as they too stand and watch.”

Me:  “Lord, based on my dream last night, I need an extra uptick in discernment…

Sub-Dream 1 “A Crazy Woman living on the Driveway” begins…

I was living in a townhome.  It was near homes just like mine.  I had a single car garage and a small driveway.  The neighbor next to me had the mirror image of mine.  Our garages were attached.  Our driveways were separated by a fence about four feet high.  The temperature at night was dropping when I noticed, outside my neighbor’s garage, a clear plastic tarp used as a tent.

The occupants of the tent were a woman about age 30 and her two daughters, one around 8 years old and the other around three.  They were sleeping under the tarp.  While my neighbor had let them live in her garage, she had now kicked them out to the driveway.  The woman and her two children kept staring at me.

While I wanted to help the little girls, the mother looked crazy.  She had her eyelids folded inside out so you could see the red exposed skin.  The mom just didn’t ‘look right’.  I felt bad because I had a room that had two bunkbeds that no one was using.  However, I felt held back from offering them this.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

“Lord, was my actions the correct ones here?  Did I lack compassion?”

Jesus:  “Erin, the dream is a good one for instruction.  The enemy presents situations that your heart, being good, would run into.  It is sometimes hard to realize that it can be dangerous to help.  This is to show you not to fall for trojan horses looking to come into your home to destroy you.  Now, why do you feel that you did not follow through to help this mother and her daughters?”

Me:  “I knew my neighbor.  Our garages are even attached.  If they were a problem living in her garage, not even in her house, just her driveway, I figured there must be some huge problems with them.  While I sometimes call this a ‘gut feeling’, I know it is really You communicating to us via the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus:  “In this dream, I was instructing you to be keenly aware of the elements in your dream.  The woman had a demon and, yes, so too did both of her two daughters.  What you were seeing as innocent was not.  Your suspicions were correct.”

Me:  “Couldn’t I have just driven out the demons?”

Jesus:  “Of course.  However, this was not an instruction on deliverance.  I was showing you the various forms evil can take.  I instructed you in your dream not to bring her into your home.  This is wisdom.  While there will be a time of deliverance, you are to do nothing until you are called to do so.  Not all are healed or delivered.  They choose their position.  However, this is a different lesson for a different day.

“Now, take heart.  I am over all things.  I see.  Be encouraged as I am with you and your house and your friends and their houses.  Do not worry.  Look to the hills.  Where does your help come from?”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-617/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-615/

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