Dream 683 – The Transition of Darkness into Light

Received on Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  The days are becoming more difficult.  The battles continue and these are just the beginning.  Father, please strengthen Your people as these wars are now raging all around us.  We truly are powerless on our own to stand against the New World Order.  We therefore look to You for a Great Miracle.  You instruct me during the days and at night.

You show me our homes in Heaven.  In my dreams, we are strong and a great army under You.  During the day, I observe the evil.  Father, please strengthen Your people.  Please let our nights be times of directives and wise instruction.  During the days, use us to do Your Will and stand against this evil.  I had a dream last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “Reconciliation for the Children” begins…

I was young and we were staying on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.  I believe it was Monaco.  We were staying at a place that I am not sure we would ever be.  I have never been to Europe, Israel or Africa.  I truly have no recollection of much other than through photos or films.  There were hundreds of tourists everywhere.  I am normally not a fan of crowds.

I had a particular task.  I had to drive up a mountain on a very windy road with many switchbacks.  I laughed because I was driving a ridiculously expensive car.  This particular car was not something I would own.  I wore a white scarf over my head with sunglasses.  The roads and switchbacks were so crowded.  While it was slow, it was a very beautiful area.

The area went from fancy resort buildings with white stucco to almost like a dark cloudy misty day in the hills of Portland OR.  The vehicle I was driving then changed.  What I now wore was also changed to fit the scene so that I blended in.  The fog increased the further up I drove.  The road became narrow and wet.

I was now one of the only vehicles on the road.  All of the home estates had now mostly disappeared, except for a few hidden estate roads for the very wealthy.  I suddenly found myself at a crossroads.  I heard the voice of the Lord…

Jesus:  “Erin, before you continue on your course, I have a task for you to the right.”

I turned right at the fork in the road.  This soon became a poorly maintained road.  However, my vehicle was sturdy and built for rugged conditions.  The Lord continued to modify all around me as it suited the task.  This included my vehicle and my clothing.  I then hit the end of the road.  I heard the Lord…

Jesus:  “Get out and travel on foot.”

Me:  “Lord, am I going into battle with no partner?”

Jesus:  “Of course not.  You will see.”

I kept going and the path soon became overgrown.  A thought came to me that parts of this would be impassible.  Just as I was about to be stopped, the Lord spoke…

Jesus:  “Erin, I will make your path clear.”

As I stepped, the plants cleared and bent so I didn’t even need to move them with my hand or brush them with my body.  It was pretty cool.  I then arrived at a building that was brick.  It looked like an old schoolhouse.  There was a belltower like a church, but I was not sure if it was still functioning.  I heard a whistle and there was Breakthrough.  I then saw angels and saints gathering.  The angels were instructing us…

Angel:  Speaking to us without words.  “You are to go into the schoolhouse.  Be warned that what you are about to see will upset you.  Do not worry though as together you will make great changes.  This is because God is in you.  We are going to battle with the prince over the region, as well as those involved.  This is our job.”

Around me were several of us who knew each other, but had not yet met in the physical.  I soon realized that they were some of our Nest friends we had never met before.  We were gathered together because we were familiar with what we were about to witness and then how to make changes according to the Lord’s instructions.

Angel:  “Now, you must allow God to work.  You must set your personal feelings aside.  You must set your anger aside.  You must delay changing the atmosphere until the proper time… God’s Timing.  You must do this despite what you will soon see.”

A very tall angel then came to speak with us.  He looked very strong and was in full armor.  He was quite the sight to behold.  He was Thor times ten!

Large Angel:  “You are not to worry as we are going to battle against the evil involved.  God’s justice is in this. Take comfort with this.  Remember that God is always with all of you.  The Lord will give you instructions as you move along His path for you.”

In an instant, the angels suddenly disappeared.  We gathered together as a group and prayed as one.  There were eight of us altogether.  The Lord’s voice then gave us exact instructions.  We were all in awe, but were elated to finally be used by God fully.  We had read about this for years, but now it was all happening.  We were relieved.

Jesus:  “Go in and change it.  Heal and comfort.  Raise those who are asleep.”

Four of us stayed in the front and four went to the back.  It was foggy and misty.  The stairs were rickety and one stair was missing.  As we approached the front, the stench was overwhelming.  One of us spoke up, but without any external words.

One of our Nest friends:  “Lord, make this smell like flowers and perfume.”

In an instant, no foul odors remained.  We all laughed quietly.  While we were not afraid of the enemy, we were concerned about what we were about to see.  We walked into the room.  We could hear children crying.  It was too dark for us to see.  We asked God for light and Jesus lit up the room.  My stomach became sick.  There were mattresses everywhere with babies and little children on them.

Camera equipment was scattered all over the room.  Dead babies, dead children and blood was everywhere.  There was no food or water.  There was electricity, but this was most likely just there for their evil filming.  Somebody was obviously live streaming these children suffering.  At first, the children were understandably afraid of us.  The eight of us then decided to pray on their horrendous situation.

Eight of us:  “Dear Lord, please completely remodel the schoolhouse.  Remove the mattresses and camera equipment.  We pray this makes the children feel better.”

Unexpectedly, the Lord spoke to all of us.  We could hear Him without external sound.

Jesus:  “You are thinking too small.  Pray bigger!”

Eight of us:  “We pray that You reverse the clock back to the beginning of whatever happened, a time prior to these horrendous acts of men against these children.”

Jesus:  “While I will give you this, how about you raise the dead, heal the sick and comfort the hungry as well.  These children need to be comforted.”

We worked quickly as the Lord instructed us.  Children were raised up.  All were healed.  We all somehow were now singers, so we sang to them to help cheer them up.  They were so excited to have those who had been killed or hurt raised and healed.  One little girl was brought back to life and her little brother began to cry out in joy, hugging her and then jumping up and down in excitement.

Children who were raised up:  Telling us and the other children.  “Jesus and the angels met us.  We went to Heaven and played with baby animals.”

All eight of us were now in tears.  We then mutually decided to bring some of Heaven down to Earth.

Eight of us:  “We pray that You will bring part of the Baby Animal Garden down here while we discover where these children are from.”

In an instant, the whole place was changed.  There was so much joy and light.  Playing on the green grass were baby chicks, bunnies, koalas, miniature elephants and puppies.  Everything was so delightful.  These cute animals then took turns coming over to hug each one of us.  We were all in tears.  None of us could believe the miracles of God here.

All of a sudden, news crews arrived to cover the story.  Shortly after, parents, grandparents and others involved in finding a place for these children, including police and other emergency workers, came over to help.  All of this was kept sheltered from the children by an invisible wall.  All they saw were the fun huggable animals.  Tears and cheering erupted from the witnesses.

Angel:  Coming up to us.  “The situation has now been taken care of.  These children will no longer remember what was done to them.”

The angels lifted the invisible wall.  The children ran out carrying baby animals to their parents.  There were no dry eyes.  The news reported all of this good news accurately. As parents ran up to their children, the Lord called us to heal several more afflictions and illnesses.  After everything was complete, the baby animals were taken back Home to Heaven.  No trace of their visit remained.

They didn’t even know they were on Earth because the Garden itself appeared here as it is in Heaven.  All of this is hard to explain, but it all makes sense.  We thought it was cute because some of the children were holding puppies and little animals from the Garden.  However, these were no longer the ‘real deal’, but stuffed animal exact replicas.  After everyone dispersed, the eight of us were once again addressed…

Angel:  “We will see you tomorrow for another project.”

We all looked at each other and prayed to the Lord together.

Eight of us:  “Lord, did we do okay today?”

Jesus:  “Yes!  Your first assignment after your holidays went very well.”

We were all so happy as we had all heard about this in my dreams from the Lord, some of us for over a decade.  We had a unique bond between us that transcended earthly friendships.  We had waited a long time to meet and we couldn’t believe we were here together just like the dreams from the Lord had outlined.  We all cried together because the experience was so moving.

Eight of us:  “Praise You for Your miracles.  We are so grateful to You.”

We all then said goodbye to each other.  We were so strengthened by this great day.  We were overjoyed.  Though we lived in different locations far apart from each other and had never actually met, we somehow all felt that we knew each other as if we were lifelong friends.  I thanked each of them for all of their support during the long period of waiting to finally get us here.

Then there was a flash of light and the Lord was now speaking directly to just me.  I was back in my car driving back down to the hotel.

Jesus:  “So, how about we go see what your husband is up to right now!”

Sub-Dream 1 over…

Father, thank You for the dream.  I woke up and the impression while I wrote was literally like an open vision.  This is a miracle to me.  In the midst of tragedy, You always show up.  You are always with us.

Me:  “Oh Lord, my stomach still turns at the sight of the devastation with those kids.  What happened there?  It was just horrible!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, you will see many such things.  Some of these children had been kidnapped from a daycare.  Others were kidnapped from a Christian school.  They were held for ransom and it became very bad.  They tortured the children and filmed it.  Now, you ask Me what happened to those involved.  Well, there were many of them.  My angel army struck each of them down.

“They are now being held until the day of judgment.  Now, there are many who would say, ‘God would never do that.’  Well, this is interesting to Me as I believe there are many instances of God’s judgment.  Still, you are not to fix your thoughts on those who are evil.  Give these to Me instead.

“Now, focus in on what your day was like.  It started as a normal day on vacation.  While it then turned dark, all of this then changed.  All of it changed because Heaven was visible on Earth.  There were no dry eyes as tears of healing were visible. Out of something very dark I will bring light in the form of miracles, signs and wonders.”

Me:  “Lord, for me and those who were with me… well, it changed us.  It made everything brand-new.  When will this be?  When?”

Jesus:  “Soon.  Sooner than you think.  What did you receive from Me?  You had a question.”

Me:  “Yes.  I believe You gave me a very clear Word of Knowledge.  It was Proverbs 16:18 – Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.  However, I focused on the first verse and wondered if it had meaning about the nations.  You showed me these groups.  They are factions of an army sent to destroy.  Almost every one of these entities has some presentation of good or love behind it to confuse the people about the true motives behind each one.  You told me there are differing ranks and files of the New World Order in these groups.  You showed me…

  • Antifa: This group is against the established order of commerce, business and government.
  • BLM: This group brings in racial division and hatred.
  • Open Border Society: The purpose of this open border invasion is to change the population.
  • Drug Legalization: The purpose of drug legalization is to destroy the youth and the middle class.
  • Pride Movement: The purpose of this movement is to destroy science, castrate men and destroy women.

“All in all, You then had me focus more on ‘Pride goes before Destruction’.  Is destruction up next?”

Jesus:  “Destruction is here.  However, they have a loftier plan.  The removal of all Christians.  They follow no laws yet accuse others of not following the Rule of Law.  This has all occurred before because it is the same evil involved.  I am aware.  Angels are aware.  God knows all things.

“Erin, nothing is hidden.  Your point on ‘Pride’ is interesting and applicable on many levels.  My Word lives and breathes.  There will be more discoveries.  The more you search for answers in My Word, the more it will be illuminated for you by Me.”

Me:  “Lord, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rising.  This is pure evil.”

Jesus:  “Again, go to My Word.  Read about the Tower of Babel.  This has happened before.”

Me:  “Artificial Intelligence?”

Jesus:  “Well, no… but similar things.  However, do not worry.  Erin, do not worry.  All will one day bow to Me.  It is coming.  I win!  Heaven wins!  Freedom reigns!  There will be a counterfeit to My Chosen.  While these will also perform miracles, it will not be in the way that you would think.”

Me:  “Will the counterfeit of the Elect be Artificial Intelligence?  Will they look like us?”

Jesus:  “The angels too.  You will hear many things as there is always a counter measurement against God.  However, they will be unsuccessful this time.  God’s Glory will fall upon the Earth.  Evil will flee.  When I then gather My people unto Me (the Rapture), there will be false reports that nothing really happened.

“They will then fool the people of the Earth for a short time.  This happens when the enemy finally comes into full power with his evil government.  They will call to remove most of the people from the Earth.  Those who remain will pay allegiance to Satan.  During this time, people will be unable to die.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, all of this is so scary!”

Jesus:  “Satan will then be after the Tribulation Saints… the Late Harvest.”

Me:  “It seems so much closer than it ever has been before.”

Jesus:  “There is great good prior to this.  However, you now understand that the ‘Mark of the Beast’ is perhaps something you hadn’t thought possible before.”

Note / Refresher:  From these dreams, we are looking for three years of the Great Harvest to occur once we are finally Transformed.  These three years will happen prior to the Rapture.  During these three years, God will visibly reign supreme through us (even though He truly needs no one to accomplish this).  Once we are Raptured, the Great Tribulation will commence.  Satan is then given great authority over the Earth once we are all removed.  This evil authority will continue until God puts a stop to it at the end of the Great Tribulation.  All of this will come at ‘The Appointed Times’!

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  It all seems fluid now.”

Jesus:  “It is fluid only for those who have to keep changing their own ideas of what comes.  However, I am unchanging.  God, the armies of Heaven and the angels all know the signs of the late hour.  However, there is Good News.  Heaven will be on display for all to see.  Great will be My Glory.  I am the God who sees.  I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if I told you.  Rejoice and pray!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-684/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-682/

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