Dream 807 – Do not confuse movement with progress

Received on Thursday, April 25, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  While the skies are beautiful, the strong winds battered our home all night.

Father, I know that I have said this before, it is on my heart to say again… How did all of this evil spread so quickly?  How could these leaders of the countries, based on what they call democracy and based in Christianity for hundreds of years, just drop You overnight?  How could these leaders allow the enemy to rise up and destroy the very nation that gave them each their platform to begin with.

Is it just money and pure greed?  Perhaps.  However, if they are in their 70s or 80s or even their 60s, should they really still be that hyper-focused on financial gains?  If these leaders arose from corruption (as many of us now believe), then how do we stay to Godly principles when many of us have become sick and poisoned by their forced vaccines?  The corruption just has to be supernatural.

Never ever could I ever imagine the USA turning on Israel as they now have.  The whole world is allowing protests where they then call for the annihilation of all Jews.  Here on our very own soil, we are allowing violent foreigners and brainwashed college students to chant out ‘Death to America’.

They are now calling for the death of this blessed land of God’s.  What this translates to is the call of death for anyone opposing Islam or ‘Democracy’, which really now means autonomy and dictatorship.  I always remember that, whatever they accuse you of, they themselves are doing, have done or plan to do.

I then looked back at my walk.  I stumbled and fumbled because I had little or no understanding.  I didn’t know You, Father.  I wanted more of what You gave me at the time.  This was my portion according to my readiness to understand.  I then pursued You.  However, I wasn’t satisfied with slow progress.  While You then gave me what I had asked for, it was not in the way I had expected.

This was truly the genius that only You could have delivered.  When I was going through my own trials here, I had read about the disciples and all they endured.  I tried to wrap myself around the troubling journey I was on.  Then instead of trying to figure out what on Your Earth You were doing, I gave up and surrendered all of it back to You.  It was a scary prospect for a person with OCD like me.

I read this recently from a Christian site my younger son sent me about being called by God.  I loved it and wanted to share it here…

“When God has called a man to a higher purpose, He always shreds him into pieces first.  Never forget it is a process with God.  Without pain, there will be no growth.  To accept the pain, embrace the pain.  Because God is there to ask you, ‘Do you really want to achieve your goals?’

“And when you start walking with God, people will stop walking with you.  Not because they don’t like you, but because you’re about to sacrifice things they’re not willing to sacrifice.  And when God takes you to deep waters, not everyone will be able to swim with you.

“However, do not confuse movement with progress.  This is because you can run in place, but not get anything done.  Take a moment and think… Are you moving forward?  Who are you taking with you?  And how are you making things better?  By God’s Given Power.”

So, Father, here I am.  I feel like I am running in place.  I feel like I am not moving forward.  In fact, I feel like I have taken a step back because I am now tired and weary.  I am suffering from Soldier Fatigue.  You tell me to keep going everyday and that You are with me.  When trying to apply this, I realized that I didn’t quite comprehend my dream from yesterday of isolating my two little dogs two hours away.  Now I do.

In this dream, I was keeping them safe and tucked away.  I had given them all they needed.  Every other day, I would come and spend hours with them before returning.  However, after two weeks and seven visits, they began to lose hope and were languishing.  They were dying.  Father, this dream feels like me and our house… or like so many of us out there in the world who You have tucked away securely.

We need You.  We need to be near You always.  While I absolutely love the hugs I get from You in these dreams, I still long for the day when You will give me a physical hug here in the natural world and in the supernatural Heaven.

When will we have life eternal and live in peace?  When will death, illness and isolation, the pain of this world, be gone?  What a glorious day this will be, Father.  In the meantime, please don’t let me languish and lose my zeal.

I had a vivid dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “My old form is used as judgment” begins…

I was at a church function / party at our old Portland OR church.  Externally, I was as I am now, appearing to still be aged and unhealed.  However, I had already been changed.  I had already been made new.  In this dream, I kept going from group to group of where I once belonged with Christians that I once called friends.

However, these old acquaintances ignored me completely.  It was as if I didn’t even exist.  When I would walk up and say hi and call them by name, they would turn their backs on me.  They would then huddle together tightly to keep me out.  I overheard cruel whispers about me even though I was standing right there.  I began to exit when one of the pastor’s wives called out my name…

1st Pastor’s Wife:  “Erin, good to see you, dear.”  She then hugged me.  “So, how are you doing these days?”

I started to tell her, but I could tell she wasn’t really hearing me.  She was just pretending to listen to what I had to say.  When she finally replied, her reply did not match the context of what I had just been explaining to her.  Instead, she gave me a shallow reply as she turned to leave.

1st Pastor’s Wife:  “Oh, that’s great, dear.  So glad you could come.”

I sat down on the floor and leaned up against the wall embracing my knees to my chest.  Then one of my dearest old friends, also a pastor’s wife, sat down next to me.

2nd Pastor’s Wife:  “Erin, how are you doing these days?”

This was the same question as the 1st Pastor’s Wife.

Me:  “I have kidney cancer.”

2nd Pastor’s Wife:  Obviously pretending to care.  “Oh, that’s sad.”

It was easy to see that she didn’t really care.  She then began to talk about herself and her ministry.  When she finally stopped speaking about herself, I got up and walked out of the room I was in.  I stepped out of the door and looked back at them.  I was then changed suddenly.  I was healed and made young again in an instant.

They were all looking at me when this happened.  Each one of them gasped loudly at the same time.  They were in complete shock that I was now healed and made young.

Person 1:  “Oh no, she was here as we had known her, but now she is ‘One of Them’!”

Person 2:  “I think we were all being judged just now!”

This created great panic in the room.  I then left through the glass doors of this massive church.  I looked back and they were all looking at me through the glass.  I was so sad and I felt sad for them.  I awoke to the sound of the wind outside.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, I felt so unwelcome at my home church.  This is the place where I was saved by You, where I was baptized and where I married my fiercest enemy.  This is where my children were all dedicated to You at that altar.  I served at this church for so many, many hours.  It was all so sad.

The last few books of the Bible just before Revelation have words of wisdom from these disciples who desired to leave us instructions.  These are so applicable to us now.  This includes Hebrews, James, Peter, John and Jude.  Each of these are nuggets of gold in these times.

Me:  “Father, please strengthen and heal us.  We love You.  You make me brave.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I know this wait has been long.  I know you are tired and weary.  Even so, you have not grown tired and weary in doing good even when it seems to you that you are running in place.  Remember that I have given you this place to run in.  If you do not see where you are going as you climb because the clouds lift at the rate of your climb, then just know this – this mountain is Mine.

“This cloud that covers you is Mine.  I am there.  It is not an easy thing for you who likes to move and go from here to there, you who likes to see progress and not stagnation.  Remember to not confuse movement with progress.  You are discouraged.  You are not feeling well.  Days come and go.  You see the world around you spinning out of control.  However, I have called you to wait on Me.  Waiting is progress and obedience to My Call.  My Voice and My Strength is in the waiting.

“Now, you have lost many friends over the years because they didn’t like where you were going and what I was and is and will be doing through you.  This is not an easy place.  The waters are deep.  While you feel abandoned at times, you are never abandoned by Me.  Stay with Me a little longer.  Hold your position in which I called you and pray.  This is progress and a wise course.

“Remember to not confuse movement with progress.  Your enemies constantly stir up things to create reactive movement from you.  Do not react.  Nothing is urgent to Me.  This is because, while the hour is late, the Clock is God’s.  The hands on the face of time are My Hands.  The face of time is Me working.  These never stop moving forward.  I am God and I always move in My time.  My Timing is always perfect, understand?

“Now, I know you have several medical issues.  You have an infection.  However, these are all small things to Me and I will heal them all.  I know that the cancer has made you anxious and the wait difficult as this is a new element to your walk that you weren’t expecting.    You are downcast and scared.  You are worrying about many things again.”

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord, so sorry.”

Jesus:  “I am here.  I chose you, Erin.  You are Mine and you are worthy.  I do not take back My promises.  Now enjoy this day I have made.  I love you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-808/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-806/

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