I have now added an evening prayer that I pray most nights. If you have not done so, here is one you can use as a template.

Dear Father in Heaven, I come before you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. How great You are and worthy of all praise honor and glory!

I plead the blood of Jesus over me, my husband, and my children and over everything you have entrusted to us, including our property and our house, and everything within them; our financial assets, our food resources, our water resources, and our electric resources.

I pray that You would place your angels around me, my husband, and my children, around our property, and our house. I pray that you would not let anything evil, spiritual or physical come near our house, or our property. I pray that your angels would protect us as we sleep and keep us secure from every form of evil.

I ask Lord that you would place me, my husband, and my children under your wings and that you would allow us to sleep in safety and without fear. I pray that you would close all portals that have been opened and are being used by the enemy to cause harm to us.

I ask Father that You would protect our dreams from evil influences, that you would protect us from dream manipulation by the enemy, and that you would give us dreams of Your making.

Please protect us Father from people who are traveling in the spirit realm and protect us from people looking to do evil in the physical realm.

I put the full armor of God on me, my husband, and my children. I put onto each one of us the garment of praise, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, and the cloak of zeal. We each carry the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith.

I pray all these things in the name of Jesus, amen.
I find that when I remember to pray like this at night, my dreams are peaceful or interesting. If there are specific things that bother you at night, locate a bible verse that deals with that thing and add it to this prayer. Praying the Bible is very successful against enemy attacks.
