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Rosh Hashanah and forward.....Transformation IMMINENT!!!
(Topic in the Date Speculation forum)
10-03-2018, 06:22 PM
Sample for once you are Transformed (first wave or other)
(Topic in the Transformation Testimonials (Status - Time is up!!) forum)
08-30-2019, 11:08 AM
Sample for those not transformed in the first wave
(Topic in the Transformation Testimonials (Status - Time is up!!) forum)
12-30-2021, 03:59 AM
Saturday, October 23, 2021 = The 17th day of the 2nd month
(Topic in the Announcements forum)
10-17-2021, 07:16 PM
See Post 33 - Dream 273 not coming until tomorrow (Tuesday)! Sorry!
(Topic in the New Dream Announcements forum)
01-16-2018, 02:03 AM
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