Dream 300 – Uriel and a seductive former ‘king’ reemerges

Received on Saturday, September 8, 2018


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for my family and friends.  Thank You for a beating heart, eyes that can see, a head with a memory bank and limbs which can function.  Your greatness is seen in everything, the good and the bad, as, without You, there would be nothing and no thing, good or bad.  Even the Atlantic Storm Names for 2018 seem to outline what You will soon be doing…

  • Alberto: Noble, bright (named on May 25th, 2018)
  • Beryl: Sea green jewel (named on July 5th, 2018)
  • Chris: Carrier of Christ, famous bearer (named on July 8th, 2018)
  • Debby: Bee (named on August 7th, 2018)
  • Ernesto: Serious business, battle to the death (named on August 15th, 2018)
  • Florence: Flower, blossom (named on September 1st, 2018, still active)
  • Gordon: Great hill, spacious (named on September 3rd, 2018)
  • Helene: Shining light, bright torch (named on September 7th, 2018, still active)
  • Isaac: He laughs (both Sarah and Abraham laughed when they were told that Sarah would become pregnant; Isaac was their son together)
  • Joyce: Lord, happiness
  • Kirk: Church, dwells at church
  • Leslie: High mountain, exalted
  • Michael: Who is like God, gift from God (an archangel)
  • Nadine: Hope
  • Oscar: Divine spear, God’s spear
  • Patty: Noble woman
  • Rafael: Heal, God (an archangel)
  • Sara: Princess (noble woman to twelve tribes of Israel)
  • Tony: Highly praise worthy
  • U: This letter was skipped
  • Valerie: Strong, valiant
  • William: Resolute protector, will

Well, the hummingbirds have now left for the south.  I am sad about this as I so enjoyed watching them and taking photos of them.  Lord, please protect them on their long, long journey.  Please have them return here again in the Spring or, better yet, bring them to wherever You will be taking us.  This morning, I woke up later than normal.  I came out of a very graphic prophetic dream.  I have not had one this clear in quite a while.

As I laid in bed, I could hear the distinct song of a bird outside, a song that I have never heard before.  I was going to leave the bed to see if I could spot it, but the pain I felt in my head and neck prompted me to remain still.  Silent tears streamed from my eyes and landed on my pillow.  I then fell into an odd ‘micro-sleep’ and was not sure if this was a dream or vision…

Sub-dream 1 “Jesus heals me from head to toe” begins…

I was as I am now, in pain and feeling sluggish and old.  I was wearing a ridiculously long white shirt that went below my knees.  I had just finished tossing bird seed to the mourning doves and realized that I was unable to straighten my back.  I went to the small bench in our yard and laid on the grass next to it.  I looked up in the sky as tears streamed down my cheeks.  I closed my eyes and began to pray a personalized version of the Lord’s Prayer…

My Father Who art in Heaven, great is Your Name and worthy of all of my praise.  Your Kingdom please come, Your Will be done on this Earth just as it is in Heaven.  Please grant us this day my daily bread and honey.  However, and most of all, please forgive my trespasses against You as I forgive all those who have trespassed against me.  Lead me not into temptation, but instead deliver me from the evil one.  For all of this is Yours and You hold the power in all things.  This is Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on Earth, On Earth, ON EARTH, as it is in Heaven.  Father, this is Your Kingdom, in Your power, in Your glory, forever and ever, Amen!

I opened my eyes and there was Jesus standing over me.  He was wearing a white robe with a red sash draped across His left shoulder.

Jesus:  “Say nothing.  I AM here.”

He kneeled next to me and touched my head with both of His hands.  I felt something like a hot flash, like light, cutting through my skull.  He then moved His hands to the base of my skull.  While I felt uncomfortable at first, He then spent time on my neck from C3 to C8.  I felt a searing cold that was then followed by warmth.  I could literally feel that He was adjusting my entire spine.

I looked up and saw Him remove something.  I then felt Him lining up my spine.  While doing this, it was if He was running His fingers across a piano’s keyboard, but it was my spine.  He was healing me.  While I began to cry, I still remained quiet and motionless.  When He then moved His hands to my heart, I felt similar sensations and could feel Him removing something.  While I could feel all of this, none of it was hurting me.

I then felt Him restore something on my side.  I closed my eyes as He then moved lower and restored my limbs, my arms, my fingers, my legs and my feet.  I somehow knew that He had now finished.  When I opened my eyes, He was already gone.  As I sat up in the grass, I could tell that I was now fully healed.

Sub-dream 1 over…

When I woke up in ‘real life’, I was still the same.  It was disappointing and I wondered when He would actually do this for me…for us.  It was so real that I could not believe that it had not happened in real life.

I decided to get out of bed and write this dream down, along with the epic dream that I had last night.  Please, Father, let me recall everything You showed me in this dream of prophecy.  Please keep things clear so that I only write that which is Your Will to be written.

Sub-dream 2 “A former ‘king’ comes back into the spotlight” begins…

I was visiting the home of one of my former bosses.  He was a nice man with a wife that was just as nice.  While not the case in reality, he had several children in this dream and all of them were older.  The home was quite large and had a large billiards room.  When I walked into this room, the man and his children were in the middle of a game of Carom.  While they were mistakenly calling the game Snooker, I did not correct them.

Regardless, the pool table was in no shape to actually be used.  For some reason, the table they were playing on was literally cut diagonally from one far corner to the other far corner.  The long side was completely open and there was nothing to prevent the balls hit there from falling onto the floor.

While it was ‘half a table’, it was also ‘half a game’.  Instead of 22 balls, there were only 11 balls being used, plus the white ball, or twelve balls in total.  While it was not even possible to have a game with this setup, those playing were all very tense and competitive.  It was such an odd sight and I could not believe that they were so ‘into it’.

Just then, I noticed a commotion in the adjoining room by several of the older family members.  After I walked around the three large supporting columns, I entered an area that had four large television screens mounted on the wall.  One of the television screens were showing a bunch of people screaming and crying.

Me:  “What happened?  Why are they screaming and crying?”

Woman:  “They are dead.  All of them are dead.  They were wiped out.  So many and so quickly.  There was no warning.”

I turned back to the televisions to see if I could find out more about what had just happened.  Each of the four screens had something different on when all them suddenly turned into static snow.  This lasted for about thirty seconds or so when all four of them switched back on simultaneously.  Even though these televisions were on four different stations, they were now all showing the same thing.

It was our former president sitting at a long table with six leaders on one side of him and six leaders on the other side of him.  It was set up just like the last supper.

Former president:  Raising his cup.  “Whoever drinks from this cup will have eternal life.”

The men sitting with him quickly drank from their cups and received supernatural powers.  While only those with discernment would notice this, their powers were actually evil and were meant to be a counterfeit to God’s miracles.  It was clear that all of this was meant to mock God.

Former president:  “I now ask all of you at home to partake in this toast.  This will mark my rightful place as the leader of a free government.  My government will respect free will and the right to live free from consequences, free to do as you choose with no condemnation.”

My former bosses’ family quickly gathered wine into a massive German Ewer and poured it into smaller steins from there.

Former boss:  “Here is a stein for you.”

Me:  Politely.  “No thank you.  I am not thirsty.”

Former president:  “I bless this wine of the people, by the people and for the people.  From this point on, I will be your savior and your god.  I now ask all of you to partake in this wine as a celebration.”

Everyone around me drank some of the wine except for me.  To my amazement, it was as if they were completely drunk, even for those who only took a tiny sip.  It was as if what they were drinking had somehow become a type of drug or spell.  I then saw the twelve leaders who were sitting at the table with the former president become even more enthralled with the former president than they already were.

Former president:  “The first order of business will be to remove the resistance.  We must remove the obstacles and walls to freedom.  We must remove the scales of justice.  We must remove and redefine the laws of morality.  There will now be but one government, one church, one body and one judge.  This will be the time of freedom from oppression.  This will be the time to remove the negative and start anew.

“Let all of the prisoners out and let those opposed take their place behind bars.  This is a new dawn and a new era.  God walks this and I have removed evil.  Evil opposes good and disguises itself as morality.  However, this is false.  It is time to separate from hate, remove the remnant of oppression and take your world back.”

I sat in shocked silence as I had just witnessed this entity claim to be God.  He was claiming all of God’s miracles as his own.  However, I then noticed something glaring that no one else around me was able to because they were too drunk.  Quite simply, this man was clearly unable to do all that God could, but just a small portion that was allowed by God for this time, the time of the end.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Oh Father, what did all of this mean?  I am concerned for the world and those who will be deceived.  This was a horrible dream about the upcoming deception and it frightened me.  If only they all knew You like we do!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up.”

Uriel was right there in front of me.

Uriel:  “Erin, the wrath of God is upon the nations.  This entity is playing half a game on half abilities.  As you noticed, there were half of the normal amount of game pieces in your dream.  When a third of the angels fell, their ability to communicate with God, their Creator, was lost.  They were now on half power.

“Since they still had memories of knowledge, they still knew how to teach and taunt.  They knew how to break rules.  Most of all, they defied God.  Knowing that they could not return to Heaven, they decided to bring Heaven to Earth.  However, they failed at this and brought only destruction instead.  This is why God confined them and separated them underground until the days of judgment.

“While the flood destroyed all physical creation on Earth, a spiritual remnant remained.  This remnant was still allowed dominion to roam.  However, this remnant was limited in scope and had restrictions. Today, these are powers, principalities, princes and rulers of darkness that resist all that is good.  God has allowed the balance of power to now be tipped towards them.  As you know by your own experience, the enemy seeks to divide and conquer.”

Me:  “I simply cannot believe all that is happening right now in the USA, but especially the ill will towards the current president.  This began before he even ran.  While I know that this man is not perfect, I find myself rooting for him because I know that it is God Who has appointed him.  All of the attacks on him are just so difficult to watch.”

Uriel:  “Yes, Erin, but it is not just the USA.  It is now worldwide.  What you are witnessing is a direct assault on God and His children.  Let us first focus on what happened in Israel, where Jerusalem is God’s city.  God had sent this ‘wild bull leader’ to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  However, look at what happened leading up to this…

“The former president who was president at the time, knowing that it was God that had sent the bull to stand against him, mocked the bull and publicly humiliated him.  Then when the bull rose and defeated the woman who was endorsed by her ‘king’, the leader at that time, he took some time to rest.  However, this appearance of him resting was merely an illusion.  He has set up a race war to divide the country.

“He has also sent in operatives like tentacles into every branch, even the bull’s own party.  He called on friends for favors and got the backing of all outlets to sway information.  He then systematically ordered each ‘hit’, taking out and defaming all those standing for the bull.  He did this so that anyone remaining that stood for the bull would now stand in silence out of fear.

“This man is angry with the bull and his reach is great.  However, he will slipup as God will not be mocked.  Later on, there will be an attack on the land and the bull will be blamed for it.  However, it was not the bull’s fault and the leader will know this.  Just know that, from God’s perspective, any attack on the bull is seen as an attack against Him.”

Uriel reached for my hand and we walked together to the overlook.  I saw large archangels positioned strategically over the entire Earth.  Michael was over them on the web.  I then heard a horn sound four times.  The angels then began to punish the land.  I saw seven archangels commanding each continent, along with even more angels under each of them.  Each of the seven archangels blew trumpets and the wars began.

Me:  “Uriel, please strengthen us.”

Uriel:  “I am not God, Erin, I am a messenger.  Fear God and give Him glory because the hour of judgment has come.  The land will be humbled and shaken.  Many will be in fear, but God has a plan in place.  He has prepared an army of His own, His remnant.

“Since the enemy has anticipated this in advance, he sends a counterfeit to each move of God to confuse the lost.  Be encouraged, Erin.  Do not worry as you will not be a slave to the king of this world.  You will be subject to God instead.  His plans, God’s plans, will not be hindered.”

Me:  “Uriel, please expose the plans of the wicked.  Please strengthen and protect us.  While I know you cannot do this, I just know that my Father, God, can and will as He can do anything and He has promised.”

Uriel:  “You have seen the determination, the assaults and the seduction of the enemy.  However, do not worry as the voice of God’s truth will prevail.  When you hear about the greatness of evil, do not believe it as God is greater and the enemy knows that his time is up.

“The enemy fights all of you and yet does not know who is who under the Throne as he is limited in his abilities and cannot be omnipresent.  Do not worry.  Even though they are now hunting down the lost tribes, God has kept this hidden.  The hour of judgment has now come.”

Me:  “I am scared.”

Uriel:  “Do not worry, Erin, as this hour is for those apart from God.  While you will witness it at first, God will then call you forward.”

Me:  “I pray that God will soon heal and strengthen us.”

Uriel:  “Do not worry.  Do not be afraid.  He will do all that He has promised.”

Uriel nodded at me and smiled.

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-301/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-299/

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