Dream 433 – Be Ready!
Received on Saturday, September 19, 2020
Dear Father,
Thank You for this day, another day alive! Thank You for all we have. Thank You for my husband, children and friends. I am exhausted today. It is unseasonably cool. There was rain last night followed by frost this morning. It will be in the low 50s today. The little animals outside have been scrambling to gather food. We have been inundated with at least 12 small red squirrels and at least 8 large grey squirrels.
There were about 15 large grey squirrels not that long ago, so something must be hunting them. We also had several chipmunks, but they have disappeared with the cool temperatures. We have been swarmed with about 20 Blue Jays and about 10 mourning doves. We once had about 20 mourning doves. Since taking photos of the 12 wild turkeys, we have not seen them since. I am hoping they weren’t someone’s supper.
UPDATE: We just saw the wild turkeys again as we were about to post the dream.
The sudden cool temperatures have brought out vivid red maples in the midst of the green trees. The trees usually gradually turn from green to yellow to orange, then a few reds, followed by a few windstorms to clear the leaves out. This year seems to have a change in God’s usual pattern. We are also in a bit of a drought. My husband has only needed to mow about five times this season, less than half of normal.
Nothing has been the same this year. 2020 is the year of the vengeance of God’s judgment, but also what I believe will soon be the Year of His favor. This favor will come upon all of those God is calling. In the meantime, I am tired, and I mean really exhausted. I have not emailed anyone or returned messages or sent texts. However, I believe You have removed this ability so that I sit quietly in Your presence.
Father, I must repent of several things this week. Because I am tired and don’t want to engage in long conversation about my personal life, I usually respond to questions with ‘all is great’ or ‘fine’. I have been telling these untruths in order to let me off the hook in having deep conversations. This is wrong and I feel it doesn’t serve You fully. I am so sorry that I am doing this!
Father, the beautiful land that I love so much has burned or is burning. The beautiful cities are being destroyed. Chicago was beautiful. Philadelphia was beautiful. San Francisco was beautiful. Portland OR was beautiful. Seattle too. Yes, even NYC…smiles. But to see it now! Wow, so shocking. There are so many other places too. What has happened?
I know the answer. You have been removed. Your Name has been desecrated. My heart grieves with these insults towards You. When I was asked to swear to tell the truth recently, it no longer said ‘so help me God’ or ‘as God is my witness’. The courts no longer view You as sovereign over all things. This grieves my heart. What has happened has happened so quickly. Oh Father, surely You are displeased!
So many things have been happening that are newsworthy. The most recent thing is Ruth Ginsburg dying yesterday. Also yesterday was a 4.5 earthquake that hit Los Angeles CA. This seems to have tied in with Rosh Hashana, which started yesterday at evening time. The shofar blew around 100 times to mark this feast that is also called the Feast of Trumpets. In the oceans, there are many storms and hurricanes looming.
Quite simply…the time is NOW to repent! The shofar is sounding to wake God’s people out of their spiritual slumber. This is meant to cause us to search our hearts. Father, I am in rough shape. I repent of the things which I have done against others, but especially against You. When I am in pain and sad, I snap at those around me. I become a curmudgeon. All I want is relief from my current condition.
I am so sorry! I repent for acting in a way contrary to what I know as truth. I sin against You, Father, when I modify truth for the sake of the convenience of keeping conversations short. We should be turning away from behavior contrary to that of a child of God and the Royal Princess in gold of Ophir to our Groom, Jesus, especially now. Despite this, Father, I just need You to know that You are absolutely everything to me and always will be!
Father, it is time for us that so desperately want to serve You in a greater capacity to take up what I like to call the R2B2 method. A great way I remember how we are to confess our sins is to use the acronym ‘R2B2’! Yes, this sounds like the Star Wars character of R2D2 on purpose as it is a handy way to remember this. R2B2 equals R, R, B and B as follows:
- R: Repent of sin
- R: Renounce the evil spirits
- B: Break any ties with evil entity(s)
- B: Bless
Once I followed this ‘R2B2’ process, I found that I could then walk in even greater freedom and authority in the Name of Jesus.
R as in Repent of Sin
Jesus spoke strongly about the requirement for repentance of our sins in the following Scriptures, though there are many more in the Bible:
Matthew 3:8; Matthew 4:17; Matthew 21:23; Mark 1:4; Acts 2:38; Acts 3:19; Romans 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 2:5 and Revelation 3:3
R as in Renounce the Evil Spirits
Refer to Ephesians 6:10-18 and 1 Peter 5:8-9
B as in Break Any Ties with Evil Entity(s)
One of the ways I break any ties with any evil entities is through the mostly lost ‘art of clapping’. A common misconception is that clapping is only used in praise and worship. However, clapping is also symbolically used in Jewish culture to smite against evil as derived from the Hebrew word, ‘Saphog’. In turn, this Hebrew word has in its root the strong disapproval of wicked men.
The following Scriptures support the breaking of our ties with the enemy by the use of clapping:
Job 27:23; Nahum 3:19; Ezekiel 25:6 and Lamentations 2:15
Therefore, remember when clapping that this is to mean the strong disapproval of ‘wicked men and spirits’.
B as in Bless
Blessing should always be done with everyone that is the Lord’s. Indeed, you should even bless those who curse you. If you do not feel you want to bless those who curse you, then we certainly have something in common. However, to walk in the full authority of Christ Jesus, this is a necessity.
We need to do this in order to clean up our house so that we can be a more effective warrior in the battle that rages all around us. This essentially removes you as ‘playing god’ and allows God to deal with all of this in His perfect Will and timing.
Jesus: “Erin, come up.”
Jesus was sitting on the (currently non-existent) large rock in our yard. He stood up with open arms to receive me. I ran to Him. He hugged me with my cheek against His chest. I was crying. He kissed the top of my head. He then moved me back so that He could look into my eyes.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here. It is you who is avoiding Me, not Me avoiding you.” He smiled. “And, no, I am not angry.” He gently laughed.
Me: “Lord, I am really anxious. I am scared. In my dream last night, I was being hunted down.”
Jesus: “I know. The landscape has changed. Hearts have turned from God. I am even more hated than before. However, it will get better. While I will still be hated more, I will also be loved even more. You are the same and so are all of those I have called for My purpose. Things which were once hidden are now being exposed. The Great Separation…the Great Divide…is occurring between that which is Mine and My people and that which is the enemy’s.
“The time of lawlessness has descended as if a dark cloud has come. This has come right as people were still hiding in fear of a plague that they cannot see. The false testimonies and lies are spreading in the millions. However, so too are the fires burning the lands in the millions (of acres).
“The harvest of grapes has been hindered by the hand of God, yet very, very few see any of this as being by the hand of God. My enemy would never admit that I have more power than him. Even as storms after storms have come, they still do not recognize that God’s power is over the waters of the sea.
“They do not recognize that God harnesses the wind for His purposes. The narrative is instead that ‘Mother Earth’ is the one who is angry. Do they cry out for help from ‘Mother Earth’ when the flames come closer and winds pick up or do they cry out for help from the Living God, the One Who has the power to save?”
Me: “The answer is clear. Very few recognize You anymore.”
Jesus: “Yes, Erin, but the enemy knows. Is it he who causes the ground to shake? Is it he who sends dust across the ocean? Is it he who sends smoke waves across the nations? No. Instead, he is the father of lies, the one who harnesses the airwaves and the news that travels fast. He sends out lies of his great powers, along with false news of My obliviousness and uncaring nature as God over all. He lies that I do not care and that I do not even exist.
“Well, Erin, these lies are about to come crashing down. All will soon know that it is I Who sent you. They will then see wave after wave of the Holy Spirit manifested in those I have prepared for this time. You will be restorers of truth and the builders of walls. Hearts will turn back to Me. Fathers will turn back to their children and children back to their parents.
“Cities and homes, but also entire nations, will all be restored. This is all meant for a period of history designated by My Father to show the fruits of the Spirit manifested on Earth. Erin, Heaven will be visible on Earth. The enemy and his army will then turn and run. The enemy and his army will then hide until the Great Harvest is complete.”
“Rejoice, Erin…” He smiled and nudged me gently. “…for I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if you were told.” He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. He then brought me out again so that He could smile and look into my eyes. “Be Ready!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-432/
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