Dream 521 – This marks a beginning with no end

Received on Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for everything.  Thank You for the great blessing of You.  I am so thankful for You, Father.  Tomorrow is the 9th year anniversary of the start of these dreams on Sunday, September 30, 2012.  On Saturday, September 29, 2012, I was losing all hope that You loved me.  It was a painful day.  I had very little hope.  My friends had abandoned me and the creditors were at my door.

I was also saddled with a medical bill by my ex for an injury my daughter sustained on their property.  When adding up all of the medical bills for me plus this one plus all of the legal fees that put me into this position in the first place, I declared bankruptcy in October 2012.  This was my second bankruptcy in six years.  It took 4 long years of repayment to the US bankruptcy court of $500 per month to remove this burden.

This was a very difficult payment to make as I still had all of my regular bills and really not that great a salary.  The bankruptcy essentially meant any hopes of purchasing a home in the future would have to be a miracle of God.  Even though the medical bills and legal bills were all necessary expenditures, the banks viewed this as a character issue.  I have not owned a credit card ever since.

I am now ‘off-grid’… or am I?  I do not know.  It feels better this way though.  My stomach was always sick.  Owing people money causes sleepless nights and great worry.  Thank You, Father, for delivering me from these evil collection agencies.  Some people were friendly, but others were threatening and yelling.  If we now go back a few months from this bankruptcy, you have my plea to God for help.

I had declared an ultimatum to You in mid-2012, not long before the dreams began, that I would soon be finished chasing You.  I said I would still love You, but I just would not believe that You cared at all about me.  I just felt that perhaps my sins were so horrible somewhere that I was irredeemable.  Needless to say, these were dark days in my history.  This was one of many dark days during the lead up to the start of the dreams.

I woke up this morning so exhausted and heavy.  I had trouble walking up the stairs.  My sleep was very deep.  Upon waking, I was confused as to where I was for a moment.  I was very tired yesterday afternoon and last night as well.  I took a nap yesterday that lasted from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.  A phone call woke me up.  This is not like me to take a nap.

I drove Chance to his work training program this morning.  In the sky over us was a dark grey cross shaped cloud below a larger white cloud.  While I wanted to take a photo, the shape changed and I was unable.  About five minutes after this, a dark Hebrew letter ‘Chet’ formed, also below a larger white cloud.

Both of these shapes were too perfectly shaped not to be supernatural.  Chet basically means bridge, a joining of two sides.  It is the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  Eight means ‘new beginnings’ in Scripture.  I had a really great dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “A Female Angel Publisher Arrives” begins…

An angel suddenly appeared very close to me.  I was surprised at first as this angel was female.  An encounter with a female angel is extremely rare for me.  While I had an encounter with a female angel in my shop back in 1996 in front of witnesses, I have not experienced this since (at least from what I can recall).  While I am not sure, this female angel looked quite similar to the female angel that I had met back in 1996.

This angel was so beautiful, but in a way nearly impossible to describe.  She clearly was not of this world.  This beautiful angel approached me and took a manuscript from my hands.  I had only been slightly aware that I had been holding this manuscript.  The manuscript was very thick.  As soon as she took the manuscript, it immediately glowed.  She then addressed me in a beautiful voice…

Beautiful angel:  “With the Lord’s assistance, I will publish this.  God has commanded me to do all of this quickly.  I will also take your (older) son’s manuscript.  This too will be published as God instructs.”

She smiled an incredible smile and then she was gone.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Note:  As further background to this sub-dream, my older son is currently busy writing a screenplay for a hopefully future television show that is loosely based on these dreams.  This would be a very unique way to reach the younger people that these dreams probably would have a harder time reaching.  Hmm, all according to God’s Will…

Me:  “Oh Lord, what was this?  Was this beautiful angel from You?”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “I am here with you, Erin.  There is still much that you do not know about the Kingdom of God, both in Heaven and on Earth.  As you prayed this morning, you started singing to me about revival.  You sang, ‘You can light it up, You can light it up, You’re the God of Miracles!’  Yes, Erin, I am the God of Miracles.  I am the God who sees.  I am the God who releases the prisoners and breaks the chains.

“I am the God who heals.  I am the God who carries those who cannot walk.  I am the God who speaks for those who cannot.  I am the God who pays the debt.  However, not just this… I also own the debtors and all that you see.  I am the God who lights up the darkness.  Erin, I am the same God who has been with you.  I have had mercy on you.”

Me:  Crying.  “Thank You, Lord.  I now hear You.  You go before me.  I will do as You direct me.  I love You.  Thank You for these 9 years of dreams.  These miracles are such an incredible gift.  I am grateful.”

Jesus:  “Erin, this does not mark an ending.  This marks a beginning with no end.  Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-522/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-520/

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