Dream 548 – Your Savior has come bearing Gifts

Received on Friday, December 24, 2021


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all You have done for us.  I miss having my daughter here for Christmas.  However, I know that it is safer for her to remain where she is than to travel.  While I miss her, I thank You, Father, that she is safe and well cared for.  Please forgive me for thinking worried thoughts when in times of fear.  I have learned to keep my words few when these thoughts come, giving them to You instead.

Your Voice in Me:  “Erin, your time has not yet come.  Stay silent.  Keep your tongue bridled.  Say nothing.  Observe everything.  Watch the wicked in their schemes.  Take notes.  Your time will soon come.  Be patient.”

This knowledge You have given me is a gift to be treasured.  Wisdom is a beautiful faceted jewel.  Please let me wear it as You call me to.  Never let me squander even one gift You have given me.  All of the gifts You grant me have come because of my times in the furnace of affliction.  I have not done anything great to earn these gifts.  My only true accomplishment is allowing less of me in order to allow more of You.

My pride was abased, leaving me in the ‘abase-ment’.  This is the lowest part of me and my least favorite part of a home.  Oh Father, please keep my worst parts in the basement.  Keep it there, Father.  I never want to miss the wonderful gift of Your Voice in me.  I love You!

Father, for the last couple of weeks, You have been reconciling me in the good parts of my upbringing.  I had some small special endearing moments when I was a child.  I cherish the rare kindness of strangers back in a time where there seemed to be very little charity.  Why?  I think it was because of so many memories surrounding the Great Depression of the 1930s.

This Depression, and the World War right after it, seemed to make people stoic and cold.  My grandparents were a good example of this.  On my mom’s side (my mom was adopted), my grandfather was a superintendent of schools in Illinois.  He was 6’5” and he looked intimidating.  Every now and then though, he would crack a smile.  However, his childhood was filled with great loss and poverty.

My grandfather was proud and he worked really hard through very difficult times.  He told me that he washed dishes in Chicago for 10 cents a day and would then hitch rides to get home.  He had experienced many troubles on his journey and it made him very thick skinned.  He was also frugal to the point of being ridiculous.  Why?  Because he had worked so hard to earn so little.

As for my grandmother, she would work her fingers to the bones.  She was constantly cooking and cleaning.  She taught me everything about personal hygiene, manners and cooking.  She rarely smiled and looked so worn.  She didn’t look happy even in old photos.  She had a very hard life.  When I look back, I don’t recall even one display of affection from my grandmother to my grandfather or vice versa.

In this atmosphere, my mom was raised to also be frugal.  They also expected a lot from her in all aspects of life.  My mom then rebelled against them.  She grew in selfishness because she was raised to fight for self-ambitions.  This made me realize that not all we come out to be is decided as a matter of DNA.  There is a process.  Growing up is a process.  God’s refinement is a process.

Well, flash forward to the 1960s and my mom now being in her 20s.  If she was wanting the opposite for her life than her upbringing, this was her time to shine.  Unfortunately, having two children really didn’t fit in that well with her goals.  She didn’t adjust to having children.  Instead, we were forced into her journey.  Our only job was to now self-navigate.  We had to navigate on what little we were taught by our parents.

To make matters worse, money was scarce.  Provision was not there.  My dad had a gambling debt.  He fled, leaving us with his debts.  Before leaving, he took anything of value.  My mom was now a single mom in the 1960s.  She was young and proceeded to make a series of bad choices.  I heard things that no four-year-old should hear.  Anything that became familiar to me would soon vanish.  I got used to it.

Being raised in the 1960s was not easy on any person that was a child at this time.  This decade was one of rebellion and children were simply left to fend for themselves.  Father, it is truly a miracle that I am with You today.  I am so thankful for You.  I love You so much.  You are my Greatest Treasure!

When looking back, I now realize that I was looking for a Savior from when I was very little.  I wanted someone to choose me.  I wanted someone to rescue me.  A broken nose at age 7 removed my ability to ever be a Disney princess or the homecoming queen.  I was the most unlikely to be picked for anything.  Still, I believed that it was all for a reason.  Why?

I felt this way because I couldn’t believe that my life story, with all the trials and tribulations, wouldn’t be of some value or use.  Otherwise, it would make no sense.  I soon started to put things in a journal / diary.  Not surprisingly, they would soon disappear.  I realize now that the adults in my life didn’t want their mistakes documented.  As for me being transparent to my children, I am an open book.

Without God, how would any of us know if any of this would ever matter?  After years of being a victim of gaslighting, I have sought truth.  I have been on many fact-finding missions.  While this makes you unpopular with family, it allows an open door for healing for the searcher.  Thank You, Father, for all of these amazing people that You have brought into our lives.

Some of these people were family, others were friends.  Some were with us for a lifetime, others for only a season.  Some came quickly and were gone just as fast, but their effects can last forever.  We tend to not truly appreciate someone’s presence until they are no longer around.  We then search for their memories in our hearts.

Father, You granted me this story.  My story is now really all Yours.  Please make something great for Your Glory from my path.  I have searched for You for my whole life.  I gathered evidence to see Your hands at work in my life.  You have then said to me ‘Erin, you are Mine.  I have always been with you!’

Me:  “Lord, I have the evidence that You have always been here.  You shaped me.  You are the Potter, the Good Potter.  I pray You continue to use me, as, without You, I am nothing.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I have formed you in your mother’s womb.  I have kept you and preserved you for such a time as this.  All My promises are true.  I will not abandon you to the grave.  As sure as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, I will do all of what I have spoken.  Erin, all that I have spoken shall surely come to pass.

“You then ask Me ‘what does appointed time mean?’ and ‘what is due season?’  Well, Erin, these are very good questions.  Appointed time means that this is the period given to a block of events as ordained by God.  You have seen God’s Clock and Calendar.  It is not a simple sundial.  It is complex.  The appointed time is declared and framed by God from the very beginning.

“As these appointed times are ordained by God from the very beginning, this means they are not a time appointed by man, but only by God, understand?  Man is not the determiner of God’s time.  God and God alone is the Keeper of the times and seasons.  While man tries to manipulate God’s appointed times by using confusion, this still does not mean that man controls it.  They do not.

“You then hear Me use the term ‘in Due Season’ and you become disappointed, especially now that winter has come.  Well, you have no need to be disappointed as God does things differently than expected.  Instead of viewing things in terms of ‘Growing Seasons’, look instead to ‘the Season of the Spirit of God’.”

Me:  “Then this is a good season where an act of God is due.”

Jesus:  “The Good News is that you are now in Due Season.  However, when you look closer at the term you just used… the term ‘good’… I say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to this.  ‘No’ in that it is cold and dark, exactly as it is written as it should be during these times.  ‘Yes’ in that you now feel in your Spirit that a Great Move of God is coming.  You can sense this.  This is a time of Great Preparation.  Since the Great Separation has now finished, then I say ‘yes’ to this being the ‘Due Season’.

“Erin, your life’s journey and troubles are not void.  You did not suffer trials of many kinds for no purpose under Heaven.  Instead, your journey has been preparing you for what is coming.  This will be a time and times like no other.  It was foretold that a virgin would conceive a child via the Holy Spirit and that this child would be the Messiah, God with us.  This would be God walking with us.

“However, the times you are currently in will be different.  Instead of God with us, it will be God in us.  The Holy Spirit will no longer be a messenger to you as in a communication source.  This will instead be My Voice in you.  The moment you ask a question, I will answer.  This is because we will be as one.  While this has already occurred for you, this will soon occur for the others I have called for this time.”

Me:  “While I do not fully understand all of this, I am just so excited to be used of You, Lord.  You are my Best Friend.  I love You with all of my heart.”

Jesus:  “Good then.  We are as one.  Now, you have been trying to navigate history.  It is difficult to do this when the records are few.  Instead, trust Me with all of this as I am the Keeper of Records.  Evidence is now being unearthed daily in My history in support of My Word.  Still, there are very few who gather together all of the pieces.  As such, I will remain a mystery until I am not.  Do not worry, Erin, as I have a Great Plan.  Now, the enemy is demanding many things right now…

  • The closing of My churches.
  • The silencing of My choirs.
  • The covering of the noses and mouths of My people.
  • The declaring that fresh air is poison and that poison is fresh air.
  • The sending of fear of illnesses in the desire to destroy families, cause division and shatter hopes.
  • The coercion that many will now say ‘I wish it were evening’ in the morning and ‘I wish it were morning’ in the evening.
  • The causing of dread in your hearts, the enemy taking great delight when a confident man then trembles in fear.
  • The creating of a ‘liquid savior’ (the vaccine) to ‘keep you safe’.

“The enemy forever calls out for more and more.  The enemy demands more and more of you to wear you down from within.  However, you are to remember that no power of hell nor scheme of man can ever take you away from Me.”

Me:  “So, the enemy can never pluck me from Your hands?”

Jesus:  “No, never.  Now, stand back and watch them make mistakes.  They will make mistakes in desperation as they start to see and understand the term God would use of being ‘In Due Season’.  They will then tremble and declare that the great time of death and darkness has arrived.  Doom and gloom will become their ‘message of hope’.  Their mantle will be of fear.

“As for those who turn to Me, My mantle is of hope.  My Spirit is in you.  We are at the appointed moment in time.  Yes, Erin, we are in ‘This Due Season’.  I will raise up an army unlike any that the world has ever seen.  My glory shall be upon you fully.  You will perform awesome deeds.  There will be no weapon that will succeed against you.  No power of hell will prevail against you.

“The time is soon to come when the enemy will retreat and hide.  Erin, they will be no more until your time and times are complete.  While I have been quiet, I will now well up in My people.  To those I have instructed while they slept and given visions while they were awake, they will now know they were not ‘mad’ or ‘crazy’.  They will no longer ask ‘Lord, is that You?’  They will be in My army and will understand all of this is true.

“As for you, for this past year, I have readied your house for My Great Reveal.  This will be a revival of Global Proportions of My long-awaited Glory.  Find this of Great Measure, Erin.  A Great Gift will once again come to the world, but in a different form.  This different form will be My Bride, now more powerful than even the sons of Jacob.

“Rejoice, Erin, rejoice!  I have prepared you your entire life for what is now the Appointed Time.  You are in Due Season!  Your Savior has come bearing Gifts!  Rejoice!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-549/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-547/

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