Dream 263 – Jesus and Returning to the ‘Times of Our Youth’

Received on Friday, October 13, 2017


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day! Thank You for my family, my home, my friends and my wonderful husband.  Father, we are all looking to You, especially both today and tomorrow, in great anticipation of a Divine Miracle.  Oh Father, please do not delay.  All of our hopes are in You!

I was awakened at 3:00am last night when my oldest son knocked on our bedroom door. Turns out that one of our dogs, Zoey, was sick and both of our oldest sons were attending to her.  I stayed up with Zoey to make sure she was okay.  While doing so, I spent an hour cleaning up her vomit.

Afterwards, I was just not tired, so I decided to go the Lord in prayer. I cried and prayed to Him in my ‘Holy Spirit Prayer Language’.  After a while, I noticed that Zoey was starting to look better.  I asked the Lord to please help her and to heal her soon.  I then heard His voice…

Jesus: “I have her, Erin.  Do not worry!”

Based on His reassurance, I settled Zoey back into her bed and went back upstairs to try and sleep. I was still restless, so I decided to go to my devotional chair to pray some more.  As I sat in my chair, I suddenly remembered that I had been in the middle of a ‘personal revelation’ dream just as I had been woken up by my son’s knock on the door.

In this dream, You were telling me how the end will be like the beginning and the beginning will be like the end. You then spoke to me about the reasons You had brought me back to my beginnings.  As I sat there praying about all of this, You again started to flash several images in front of me.

I then recalled that I had even more photos of ‘significance’ and went to retrieve them. You then acted as ‘The Narrator’ and spoke to me about each of the photos I now had in front of me.  Of the photos, there were eight in particular that I was to share…

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In addition, I was now also to share a photo of my mom from when she was young and happy, the same photo that had triggered my memories in my previous dream. You may even wish to read Dream 262 again for some details on just how amazing this photo is to me…

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In the dream I had been woken out of because of Zoey, You were instructing me and showing me some more events, but this time from my first four years of life. As I sat in my chair looking at the related photos that I had just found, You started to unfold a story to me…

In my early months of birth, my family had doted over me. I was the center of their attention as I was the first grandchild on both my mom’s and my dad’s side.  I was held a lot and I could see from the pictures that I had felt secure, peaceful and loved.  As I grew with each passing month, many milestones also passed by at the same time.

There was my first smile, my first laugh, learning to crawl and then to stand. My grandmother recorded that I had stood on my own for the first time on October 12th, 1963.  I was only 8.5 months old when I stood ‘alone’ for the very first time.  As the photos revealed, a whole new world had now opened up to me from then on…

  • Standing on a tall rock in Lake Tahoe;
  • My grandfather holding my hand;
  • Examining a daisy in obvious awe at the beauty of flowers;
  • Building little homes for myself…really, tiny ‘shelters’…smiles;
  • Collecting colored corn in their husks and then harvesting the kernels;
  • Praising God with my hands lifted high up to the sky;
  • The feeling of snow in my ‘bunny-eared’ snowsuit and laughing at how delightful it felt; and
  • Holding my first puppy, Sasha, a malamute husky.

I could see from these pictures that I was amazed by God and all that He had created. While I had such joy, laughter and happiness at the beginning, the photos then started to reveal that my joy had then begun to fade.  I no longer had the same joy.  Pain was slowly starting to replace my joy.

Jesus: “Erin, come up.”

I was immediately with Jesus and He was holding my hand. He looked into my eyes and smiled with a tenderness that cannot be measured using earthly measures.  He was illuminated from the glory of God on high and shined so brightly.

I only then noticed that I was still standing in the pool and in the very same spot that I had been just a few days ago. The memories from my ‘picture movie’ then started to flood back to me and I started to weep.  He gently held me as I cried.

Me: “Oh Lord, somewhere during my childhood, I could see that I had lost You.  I could no longer find You.  I felt that You had left me.”

Jesus: “I have you, Erin, and I have always been there with You.”

Me: “Yes, I know that now, Lord, but I did not feel that way back then.  I tried to be a child again, but I was ‘forced’ to grow up.  I missed out on so much.  I chose not to speak about things.  I would watch and keep things to myself, storing it in my memory.

“I can even somehow tell from these pictures that I wanted things ‘the way they once were’. However, I was thrown into a life of darkness, secrets and ‘the world’ instead.  I went from peace and comfort to unrest and chaos.  My memories are so painful.

“Life changed for me and so quickly. It seems that the only time that I had experienced security again as a child was when I was with my grandparents.  Oh Father, I loved my grandma so much.  While it should have been my mom teaching me these things, I learned so much from my grandma…

  • Grooming, cleaning, cooking, planting and watering;
  • Riding a bicycle;
  • Sleeping in peace without noise or fighting in the background; and
  • Playing in a yard without fear.

“However, my grandma then died and my heart was broken into pieces. In fact, there were so many people that were kind to me that died, especially in a particular span of two years, that my life had completely changed by the end of my ‘Second Bridge’, by my 14th year.  I felt so abandoned!  Lord, where were You back then?”

Jesus: “Erin, you were never alone.  I looked after you.  I was there with you even though I was silent.”

Me: Crying.  “Why did You not speak to me?  I needed you!”

Jesus: “I did, Erin, but you were no longer listening for My voice as you were ‘in the world’.  Now, why did I give you this dream about the very beginning of your life?”

Me: “I have no idea.”

Jesus: “Erin, look at your life again, but now in reverse.  What do you see from your beginnings up to right now?”

Me: “Well, I went through a lot of pain and so much loss.  I really do not want to go back to this part of my life as there was so much misery and heartache.  So much of this was unavoidable for me.  Tragedies came suddenly and with very little warning.

“I somehow always knew when something terrible was coming, a storm, because I could feel it coming, but I never knew what the storm would be. There was so much uncertainty as we moved from place to place.  This continued until You finally moved me here to ‘the land of the trees’ to be with my husband and his children.

“I have never owned property in my name. My name has never been on any titles to any properties.  I now find myself separating from things that I once adored and from places that I once loved.  I am saddened by this as ‘a way of life’ that could have been can never be again, at least not here on Earth and in our lifetime.

“While I now live in peace right now where we are today, I still spend most of my time here in a lot of pain. My only relief is from my family and friends that surround me in love, but also from the beauty and wonder of the land around me.

“I feel as if I am more like ‘a child’ now than I have been since things changed when I was around five years old. However, I am old now, disabled and full of sad memories of a painful past.  Thanks to You, I really am joyful now…well, at least I try my best to be joyful…because I now know that You are with me in all that I do.

“I am now fully dependent on You, and not just sometimes, but every single day. I now stand on the ‘Solid Rock’ of Your Word and You are here to hold my hand.  You shelter me.  You instruct me.  I walk on Your path as You hold my hand.  You clothe me, feed me and make me laugh.

“You also love my husband, our children and our friends. You love our children and delight in them as well.  I suppose that, if I was to look at my life in reverse, I am once again like a child, the way I was before everything changed, only that I am now old and in such pain.”

Jesus: “Yes, Erin, but there is so much more than just this and you will understand this soon.”

Me: “Oh Lord, can You please just heal us today?  I do not understand what all of this means as it is still like an unfinished puzzle.  I simply cannot fully assemble this puzzle right now, at least not as I am today.”

Jesus: “The year you were born is important as you came at an appointed time.  Now, how long was it from the time of your birth on January 23rd, 1963 to June 7th, 1967?”

Me: “Well, it was 15 days from January 23rd to February 7th.  It was then four months from February 7th to June 7th.  It was then four years from June 7th, 1963 to June 7th, 1967.  Altogether, there is four years, four months and 15 days from January 23rd, 1963 to June 7th, 1967.”

Jesus: “Now, this is the same as the end.”

Me: “Alright, Lord, but when does this time start or has it already?  What if I look at the time from June 7th, 1967 to today, October 13th, 2017?  It is 6 days from June 7th to June 13th.  It is then four months from June 13th to October 13th.  It is then fifty years from October 13th, 1967 to October 13th, 2017.  Altogether, there is fifty years, four months and 6 days from June 7th, 1967 to October 13th, 2017.”

Jesus: Smiling.  “Hmm, I have appointed others for calculations.”

Based on how He then laughed and smiled at me, I knew that I had not ‘nailed it’. I then somehow knew that, in this particular case, He was talking about my husband…

I will take a short break here to share some calculations that my husband later did after I had shared this dream with him…

  • As calculated above, January 23rd, 1963 to June 7th, 1967 was 4 years, 4 months and 15 days
  • The year 2017 is the ‘17th year of the 2nd millennium’, similar to the ‘17th day of the 2nd month’ as shown below
  • June 7th, 2017 was the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem being fully retaken by Israel
  • June 7th, 2017 plus the ‘4 years, 4 months and 15 days’ as calculated above lands on October 22nd, 2021
  • The day after October 22nd, 2021 is October 23rd, 2021
  • October 23rd, 2021 on the Hebrew calendar is Cheshvan 17, 5782
  • Cheshvan 17 is the ‘17th day of the 2nd month’
  • The ‘17th day of the 2nd month’ is the day specifically outlined in the Book of Genesis as the day that Noah’s flood had commenced
  • While this points to the dates of October 22nd and/or 23rd, 2021, I somehow knew that the event(s) to occur on this date(s) was to remain a ‘mystery’, at least until He perhaps reveals more on this later…

Okay, back to the dream…

Jesus: Smiling.  “Now, Erin, you are not to worry as I will soon give you back all that the enemy has stolen.”

Me: “Please do this soon, Lord!  Oh please, Lord, will You please do this soon?”

Jesus: “I Am Who I say I Am and I will do as I say I will do.  Erin, all that I have promised I will do.  Even though I know that you have felt discouraged recently, do not be.  Be encouraged, Erin, as the dawn is soon to break.”

Me: I suddenly became excited.  “Oh Lord, do You mean today?  If not today, do You mean tomorrow?  Please, Lord, pretty, pretty please!”

Jesus: Laughing.  “Oh Erin, you are so loved!”

My shoulders slumped and I sighed in an exaggerated way in order to make Him smile.

Me: “Well, Lord, I can tell that You will not be giving me any more ‘clues’ today.”

I then tried my best to pretend to pout. Is it ‘pretend’ though when I really wanted this to be today!  I knew that He knew my thoughts as He then smiled and laughed.  While He then became somewhat serious again, He was still quite light-hearted.  Yes, I know that this is really hard to explain, but, then again, so is His complete perfection!

Jesus: “Erin, I have chosen you for an important purpose.  While I do everything according to My Father’s timeline, everything can be measured by Israel.  While I will come at the ‘Appointed Time’, I will also come at a time that ‘the world’ thinks not.”

Me: “Oh, so does this mean that You now know the hour in which You will come?”

Jesus: Laughing.  “No, Erin, as this is according to My Father.  However, what I do know is the time of your healing and service, the moment that I will take you out from My quiver.  Now rejoice, Erin, for your waiting is coming to a close!”

Me: “Oh Lord, please, please do not wait much longer!  My entire home, as well as the Nest, is now anxiously resting on Your promises…even as we speak.  Oh Father, please do not delay much longer!”

Jesus: “I will not delay.  Erin, now is the time for you to celebrate as you are coming into the times of your service, the ‘Times of Your Youth’.  Rejoice, Erin, as, even in the midst of turmoil in the world, these ‘Times of Your Youth’ will be filled with singing, dancing and joy.”

He looked into my eyes, smiled and nodded at me knowingly. Just as I began to ask Him yet another question…

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-264/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-262/

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